
Down a Dark Stairwell (2020)

When justice isn't black and white.

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 1Ч 27М

Директор : Ursula Liang

Краткое содержание

Set in motion by a tragic police-involved shooting, two communities of color navigate fraught perceptions of injustice, inequality, and discrimination in the eyes of the law.


Ursula Liang
Ursula Liang


Ursula Liang
Ursula Liang
Ursula Liang
Ursula Liang
Ursula Liang
Ursula Liang
Rajal Pitroda
Rajal Pitroda
Michelle Chang
Michelle Chang
Michelle Chang
Michelle Chang
J.M. Harper
J.M. Harper
J.M. Harper
J.M. Harper
Chanelle Aponte Pearson
Chanelle Aponte Pearson
Consulting Producer
Monika Navarro
Monika Navarro
Consulting Producer
Shana Swanson
Shana Swanson
Supervising Producer
Sally Jo Fifer
Sally Jo Fifer
Executive Producer
Lois Vossen
Lois Vossen
Executive Producer
Samantha Knowles
Samantha Knowles
Associate Producer
Ellen Martinez
Ellen Martinez
Associate Producer
Alethea Pace
Alethea Pace
Associate Producer
Andrew Orkin
Andrew Orkin
Original Music Composer
Lyric R. Cabral
Lyric R. Cabral
Camera Operator
Vanessa Carr
Vanessa Carr
Camera Operator
Tinx Chan
Tinx Chan
Camera Operator
Jason Chau
Jason Chau
Camera Operator
Brian Chu
Brian Chu
Camera Operator
Nausheen Dadabhoy
Nausheen Dadabhoy
Camera Operator
Justin Ervin
Justin Ervin
Camera Operator
Asad Faruqi
Asad Faruqi
Camera Operator
Derek Howard
Derek Howard
Camera Operator
Rachel Lears
Rachel Lears
Camera Operator
Ursula Liang
Ursula Liang
Camera Operator
Nelson Walker III
Nelson Walker III
Camera Operator


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