
Banana Land: Blood, Bullets & Poison (2013)

You'll never feel good about buying bananas again.

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 1Ч 11М

Директор : Jason Glaser

Краткое содержание

Why is the price of a banana from Central America only a third of that of an apple from Michigan? This documentary attempts to answer that question by examining the supply chain between Central America and the US, and uncovering the violence that has enabled the banana industry for more than a century.


Dorothy Conway
Dorothy Conway


Jason Glaser
Jason Glaser
Jason Glaser
Jason Glaser
José Luís Ríos
José Luís Ríos
Director of Photography
Kate Simko
Kate Simko
Mike Endicott
Mike Endicott
Art Direction


12 лет рабства
Соломон Нортап был женатым и образованным мужчиной, который жил и работал в Нью-Йорке середины 19-го века, когда два человека однажды предложили ему привлекательную работу в Вашингтоне. По прибытии он был похищен, стал рабом и влачил жалкую жизнь на далёком Юге, переходя от одного хозяина к другому.
Джанго освобождённый
Джанго — раб, оказавшийся на свободе и разыскивающий свою жену-рабыню. Помогает ему немецкий наёмник доктор Кинг Шульц. Расизм и рабство раздражают его, так что он освобождает Джанго и обучает его своему ремеслу. Рабовладелец Келвин Кэнди, тот, у кого находится супруга Джанго Хильда. Стивен — лучший раб Кэнди и вместе с тем расчётливый манипулятор и его правая рука. Он уже достиг определенного уровня влияния на своего хозяина и может даже оскорблять его в лицо.
Vanishing of the Bees
This documentary takes a piercing investigative look at the economic, political and ecological implications of the worldwide disappearance of the honeybee. The film examines our current agricultural landscape and celebrates the ancient and sacred connection between man and the honeybee. The story highlights the positive changes that have resulted due to the tragic phenomenon known as "Colony Collapse Disorder." To empower the audience, the documentary provides viewers with tangible solutions they can apply to their everyday lives. Vanishing of the Bees unfolds as a dramatic tale of science and mystery, illuminating this extraordinary crisis and its greater meaning about the relationship between humankind and Mother Earth. The bees have a message - but will we listen?
Queen of the Sun
In 1923, Rudolf Steiner, an Austrian scientist, philosopher & social innovator, predicted that in 80 to 100 years honeybees would collapse. Now, beekeepers around the United States and around the world are reporting an incredible loss of honeybees, a phenomenon deemed "Colony Collapse Disorder." This "pandemic" is indicated by bees disappearing in mass numbers from their hives with no clear single explanation. The queen is there, honey is there, but the bees are gone. For the first time, in an alarming inquiry into the insights behind Steiner's prediction QUEEN OF THE SUN: What Are the Bees Telling Us? investigates the long-term causes behind the dire global bee crisis through the eyes of biodynamic beekeepers, commercial beekeepers, scientists and philosophers.
Juan “Accidentes” Dominguez is on his biggest case ever. On behalf of twelve Nicaraguan banana workers he is tackling Dole Food in a ground-breaking legal battle for their use of a banned pesticide that was known by the company to cause sterility. Can he beat the giant, or will the corporation get away with it?
Больше чем мёд
Документальный фильм о жизни пчел, об их загадочной массовой гибели в последние годы по всему миру, об опасностях, которые несет им сегодняшняя цивилизация, и о том неоценимом вкладе, который они вносят в обеспечение человечества продовольствием, участвуя в опылении сельхозкультур. Автор фильма берет интервью у ученых и описывает уникальное устройство пчелиной жизни, заглянув в самые укромные уголки улья и в неповторимый образ жизни пчел.
The Dark Side of Chocolate
A team of journalists investigate how human trafficking and child labor in the Ivory Coast fuels the worldwide chocolate industry. The crew interview both proponents and opponents of these alleged practices, and use hidden camera techniques to delve into the gritty world of cocoa plantations.
Before independence during the 1940's depicts the lives of poor carefree villagers who are lured to work in tea plantation farms and how they are forced to live rest of their lives as slaves with no traces of hope and freedom.
The Inner Life of Exterior Plants
Within a banana plantation and a botanic garden, a panel of botanic experts are challenged to discuss contemporary trends in gardening, scientific classification, and monocultural crops by an astute interviewer. The hidden politics of the experts’ positions are uncomfortably exposed and confronted with reality, as they render themselves suspicious of their own language.