
The World of Tomorrow (1984)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 1Ч 23М

Директор : Lance Bird, Tom Johnson

Краткое содержание

Documentary featuring original materials from the 1939 New York World's Fair. Includes film images of Jason Robards, Jr. as a child at the World's Fair and clips from the promotional film, "The Middleton Family at the New York World's Fair"


Jason Robards
Jason Robards
Self / Narrator
Adora Andrews
Adora Andrews
Grandma Middleton (archive footage)
Ruth Lee
Ruth Lee
Mom Middleton (archive footage)
Marjorie Lord
Marjorie Lord
Babs Middleton (archive footage)
Jimmy Lydon
Jimmy Lydon
Bud Middleton (archive footage)
Ray Middleton
Ray Middleton
Self - Vocalist (archive footage)
Harry Shannon
Harry Shannon
Pop Middleton (archive footage)
Douglas Stark
Douglas Stark
Jim Treadway (archive footage)


Lance Bird
Lance Bird
Tom Johnson
Tom Johnson
John Crowley
John Crowley
Lance Bird
Lance Bird
Tom Johnson
Tom Johnson
Kate Hirson
Kate Hirson


Встреть меня в Сент-Луисе
Сент-Луис. 1903 год. Алонсо Смит, преуспевающий бизнесмен, живет со своей женой Энн, дочерьми Эстер, Тути, Роуз, Агнесс, сыном Лоном, капризным дедушкой и служанкой. Дочь Роуз кокетничает с одним кавалером дома и переписывается с другим, уехавшим в колледж, а Эстер помолвлена с мальчиком, живущим в соседнем доме. Когда Алонсо получает повышение по службе и ему необходимо переезжать в Нью-Йорк, чего никто из членов семьи никак не желает, начинаются неприятности.
Париж, конец XIX века. Талантливый инженер Гюстав Эйфель мечтает строить метро, подземную железную дорогу будущего. Однако встреча с таинственной женщиной из его прошлого буквально переворачивает мир Эйфеля. Их головокружительный роман вдохновляет его на создание немыслимого архитектурного шедевра – гигантской ажурной башни, ставшей в итоге символом Парижа, романтики и любви.
Гамера против Джайгера
1970 год. Мировым сообществом решено провести всемирную выставку Экспо-70 в Японии, где будут представлены различные достижения науки и промышленности. Также там найдут место древние реликвии и артефакты. В их числе — Дьявольский свисток. Эта огромная статуя была обнаружена на острове Вестер. Однако когда статую увезли с острова, там внезапно началось извержение вулкана, и из-под земли выбрался огромный ящероподобный монстр — Джайгер. Это чудовище последовало за статуей в Японию и создало угрозу выставке, и только суперчерепаха Гамера сможет его остановить.
EXPO: Magic of the White City
Explore the world of 1893 through a cinematic visit to Chicago's Columbian Exposition. Many of the world's greatest achievements in art, architecture, science, technology and culture are unveiled there. The grounds were designed by Frederick Law Olmsted, famous for his design of New York City's Central Park, and constructed under the supervision of Daniel Burnham. The Fair was an engineering marvel. On opening day, President Grover Cleveland depressed a golden telegraph key which sent the first courses of electricity throughout the Fair powering fountains, machines, electric railways and thousands of lights. It was the first use of electricity on such a massive scale. Nearly 28 million visit the "White City," which inspires future innovators like Henry Ford, Walt Disney and Frank Lloyd Wright, and debuts the Ferris Wheel and Cracker Jack.
Чарли Чен на Острове сокровищ
Чарли Чен, вместе со своим сыном Джимми, (которого он в шутку зовёт - сын № 2) попадают в Сан-Франциско. Там они вынуждены столкнуться со злодеем Зодиаком, который под видом известного ясновидящего, выведывает у людей секреты, а потом шантажирует их. Остаётся добавить, что в 60-е годы прошлого столетия, в США появился настоящий маньяк-убийца, который стал именовать себя Зодиаком. Но в отличии от своего киношного прототипа, реального убийцу, полиции задержать так и не удалось...
Так долго на ярмарке
Викки и её брат Джонни приезжают в Париж на Всемирную выставку 1889 года. На следующий день после того, как они остановились в отеле, Джонни исчезает. Хозяева отеля и персонал настаивают, что девушка приехала одна и что комнаты 19, якобы занимаемой братом, вообще не существует…
The Story of Will Rogers
Biography of humorist and movie star Will Rogers
Propaganda: Engineering Consent
How can the masses be controlled? Apparently, the American publicist Edward L. Bernays (1891-1995), a pioneer in the field of propaganda and public relations, knew the answer to such a key question. The amazing story of the master of manipulation and the creation of the engineering of consent; a frightening true story about advertising, lies and charlatans.
The World of Tomorrow
Documentary featuring original materials from the 1939 New York World's Fair. Includes film images of Jason Robards, Jr. as a child at the World's Fair and clips from the promotional film, "The Middleton Family at the New York World's Fair"
The World's Greatest Fair
The largest world's fair in history (which took place in St. Louis in 1904) included the first Olympic Games on American soil, where competitors were openly administered drugs and marathon runners were chased off course by dogs. Other firsts include the first ferris wheel; also, Apache chief Geronimo sold visitors autographs and his hat -- which he then replaced with another from a box hidden under the table. Features never-before-seen images.
Marty Sklar, Walt, and EPCOT
A documentary short on Disney's 'Tomorrow Land' DVD.
Roughly Speaking
In the 1920s, enterprising Louise Randall is determined to succeed in a man's world. Despite numerous setbacks, she always picks herself back up and moves forward again.
Man Belongs to the Earth
Made for screening at the U.S. Pavilion at the 1974 World's Fair in Spokane Washington, USA, which had a Native-American environmental theme, MAN BELONGS TO THE EARTH depicts the history of air, water, and earth pollution, and how environmentalists are trying to solve these problems using various technologies.
Make No Little Plans: Daniel Burnham and the American City
Make No Little Plans: Daniel Burnham and the American City reveals the fascinating life and complex legacy of architect and city planner Daniel Hudson Burnham. In the midst of the late nineteenth century urban disorder, Burnham offered a powerful vision of what a civilized American city could look like, one that provided a compelling framework for Americans to make sense of the world around them. A timely, intriguing story in the American experience, Make No Little Plans explores Burnham's impact on the development of the American city as debate continues today about what urban planning means in a democratic society.
Wonder Bakers at the World's Fair
Animated segments which might have originally framed live action footage of bakers at work making Wonder Bread and Hostess cakes.
A Glimpse of the San Diego Exposition
In 1915-16, San Diego's Balboa Park was the scene of an exposition to mark completion of the Panama Canal. This film takes us through the exposition: from the Cabrillo bridge and a panoramic view of the site, to the facades of the California Building, Horticultural Building, Panama Canal Exhibit, and the reproduction of the locks at Gatuna. We see tourists on the isthmus and a crowd outside the Panama Film Company's exhibit of how movies are made. We watch the feeding of fish at the laguna, and we end at the Plaza de Panama where toddlers are surrounded by pigeons. Fatty Arbuckle makes a brief appearance outside the Panama Film exhibit. Titles give us each structure's cost.
Brussels Loops
A collection of twenty short films, averaging 2-3 minutes, by various filmmakers depicting American life, intended to be shown in a continuous loop at the American Pavilion of the 1958 Brussels World’s Fair. Some releases of the film include ten extra minutes of rough cuts.
A World on Display: The St. Louis World's Fair of 1904
Uses first-person accounts from Missourians who went to the Fair in 1904, interviews with historians, archival motion pictures, and photographs to situate the St. Louis Fair in the social, political, and cultural context of American society in 1904. Covers American civilization at the turn of the century; the representation of history; authenticity; modernity; dress and body language; oral history and childhood memories; world fairs as experiences; and receiving information through visual symbols, words, and exhibits.
Italia '61
In 1961 Turin celebrated the centenary of the Italian unity with a large exposition which lasted from May till October of that year. One of the most popular exhibits was the 28 minute documentary ITALIA ´61 IN CIRCARAMA which was produced by the Walt Disney company and sponsored by the Italian automobile manufacturer Fiat. The spectacular views of this Cinerama tour of Italy (filmed with nine cameras) impressed more than two million visitors during the entire duration of that Turin Expo.