
The 2000 Year Old Man (1975)

Жанр : мультфильм, комедия

Время выполнения : 24М

Директор : Leo Salkin

Краткое содержание

When Carl Reiner and Mel Brooks stepped onstage for the first time to perform their now-legendary skit "The 2000 Year Old Man," they turned live comedy on its head with their irreverent, cutting-edge humor. Done in animated style, catch the dynamic duo riffing on everything from Robin Hood to Saran Wrap in this crowd-pleasing performance as straight-man Reiner interviews a centuries-old Brooks, who shares his wickedly funny musings and opinions with the usual aplomb.


Mel Brooks
Mel Brooks
2000 Year Old Man (voice)
Carl Reiner
Carl Reiner
Interviewer (voice)


Leo Salkin
Leo Salkin
Mel Brooks
Mel Brooks
Carl Reiner
Carl Reiner
Leo Salkin
Leo Salkin
Mort Garson
Mort Garson
Leo Salkin
Leo Salkin
Production Design
Sam Pal
Sam Pal
Production Manager
Ted C. Bemiller
Ted C. Bemiller
Camera Operator
Marlene Robinson May
Marlene Robinson May
Production Coordinator
Frank Andrina
Frank Andrina
Bob Bachman
Bob Bachman
Brad Case
Brad Case
John Kimball
John Kimball
Bill Littlejohn
Bill Littlejohn
Leo Salkin
Leo Salkin
Character Designer
Dale Case
Dale Case
Animation Director
Lorraine Marue
Lorraine Marue
Background Designer


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