
Friend's Mothers (2018)

Жанр : мелодрама

Время выполнения : 1Ч 14М

Директор : Jo Tae-ho

Краткое содержание

A lonely young man is in dire straits, but his friend's mothers don't see him as a boy, but as a man, and take extra interest in him.


Yoon Jae
Yoon Jae
Jo Wan-jin
Jo Wan-jin
Yoon Joo-I
Yoon Joo-I
Lee Hyo-won
Lee Hyo-won


Jo Tae-ho
Jo Tae-ho


Похождения молодого Дон Жуана
Шестнадцатилетний юноша приезжает на лето в загородное поместье, где очень много симпатичных и раскованных девиц и женщин разного возраста и происхождения…
Young Mother 5
Ji-suk, a wealthy mother, wants to send her son, Se-hyuk, to the medical school. While looking for a competent private education coordination, Although it succeeded in recruiting a high-ranking entrance exam coordinator,'Starring', which only a few elite students selected. After hearing the rumors,'Namjae,' the father of Euntae, a high school examinee next door, hears rumors and comes to contact the main character. Like this, the parents of Se-hyeok and Eun-tae's neighbors 'Starring', who was in a difficult situation after entering a strange competition Eventually, I would share the day of the week to go to both houses to teach Se-hyuk and Eun-tae. Although they will agree with the two families, Eun Tae, who is a senior high school student, is in medical school. Not interested and only busy with high school girlfriends Se-hyuk starts talking to a beautiful tutor, starring than the entrance exam.
Two Mothers
Two best friends. And their lust for each one's opponent mothers. Junhyeong and Daejin are best friends. One day Daejin’s mom visits Junhyeong who is heartbroken when he was disappointed in love. She suggests that she will teach him sex and make him a real man. Unlike Junhyeong, Daejin is popular guy to women. But he long since has fallen in love with Junhyeong’s mom. When Daejin hears Junhyeong’s parents seems to divorce, he decides to start expressing his affection to her.
Mother's Job
A young man falls in love with his friend's mother. Hyun-woo, who returned to the military, starts a part-time job at a bar in a difficult situation, where he meets Yoo-sun, a woman who captures the hearts of customers with her skillful ways. Then one day, Hyun-woo, who was alone with her, finds himself in a shock with his friends Min-seok and Yoo-sun. When Hyun-woo confesses the truth after a hard time, Yoo-sun asks her to keep her relationship secret. Hyun-woo, who failed to reject Min-seok's proposal to live in his own home, begins a breathtaking cohabitation with Yoo-sun.
Восхитительный полет
Невинная актриса убегает от разрушившего ее карьеру скандала с наглым кумиром, страстного менеджера, преследующего ее и его бывшей подружки сексуальной стюардессы. Что будет, если эти четверо окажутся на борту самолета, отправляющегося в Гонконг? Сбежать не сможет никто… Самый эротичный полет начинается, просьба пристегнуть ремни!
Sex School: Final Exams
We’ve come to the end of another sexy semester at Camella Swales U, and it’s time for these ladies to cram for the final exam. Join us on a candid campus tour and visit the voluptuous valedictorians, hot and horny honor students, and unabashed undergrads who make up our student body. Headmistress Jackie presents her Dean’s list, featuring only those ladies with the highest GPA (Girly Poontang Appreciation) score. And believe us, she grades on a curve. So catch all the action as these dynamos in d-cups spread more than their wings and sexplore new horizons as they go all the way down on higher education.
The Girl Next Door 2
Her husband Sejin is not interested in his wife Ahae as a woman. Ahae's husband is just heartless. In fact, Sejin is having an affair with Ara's young and beautiful younger brother Ara. After having suffered from depression due to work poisoning, he receives a message from the alumni association, and he changes his mind and attends. There, she meets Ahae, the next-door sister who had a crush on her childhood, and is still fantastic with her pretty appearance. Lonely Aha due to the innocence of her husband and Gunhoo approaching her with counseling. As if they were aware of each other's loneliness, they are attracted to each other and spend one night, returning to each other's daily lives, but after forgetting about the Ahae, the hand of the Ahae Abandonment comes to mind all night. Will they be able to go back to their daily lives?
Ковет: остров желаний
Люди, которые находятся на рыбацкой лодке в уединенной сельской местности, просыпаются с глубоким желанием денег, секса и власти. Смогут ли они безопасно сбежать с острова желания?
Female Urologists 2
Jin Hee is a female urologist who runs a urology department with few patients. One day, a new nurse, Yeon-hee, comes in and works. However, she throws her her whole body in the treatment of patients with an unusual professional spirit. This fact is quickly rumored and patients flock in. Skilled female doctor Jin Hee also starts hot treatment to save the hospital...
Aunt's Temptation 3
Tae-hun, a young and sexy aunt and a nephew of the nephew, a college student full of desires, begins and imagines her own college life alone. As he enters, he sees the owner's mature body and beauty and is happy to board. One day while she was drooling while looking at her sexy aunt Kyung-suk on her immaculate skin, while she sneaked into her aunt's room, she saw her aunt on the Internet. After that, Tae-hoon solves her desire by looking at her aunt's friend, but Tae-hoon becomes increasingly eager for her. Min-wook confesses his concerns to his friend Min-wook, and Min-wook proposes to commit his aunt with his aunt's friend. Tae-hoon, who came back home, comforted himself while looking at his aunt's friend as usual, and suddenly opened Tae-hoon's visit and entered Kyung-suk! Can Taehoon really have sex with his aunt?
Hot Hair Salon
Yoon Bong receives a breakup notice from his wife because of premature ejaculation. Yoon Bong's junior Hae-seong said that it was his special experience. Introduce them. A beauty salon that provides services with bikinis. Yun Bong finds his senses little by little there. With the efforts of Hyun-joo and Min-hee, Yun Bong cures premature ejaculation. So-yoon, his wife, is also happy to see Yoon Bong, who has returned as before.
My Friend's Nice Mother 2
High School Teacher: Maturing
A female highschool teacher must deal with sexual harrassment from her students and being trapped in a love triangle with two men, neither of whom has any interest in marrying her.
Busty Girlfriend
Mincheol and Suhee go to greet Minchul father (grandmother) before marriage. Dae - sik welcomes her daughter - in - law, Su - hee. But before marriage, Minchol and Suhee are separated by the difference in personality. Soon-hee, who was only preparing for marriage, is soon to live.
365 дней
Массимо Торичелли — молодой, красивый босс сицилийской мафиозной семьи. После убийства отца конкурентами он вынужден взять на себя его обязанности. Лаура Бель — директор по продажам в роскошном отеле. Она успешна в профессии, но в личной жизни ей не хватает страсти. Лаура делает последнюю попытку сохранить отношения. Вместе с партнёром и друзьями она летит на Сицилию, где у неё на пути встаёт Массимо — самый опасный мужчина на острове, который похитит её и даст ей 365 дней, чтобы она его полюбила.
Желая помочь своему жениху, Мима решает подзаработать в публичном доме. Наивная и рискованная затея вовлекает Миму в цепь эротических приключений, из которой не так-то легко выбраться. Но жених обманул ее и скрылся. Тогда девушка решает сделать свое временное занятие профессией всей жизни. Мима, за свой горячий нрав и необузданную чувственность прозванная Паприкой, кочует из борделя в бордель, и однажды судьба делает девушке роскошный подарок в лице эксцентричного аристократа, предложившего ей руку и сердце…
Первый фильм о жрице любви Эммануэль. Сюжет служит канвой для описания сексуальных похождений героини в Юго-Восточной Азии.Муж Эммануэль, работающий в посольстве, поощряет в ней стремление к раскрепощенности в сексе, благо весь дипломатический корпус, особенно женщины, изнывают от скуки. За её воспитание берется уже пожилой специалист. Эммануэль делает большие успехи в искусстве любви.
Почта Тинто Брасса
Режиссер Тинто Брасс пребывает в творческом кризисе — ему нужны новые идеи для очередного шедевра. Маэстро решает ознакомиться с обширной почтой, которой его заваливают поклонницы. Среди груды конвертов, видеокассет и фотографий Тинто находит восемь симпатичных историй, каждая из которых тут же превращается в короткую и весьма откровенную новеллу.
Она весела, обворожительна и… невинна. Однако внутри ее кипят жгучие и чувственные страсти, которые не находят выхода. Она помолвлена с юношей, который придерживается старомодных взглядов и считает, что невеста должна оставаться девственницей до дня свадьбы. Но красавица жаждет неистовой любви. И будучи не в силах совладать с собой, она погружается в мир острых и чувственных наслаждений…