
Der Fliegende Holländer (1975)

Жанр : музыка, драма, фэнтези

Время выполнения : 0М

Директор : Václav Kašlík

Краткое содержание

This vivid film of Wagner's romatic opera succeeds in conveying what has famously been called "the wind that blows out at you whenever you open the score", including Daland's boat anchoring against the Sandwike cliffs, the red-sailed phantom ship, and the ghost crew rising from the dead. "Scenes that recall classic horror films... Brilliantly successful" (Nürnberger Nachrichten), "Captures the works' essence" (Süddeutsche Zeitung). With a superb cast; conducted by Wagner authority Wolfgang Sawallisch.


Donald McIntyre
Donald McIntyre
Catarina Ligendza
Catarina Ligendza
Bengt Rundgren
Bengt Rundgren
Hermann Winkler
Hermann Winkler
Ruth Hesse
Ruth Hesse
Harald Ek
Harald Ek


Richard Wagner
Richard Wagner
Original Music Composer
Václav Kašlík
Václav Kašlík
Wolfgang Sawallisch
Wolfgang Sawallisch
Gerd Krauss
Gerd Krauss
Set Designer
Herbert Strabel
Herbert Strabel
Set Designer
Gerd Krauss
Gerd Krauss
Costume Designer
Helga Pinnow-Stadelmann
Helga Pinnow-Stadelmann
Costume Designer


The Metropolitan Opera: L'Elisir d'Amore
Anna Netrebko as the beautiful and wealthy Adina leads the cast in Barlett Sher’s production of Donizetti’s charming comedy, first seen on Opening Night of the Met’s 2012–13 season. Matthew Polenzani is Nemorino, the poor but good-hearted country boy who wins her love—with the help of the magic “elixir” sold by the quack Dulcamara, played by Ambrogio Maestri. Mariusz Kwiecien is the swaggering Sergeant Belcore and Maurizio Benini conducts.
Любовь никогда не умирает
Спустя 10 лет, Призрак покидает Париж и отправляется в Нью-Йорк, где находит пристанище среди шумных вечеринок и паноптикумов Кони-Айленда. Здесь его музыке суждено быть услышанной, единственное, чего ему не хватает, – возлюбленной Кристины Дае. Пытаясь вернуть ее любовь, Призрак заманивает Кристину, ее мужа Рауля и их маленького сына Густава с Манхеттена в сверкающий и соблазнительный мир Кони-Айленда… Они и понятия не имеют, что ждет их впереди… Вы не сможете по-настоящему прочувствовать все великолепие музыки Эндрю Ллойда Уэббера, не посмотрев этот новый австралийский фильм, снятый на сцене легендарного мельбурнского театра Риджент.
Призрак оперы
Голос тайного ангела пел песни Кристине. Только она не знала, что ее тайный ангел — всего лишь Призрак — гений, который жил в подвале театра и наводил ужас на всех артистов, которые там работали.
Собор Парижской Богоматери
Юная девушка-цыганка по имени Эсмеральда своей красотой привлекает к себе внимание мужчин. Среди них — архидъякон Собора Парижской Богоматери Фролло, молодой красавец — капитан королевских стрелков Феб и уродливый звонарь Квазимодо, воспитанник Фролло. Эсмеральда без памяти влюбляется в самого красивого из них — Феба. Он не против воспользоваться этим, несмотря на то, что у него есть невеста — Флёр-де-Лис…
The Metropolitan Opera: Das Rheingold
In the depths of the Rhine, the three Rhinemaidens guard the Rhinegold, a treasure of immeasurable value. The Nibelung dwarf Alberich is dazzled by the sight of it. The girls explain that whoever wins the gold and forges it into a ring will gain power over the world, but must first renounce love. Frustrated by his unsuccessful attempts to catch one of the girls, Alberich curses love and steals the gold. Wotan, lord of the gods, is reproached by his wife Fricka: he has promised to give Freia, goddess of youth, to the giants Fasolt and Fafner in return for their building a fortress for the gods. When the giants demand their reward, Loge, the god of fire, suggests an alternative payment: the ring Alberich has forged from the Rhinegold, and his other treasures. The giants agree, and Wotan and Loge leave for the Nibelungs’ underground home.
Маэстро магии
В гримёрку к оперному певцу по имени Великий Пучини, перед представлением врывается бродячий фокусник Мисто с предложением номера для шоу. Певец отвечает однозначным отказом. Желая отомстить, Мисто пробирается в зал и занимает место дирижёра, предварительно выведя того из игры с помощью своей волшебной палочки.
One Night of Love
Mary Barrett is an aspiring opera singer who is taken under the wings of a famous operatic maestro, Guilio Monterverdi. After spending endless working hours together and arguing, their relationship develops into love. But, jealousy and misunderstandings prevent Mary and Guilio from acknowledging their true feelings.
Puccini: La Fanciulla del West
This excellent Deutsche Grammophon Blu-ray DVD was made during a Metropolitan Opera company performance of “La Fanciulla del West” in December 2010. The performance marked the centenary of the world premiere of the opera at the old Metropolitan Opera in 1910 with Caruso as Ramirrez or Dick Johnson, Emmy Destinn as Minnie, Pasquale Amato as Jack Rance and Arturo Toscanini as the conductor. Puccini helped in the production of the opera and was present in the audience on the night of the premiere.
Новая постановка оперы Джакомо Пуччини.
Puccini: Madama Butterfly
Cio-Cio-San, the young Japanese bride of dashing American officer Lieutenant Pinkerton, finds her romantic idyll shattered when he deserts her shortly after their marriage. She lives in hope that one day he will return. Three years later, Cio-Cio-San and her little son see Pinkerton’s ship in the harbour. She excitedly expects his visit – but Pinkerton and his American wife Kate have come only to take the boy away, to raise him in America. Cio-Cio-San bids her son farewell and then takes her own life.
Tchaikovsky: Eugene Onegin
The imperious Onegin rejects naive Tatiana's proposal of love and also incites a duel with his best friend turned rival Lenski (Piotr Beczala). This sets the scene for a dramatic story of love, loyalty and betrayal. Acclaimed theatre director Deborah Warner presents this lavish new interpretation of the timeless tale. Set in the 19th century and moving episodically from farmhouse to ballroom, the production culminates in an unforgettable finale set during a snowstorm.
The Met assembled an ideal cast for François Girard’s acclaimed new production of Wagner’s final masterpiece: Jonas Kaufmann in the title role of the fool “made wise by compassion”, René Pape as Gurnemanz, the veteran Knight of the Grail, Katarina Dalayman as Kundry, Peter Mattei is Amfortas, the anguished ruler of the Grail’s kingdom, and Evgeny Nikitin sings the evil magician Klingsor.
The Metropolitan Opera: Il Trovatore
Verdi’s IL TROVATORE again storms the Met stage in a star-studded, anvil-wielding cast , including Sondra Radvanovsky, Dolora Zajick and Dmitri Hvorostovsky. Marcelo Álvarez sings Manrico, the troubadour of the title. The story is well-known already: The gypsy Azucena has harbored a grudge for thirty years, but she is about to have revenge at last. Meanwhile, her son Manrico is in love with Leonora, but so is his arch-enemy, the Count Di Luna. A pot-boiler, where every tune is a hit.
Notre Dame de Paris - Live Arena di Verona
Notre Dame de Paris tells the story of Quasimodo, the hunchbacked bell-ringer of the cathedral of Notre-Dame and of his impossible and tragic love for Esmeralda, a beautiful gypsy. A love condemned by injustice and hypocrisy. Quasimodo forced by his ugliness to look at the world from the top of a tower one day he falls madly in love with Esmeralda who sees dancing and singing on the square in front of the cathedral. But Esmeralda is in love with Febo, the handsome captain of the King's guards. Febo is fiancé of Fiordaliso, a young and rich bourgeois, but the exotic and sensual beauty of the gypsy does not leave indifferent the man who immediately falls in love with her. Even Frollo, the archdeacon of the cathedral, is attracted by the gypsy and spying on the moves of the two lovers in a raptus of jealousy and repressed carnal desire to get rid of the rival stabbing Febo behind.
Le comte Ory
Rossini's "Le Comte Ory" tells the story of a libidinous and cunning nobleman who disguises himself first as a hermit and then as a nun in order to gain access to the virtuous Countess Adele, whose brother is away at the Crusades. The 2011 Met production was directed by Tony Award winner Bartlett Sher, who presented the action as an opera within an opera, updating the action by a few centuries and giving the costume designer, Catherine Zuber, the opportunity to create some particularly extravagant headgear. Juan Diego Florez starred as the title role while Diana Damrau plays Countess Adele, and Joyce DiDonato was in breeches as his pageboy Isolier. Conducted with verve and finesse by Maurizio Benini, the production also features the stylish French baritone Stephane Degout as Ory's bibulous conspirator Raimbaud, charismatic Italian bass Michele Pertusi as the Count's long-suffering Tutor, and, formidable as Adele's housekeeper Ragonde, the Swedish dramatic mezzo Susanne Resmark.
В моей комнате
Пожилая женщина находится взаперти. Квартира становится подмостками для её домашних перфомансов, а окна — порталами в чужую жизнь.
The Metropolitan Opera: The Exterminating Angel
After the acclaimed Met premiere of Thomas Adès's "The Tempest" in 2012, the composer returned with another masterpiece, this time inspired by filmmaker Luis Buñuel's seminal surrealist classic "El Ángel Exterminador", during the 2017–18 season. As the opera opens, a group of elegant socialites gather for a lavish dinner party, but when it is time to leave for the night, no one is able to escape. Soon, their behavior becomes increasingly erratic and savage. The large ensemble cast tackles both the vocal and dramatic demands of Adès's opera with one riveting performance after another. Tom Cairns, who also penned the work's libretto, directs an engrossing and inventive production, using a towering wooden archway to trap the characters onstage. And Adès himself takes the podium to conduct the frenzied score, which features a host of unconventional instruments, including the eerie electronic ondes Martenot.
The Metropolitan Opera - Puccini: Madama Butterfly
Anthony Minghella’s beautiful, atmospheric production enhances Puccini’s drama of unfortunate, doomed love. Soprano Kristine Opolais brings all of her passionate commitment to her portrayal of Cio-Cio-San, the teenage geisha who gives up everything for Lt. Pinkerton. Roberto Alagna is the American naval officer who does not understand the depth of Cio-Cio-San’s love, and whose subsequent marriage to an American woman precipitates Butterfly’s suicide. Maria Zifchak is Suzuki, Cio-Cio-San’s faithful servant, and Dwayne Croft plays the American consul Sharpless, who tries to avert the tragedy. Karel Mark Chichon conducts.
Призрак оперы
В будапештском театре оперетты Сендор Колвин ставит знаменитого «Фауста», главную женскую партию в котором должна исполнишь его жена Елена. Но у Елены есть ненавистники, и первое же выступление было освистано купленной публикой, а продажный критик написал в газете разгромную статью. Не выдержав позора, Елена кончает жизнь самоубийством. Обезумевший Колвин начинает мстить всем, кто повинен в смерти жены. Пытаясь расправишься с продажным критиком, Сендор едва сам не погибает в пожаре. Теперь свое обезображенное лицо он прячет под маской. Тайно поселившись в оперном театре, он становится его призраком, его страшным проклятьем…
Jonas Kaufmann and Anna Caterina Antonacci bring rare erotic intensity to the drama of Don José and Carmen in this darkly passionate reading of one of the most popular operas. Kaufmann uses his burnished tenor and smouldering good looks to portray the man undone by Carmen's love. As the object of his desire, Antonacci gives a physical and compelling performance.