
Can We Live Here? (2002)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 57М

Директор : Sylvaine Dampierre

Краткое содержание

Olmany, Terebejov, Gorodnaïa: Three villages in the Stolyn district, Belarus, 200 kilometers from Chernobyl. In this area, the radiation rate was considered too low to justify the systematic evacuation of the population. Sixteen years after the disaster, life continues in a seemingly unchanged landscape. These farming communities face an invisible threat on a daily basis.



Sylvaine Dampierre
Sylvaine Dampierre
Sophie Reiter
Sophie Reiter
Myriam René
Myriam René
Sound Mixer
Patrick Winocour
Patrick Winocour
Juliette Guigon
Juliette Guigon
Stephan Bauer
Stephan Bauer


Military people call such places "FRONTLINE", liquidators who worked at the Chernobyl nuclear station called it "ROOF COATING". It was the most contaminated, and therefore the most dangerous, place in the zone. The remains of the roof coating of the 4th reactor. The operation on decontaminating the roof lasted more than five months. We will tell about only two days. About the most important two days in the life of an explorer - dosimetrist Valeriy Starodumov. He participated in this operation until it was over. He himself came out to the roof and led people there. He himself planted the "victory banner" at the level of 75 meters, as the signal for the zone: the roof coating has been decontaminated! Now, 25 years later, Valeriy Starodumov comes back to the zone. Now Chernobyl is a tourist object. But not for him...
Chernobyl: The Last Battle of the USSR
Three decades after the nuclear explosion, almost everything has been said about this ecological and sanitary disaster that made Pripiat a part of History. How did the greatest industrial disaster change the course of History, disrupt global geopolitics and, directly or indirectly, redistribute the balances and power relations of the twentieth century? The world will never be the same again. By retracing the incredible battle waged by the Soviet Union against radiation, this film proposes to retrace and enlighten an extraordinary story, while exploring the historical stakes in the medium and long-term…
Tchernobyl, un mensonge français
The Invisible City
A story about a city built as a paradise but turned into hell – a city slowly turning into paradise again, just in a different way. Igor has been living in the Chernobyl Zone for almost ten years, for peace and a chance to escape modern civilization. Psychological issues, both personal and global, are still troubling him, and he embodies both harmonizing peace and supernatural stress. And an existential secret – the secret of the essence of life. He is surrounded by the elderly inhabitants of Chernobyl, living in villages entirely overcome by nature. They lead their unrealistic Atlantean lives, from which even war in Ukraine seems to be happening on another planet.
Chernobyl Heart
This Academy Award-winning documentary takes a look at children born after the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear plant disaster who have been born with a deteriorated heart condition.
Všechny příští Černobyly
Voices from Chernobyl
This film does not deal with Chernobyl, but rather with the world of Chernobyl, about which we know very little. Eyewitness reports have survived: scientists, teachers, journalists, couples, children... They tell of their old daily lives, then of the catastrophe. Their voices form a long, terrible but necessary supplication which traverses borders and stimulates us to question our status quo.
Жизнь после людей
Научно-популярный фильм, в котором ученые рассуждают на тему того, что произойдет с планетой, животными и растениями, если человек исчезнет, а также о том, как долго после исчезновения человечества будут существовать созданные им памятники и артефакты. Данный фильм основан на результатах исследования территорий, внезапно покинутых людьми, а также возможных последствий прекращения ухода за зданиями и городской инфраструктурой. Гипотеза о покинутом мире иллюстрирована цифровыми изображениями, показывающими последующую участь таких архитектурных шедевров, как Эмпайр-Стейт-Билдинг, Букингемский дворец, Сирс-Тауэр, Спейс Нидл, мост Золотые ворота и Эйфелева башня.
Chernobyl: The Zone
Chernobyl and Fukushima: The Lesson
Chernobyl 1986. A nuclear reactor exploded, spewing out massive quantities of radiation into the atmosphere. Within days, the pollution had spread across Europe. Living on land contaminated with radioactivity would be a life-changing ordeal for the people of Belarus, but also for the Sami reindeer herders of central Norway. It even affected the Gaels of the distant Hebrides. Five years ago there was a meltdown at the Fukushima reactor, and thousands of Japanese people found their homes, fields and farms irradiated, just as had happened in Europe. This international documentary, filmed in Belarus, Japan, the lands of Norway's Sami reindeer herders and in the Outer Hebrides, poses the question: what lessons have we learned?
Битва за Чернобыль
Используя рассказы очевидцев событий, компьютерную графику, материалы видеоархивов и эксклюзивные снимки известного чернобыльского фотографа Игоря Костина, этот двухчасовой документальный фильм заново исследует самую страшную ядерную катастрофу в мире.
Chernobyl Reclaimed: An Animal Takeover
What would happen if the world were suddenly without people - if humans vanished off the face of the earth? How would nature react - and how swiftly? On the edge of Europe, the deserted village of Chernobyl reveals the surprising answer after an unplanned experiment. Chernobyl was abandoned by people after the worst nuclear disaster in history (April 26, 1986). A level 7 meltdown resulted in a severe release of radioactivity following a massive explosion that destroyed the reactor. More than 20 years later, Chernobyl has been taken over by a remarkable collection of wildlife and descendents of pets that were left in the city when its residents fled the nuclear fallout. Unexpectedly in the aftermath of this disaster, Chernobyl has become a sanctuary for plants, birds, and animals, including some species thought to be on the brink of extinction.
Children of Chernobyl
Mothers and doctors speak out about the grim reality of life in the five years following the Chernobyl disaster. In children, doctors witnessed a massive increase of recurrent infections, baldness, as well as leukaemia and other cancers.
Super-GAU Tschernobyl - Sarkophag fuer die Ewigkeit?
The Voice of Ljudmila
Ljudmila Ignatenko tells the story of her and her husband Vasilij, a firefighter who was one of the victims of the Chernobyl disaster in 1986.
Возвращение в Чернобыль
Фильм рассказывает историю Чернобыльской аварии посредством мозаики из уникальных личных свидетельств ее участников. Переживания тяжелого прошлого и грустные итоги настоящего воссоздают полную картину аварии 30 лет спустя.
The Russian Woodpecker
As his country is gripped by revolution and war, a Ukrainian victim of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster discovers a dark secret and must decide whether to risk his life and play his part in the revolution by revealing it.
Heavy Water: A Film for Chernobyl
On April 26th, 1986, reactor four at Chernobyl nuclear power station explodes, sending an enormous radioactive cloud over Northern Ukraine and neighbouring Belarus. The danger is kept a secret from the rest of the world and the nearby population who go about their business as usual. May Day celebrations begin, children play and the residents of Pripyat marvel at the spectacular fire raging at the reactor. After three days, an area the size of England becomes contaminated with radioactive dust, creating a 'zone' of poisoned land. Based on Mario Petrucci's award-winning book-length poem (split over two books), 'Heavy Water: a film for Chernobyl', and the shorter version 'Half Life: a Journey to Chernobyl", tells the story of the people who dealt with the disaster at ground-level: the fire-fighters, soldiers, 'liquidators', and their families.