
Vaxxed II: The People's Truth (2020)

The Film They Can't Let You See

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 1Ч 32М

Директор : Brian Burrowes

Краткое содержание

An exploration into a possible link between various vaccinations and illness, injury, and death.


Andrew Wakefield
Andrew Wakefield
Marcella Piper-Terry
Marcella Piper-Terry
Brian S. Hooker
Brian S. Hooker
Suzanne Humphries
Suzanne Humphries
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Del Matthew Bigtree
Del Matthew Bigtree
Hilary Butler
Hilary Butler
Self - Author / Researcher
Jimmy Kimmel
Jimmy Kimmel
Self (archive footage)
Polly Tommey
Polly Tommey


Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Executive Producer
Brian Burrowes
Brian Burrowes
Tobias Tommey
Tobias Tommey
Polly Tommey
Polly Tommey
Executive Producer
Francesca Artemide
Francesca Artemide
Camera Operator
Andrew Dobosz
Andrew Dobosz
Camera Operator
Claire Dooley
Claire Dooley
Camera Operator
Erik Whitmyre
Erik Whitmyre
Supervising Producer
Quinto Brothers
Quinto Brothers
Steven Dupuis
Steven Dupuis
Joy Dupuis
Joy Dupuis
Joel Rohan
Joel Rohan
Isabella Tommey
Isabella Tommey
Mike Adams
Mike Adams
Dawna Shuman
Dawna Shuman
Associate Producer
Joshua Caleb Coleman
Joshua Caleb Coleman
Stephen Childe
Stephen Childe
Lyn Redwood
Lyn Redwood
Jonathan Tommey
Jonathan Tommey
Brian Burrowes
Brian Burrowes


Международная организация врачей совместно с Центром по контролю и профилактике заболеваний США пытается помешать распространению смертельного вируса.
Бегущий в лабиринте: Лекарство от смерти
Томас возглавляет отряд выживших глейдеров, чтобы выполнить последнюю и самую опасную миссию. Ради спасения своих друзей они должны проникнуть в легендарный Последний город, смертоносный лабиринт, контролируемый ПОРОКом. Каждый, кто выживет там, наконец-то получит ответы на все вопросы, которые мучили глейдеров с момента попадания в лабиринт.
Восстание зомби
Герои спасаются от зомби на острове Алькатрас — знаменитом своей тюрьмой. Но и там их достают ходячие мертвецы. У них остается единственная надежда — найти ученого, который по слухам обнаружил лекарство против чумы зомби…
Hold On - Primum Nocere
A documentary about the COVID-19 vaccines.
Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe
A documentary alleging that the CDC, the government agency charged with protecting the health of American citizens, destroyed data on their 2004 study that allegedly showed a link between the MMR vaccine and autism.
Повесть о Луи Пастере
Биографическая история о жизни французского химика и микробиолога Луи Пастере, который произвел революцию в медицине, доказав, что многие болезни вызваны микробами, что санитария имеет первостепенное значение и что по крайней мере некоторые болезни можно вылечить с помощью прививок.
The Vaccine: Conquering COVID
An in-depth look at the race to develop, manufacture and distribute a vaccine for Covid-19 - which may be the most monumental scientific achievement in modern history. Interviews with some of the main players take you inside the real-life drama as it unfolded.
Vaxxed II: The People's Truth
An exploration into a possible link between various vaccinations and illness, injury, and death.
Внутренний страх
Эксперименты в области ведения биологической войны привели к тому, что человеческая раса оказалась почти стертой с лица земли. Оставшиеся в живых прячутся под землей, а по ее поверхности бродят чудовищные мутанты. Запасы продовольствия подходят к концу, и неминуем тот день, когда кому-то надо будет выбраться наружу. Но для этого надо создать вакцину, которая поможет бороться с чумой и другими страшными болезнями.
HILLEMAN – A Perilous Quest to Save the World’s Children
A Perilous Quest to Save the World’s Children tells the inspiring story of Dr. Maurice R. Hilleman, a man with a singular, unwavering focus — to eliminate the diseases of children. From his poverty-stricken youth on the plains of Montana, he came to prevent pandemic flu, develop the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine, and invent the first-ever vaccine against human cancer.
Race for the Vaccine
As news of the coronavirus broke around the globe, a small group of scientists jumped into action to tackle one of the greatest medical challenges of our time: to create a vaccine against a virus no one had ever seen before, and to do so in record time, during a deadly, global pandemic.
The Silent Epidemic: The Untold Story of Vaccines
A factual science based review and evaluation of vaccines and their impact on our health. Experts detail how fraught the widespread use of vaccines is for our current and future generations.
Vaccine Nation
This documentary challenges the assumption that vaccines are safe. The use of heavy metals such as mercury, connections to autism and the high number of vaccines given at a very young age to children are among the arguments presented. The story chronicles the nightmare of parents who lost a child soon after a vaccination series. Government cover-ups and deceptions with corruption in the scientific community are covered in Vaccine Nation.
Blood Arrow
Phyllis Coates, TV's erstwhile Lois Lane, essays one of her largest film roles in Blood Arrow. Coates is cast as a devout Mormon girl whose mission is to transport smallpox vaccine to her friends and neighbors. Unfortunately, this requires her to journey through hostile Indian territory. Appointing themselves as the girl's unofficial protectors are Indian scout Scott Brady, trapper Don Haggerty and (reluctantly) gambler Paul Richards.
Defense Against Invasion
A doctor persuades a group of boys to be vaccinated by explaining how it will protect them against disease. Animated sequences depict the body metaphorically as a city, defended by the blood cells, which are stimulated by vaccination to amass arms and ammunition, in order to defend the city when it is invaded by germs.
Malcolm Is a Little Unwell
Charts the descent into madness of veteran foreign correspondent Malcolm Brabant after a routine yellow fever vaccine for an assignment in Africa.
День рождения Алисы
Фильм рассказывает о необыкновенных приключениях девочки Алисы и ее друга — маленького археолога Рррр в прошлом далекой чужой планеты Колеида. Алиса и Рррр проявляют мужество, смекалку и выдержку, учатся не падать духом в самых безнадежных ситуациях, и узнают что такое настоящая дружба. А в результате им удалось изменить ход истории и вернуть к жизни целую планету!
People We Come Across
What happens when a group of Finns travel to a tiny village in Benin to participate in a vaccination study? By participating, they can aid in the development of a diarrhea vaccine for children in developing countries – and, at the same time, have a different kind of vacation in West Africa. The complicated side of helping people and the clashes between two cultures rise to the forefront of Mia Halme’s delicious documentary film.
The Greater Good
The film looks behind the fear, hype and politics that polarize people into emotionally charged pro-vaccine or anti-vaccine camps with no room for middle ground. Verite stories of individuals and their families, whose lives have been forever changed by vaccine choices, interwoven with interviews from leading experts in the field, will re-frame the vaccine debate and offer, for the first time, the opportunity to have a rational, scientific and factual discussion on how to create a more effective vaccine program in America today.