
Buen Camino (2020)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 1Ч 38М

Директор : Lee Jong-eun

Краткое содержание

A visually impaired woman in her 50s and an 18-year-old girl walk the Camino de Santiago. The older woman, Jae-han, is a masseuse who can only make out the dim outlines of things. She is accompanied by a girl named Da-hee. Jae-han dreams of presenting her own style of flamenco in front of the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela after completing the pilgrimage. However, the journey, which began with a vague longing, turns out to be much more difficult than either had expected.


Park Jae-han
Park Jae-han
Kim Da-hee
Kim Da-hee


Lee Jong-eun
Lee Jong-eun
Bae Young-ho
Bae Young-ho


Nina Conti: Her Master's Voice
Internationally acclaimed ventriloquist Nina Conti takes the bereaved puppets of her mentor and erstwhile lover Ken Campbell on a pilgrimage to "Venthaven" the resting place for puppets of dead ventriloquists. She gets to know her latex and wooden travelling partners along the way, and with them deconstructs herself and her lost love in this ventriloquial docu-mockumentary requiem. Ken Campbell was a hugely respected maverick of the British theatre, an eccentric genius who would snort out forgotten artforms. Nina was his protégé in ventriloquism and has been said to have reinvented the artform. This film is truly unique in genre and style. No one has seen ventriloquism like this before.
Egypt by Three
Three tales of life on the Nile River reveal love and vengeance, religion and deception. Each atmospheric vignette offers an eye-opening take on the culture, attitudes and religion of the Middle East. First, a knife thrower's affair threatens his mistress. Then, the plague tests a band of pilgrims journeying to Mecca. Finally, two con men learn a lesson at a Coptic church.
Zu Fuss nach Santiago de Compostela
Adaminte Makan Abu
Abu, a poor perfume seller, lives with his wife. The couple strives hard to make an honest attempt to go for the Hajj pilgrimage.
Млечный Путь
Двое мужчин, полубродяги-полупаломники, возвращаются из Франции в Испанию. На пути они встречают целую галерею сомнительных и странных персонажей и оказываются вовлеченными в эротические, таинственные и сверхъестественные события.
Saint-Jacques… La Mecque
Three siblings who detest each other and hiking must complete together a pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela in order to be eligible to inherit their mother's wealth.
Религиозные связи
Осмысление режиссёром самого большого сбора на земле - Кумбха-мела.
The Great Journey
Reda, summoned to accompany his father on a pilgrimage to Mecca, complies reluctantly - as he preparing for his baccalaureat and, even more important, has a secret love relationship. The trip across Europe in a broken-down car is also the departure of his father: upon arrival in Mecca, both Reda and his father are not the characters they were at the start of the movie. Avoiding the hackneyed theme of the return to the homeland, the film uses the departure to renew a connection between two generation.
The Saltmen of Tibet
Four men from a nomadic Tibetan tribe undertake their annual, ritualistic pilgrimage to a sacred salt lake. Salt gathered in this traditional fashion will be sold to provide the economic livelihood of the tribe for the coming year. The journey, necessary for the group's survival, also incorporates a number of rituals necessary for their culture to survive in the modern world.
Американский доктор приезжает во Французские Пиренеи для того, чтобы забрать останки своего сына, погибшего в шторм в самом начале паломничества по Пути Святого Иакова (El Camino de Santiago). Движимый глубочайшей печалью и стремлением узнать получше погибшего сына, с которым у него давно уже не было взаимопонимания, он решает пройти этот Путь за сына, оставив за спиной свою благоустроенную размеренную жизнь в Калифорнии.
Малкольм Икс
Впечатляющая сага о чернокожем лидере Малкольме Иксе. Он начинал в Гарлеме как гангстер, погрязал в пороке, но попав в тюрьму, очистился от скверны под влиянием идей ислама. Очень детальный и достоверный показ всех перипетий жизни и борьбы Малкольма Икса с расизмом, коррупцией, беззаконием, предательством в стане единомышленников.
Kumbh Mela - The Greatest Show On Earth
February 2013, Allahabad, India. Over the next 55 days, nearly a hundred million people will come here, to the Great Kumbh Mela. This incredible and awe-inspiring celebration of the world's oldest religion happens every 12 years at the place where Hindus believe two sacred rivers meet. For many Hindus this is their most important pilgrimage, and it happens at one of the most holy sites in India. Hindus come to cleanse themselves in the sacred waters of the river Ganges, to pray and emerge purified and renewed. This follows British pilgrims as they embark on a once-in-a-lifetime spiritual journey. A journey that will take them into the heart of Hinduism - its philosophy, its beliefs and its traditions. A journey that will culminate in the largest ever gathering of humans in one place.
World's Biggest Festival - Kumbh Mela
Welcome to the largest human gathering ever in this one-hour special, World’s Biggest Festival: Kumbh Mela. Imagine a crowd so massive, it is visible from space. A crowd, likely 100 million strong, intent on just one thing: bathing in a sacred river to wash away sins and gain a chance at a new beginning. In the World’s Biggest Festival: Kumbh Mela, experience the dazzling spectacle of spiritual fervour and collective diversity as Hindus from across the globe converge on the Maha Kumbh Mela. Not only is it the world’s largest religious festival, but it is also believed to be the largest gathering of humans in one place, at one time on Earth.
Faith, Hope and Charity
Three episodes. Faith: a woman is attacked. Hope: a fakir is crucified. Charity: a woman faces bureaucracy.
Paths of the Soul
Eleven Tibetans prostrate themselves every few steps during a 1,200-mile pilgrimage that lasts for seven months.
I'm Off Then
Based on the book "Ich bin dann mal weg" by Hape Kerkeling where the author describes his journey on the Way of St. James, a pilgrimage route, and the people he encounters there.
Life in a Walk
Yogi Roth never wanted to say 'I wish I'd spent more time with my Dad.' After realizing he had not dealt with the emotion stemming from his father's battle with prostate cancer, Yogi invites his Dad on a walk along the Camino de Santiago that would change their lives forever.
Namaste Hello, Bye-Bye
A girl travels to India to discover dharma.
Footprints, the Path of Your Life
Жак, известный репортёр ежедневной французской газеты, получает таинственный телефонный звонок из Ватикана. В маленьком городке на юго-востоке Франции 18-летняя девушка утверждает, что видела явление Девы Марии. Слух быстро распространяется, феномен приобретает такую ​​величину, что тысячи паломников стекаются к месту предполагаемого явления. Жак, далёкий от религии, соглашается войти в комиссию по расследованию, чтобы пролить свет на эти события.