Oswaldo Montenegro - 3x4

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Oswaldo Montenegro
Oswaldo Montenegro



Попугай-зануда оставляет свою уютную сытую жизнь в клетке и из Миннесоты отправляется в Рио-де-Жанейро, город грез всех и каждого. Неминуемые встречи, препятствия, опасности и любовь к последней представительнице его рода заставляют нашего героя по-другому посмотреть на мир и из скучного домоседа превратиться в милого симпатягу, узнавшего цену дружбе и смелости.
Rita Lee - Biograffiti: Ovelha Negra
Brazilian singer Rita Lee narrates moments about her life, from her childhood to the meeting with Roberto de Carvalho. The documentary is permeated with excerpts from the singer's concerts, with songs sung entirely.
Gal Costa: Recanto Ao Vivo
Rita Lee - Biograffiti: Baila Comigo
Rita Lee - Biograffiti: Cor de Rosa Choque
2 сына Франциско
История Франсиско, очень простого и бедного человека, который мечтал увидеть, как его дети станут звездами кантри-музыки, и который приложил все усилия, чтобы это произошло.
Черный Орфей
В Рио наступило время ежегодного карнавала. В это время можно без всяких ограничений и самоконтроля предаваться веселью, музыке и танцам. Орфей работает кондуктором трамвая, играет на гитаре. Орфей помолвлен с Мирой. Мира весьма экзотическая женщина, она каждый день живёт так, как на карнавале. Но Орфео должен любить Эвридику — девушку, только что приехавшую в Рио навестить свою кузину Серафину. Она была вынуждена уехать из родного городка, скрываясь от преследований таинственного незнакомца, но он приехал вслед за ней.
We're So Young
The life of Renato Russo, from his first involvement with music, to his years in the punk rock band Aborto Alétrico, to the formation of Legião Urbana, in the Brasília rock scene of 1970s and 1980s.
Where Are You, João Gilberto?
Where are you, João Gilberto? sets out in the footsteps of German writer Marc Fischer who obsessively searched for the legendary founding father of Bossa Nova and last great musical legend of our time, Brazilian musician João Gilberto, who has not been seen in public for decades. Fischer described his journey in a book, Hobalala, but committed suicide one week before it was published. By taking up Marc Fischer's quest, following his steps one by one, thanks to all the clues he left us, we pursue João Gilberto to understand the history, the very soul and essence of Bossa Nova. But who can tell whether we will meet him or not?
Priscilla is 16 and if you think a normal girl too, especially when repairs to your friends. When her mother goes to work and she stays alone at home, he decides he'll get in your square attitude and will fund that idea. Among the many changes it wants to promote in your life, virginity seems to be a priority, but it will be the right time is now? Although it decided to invest in more chicken from the class to live their first sexual experience, a group work at school and a trip with friends, can forever change your expectations because she discovers that not everything is exactly as said and the truth can be quite different from reality.
Raul - O Início, o Fim e o Meio
As the world boiled in the rush of Easy Rider bikes, in the frenetic pace of Elvis Presley, in Beatniks poets, in the explosion of counterculture, a boy from Bahia gave birth to Rock in Brazil. A runaway flying saucer that abducted the hearts and minds of thousands of fans, Raul Seixas, a man who became a myth. Raul died young because he lived intensely. Rock n 'roll, free love, alternative society, drugs, black magic, military dictatorship, women and daughters. A man who wanted to live from his work and died for it. The beginning, the end and the middle are confused, because the story is not over. The film reveals through rare images of archive, meeting with relatives, conversations with artists, producers and friends, the trajectory of the legend of Rock.
Maria Bethânia e Zeca Pagodinho - De Santo Amaro a Xerém
Девушка из Рио
Что должен сделать безумно увлеченный бразильской самбой скромный банковский служащий из Лондона, если он узнает, что его собственная жена спит с его боссом? Конечно же, ограбить банк и отправиться в город своей мечты — Рио-де-Жанейро. А уж там лихой таксист Пауло, экзотическая танцовщица Орлинда и местные гангстеры с огромным удовольствием помогут ему как можно быстрее избавиться от украденных им денег…
Black Fragments of Samba - Gilberto Gil, Serene Passion
Gilberto Gil talks with friends and share his thoughts, influences and reveal his impact on brazilian music and vision of the black people.
Chico Buarque - Caravanas Ao Vivo
Bernardo na Vida, BMO na Batalha
This is the life of Bernardo, a 13 year old boy who is born from MCs in the Federal District turns into BMO.
Noel: The Samba Poet
The biopic of Noel Rosa, one of Brazil's best poets and composers.
The Violin Teacher
Laerte, a talented violinist who after failing to be admitted into the OSESP Orchestra is forced to give music classes to teenagers in a public school at Heliopolis. His path is full of difficulties, but the transforming power of music and the friendship arising between the teacher and the students open the door into a new world.
The History of Eternity
In a small village in the hinterland, three stories of love and desire are changing the emotional landscape of its residents. Characters of a romanesque world in which their conceptions of life are limited on one side by human instincts, on the other by a blind and fatalist fate.
Ninja Busters
Two kung fu masters take on assassins in San Francisco's Chinatown.