
Manchester: The Night of the Bomb (2018)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 59М

Директор : Jamie Roberts

Краткое содержание

A powerful retelling of Britain's deadliest terrorist attack since 7/7. 2017's Manchester Arena terrorist attack, through the eyes of teenage girls who survived the attack and key members of the emergency services.



Jamie Roberts
Jamie Roberts
Chad Hobson
Chad Hobson
Vicki Matich
Vicki Matich
Andrew Mitchell
Andrew Mitchell
Online Editor
Barrie Pease
Barrie Pease
Online Editor
Dan Reed
Dan Reed
Executive Producer
Christopher Swayne
Christopher Swayne
Jamie Roberts
Jamie Roberts


Молодого полицейского из Мосула спасает группа иракских военных, и он присоединяется к ним в борьбе против Исламского государства.
An Iraqi journalist joins an army of uneasy allies and unforgettable characters in the epic battle to liberate the city of Mosul from the Islamic State.
Британская журналистка, работающая под прикрытием, внедряется в систему пропаганды «Исламского государства», которое привлекает в свои ряды все больше молодых европейских женщин. Ежедневные контакты с вербовщиками террористов затягивают ее.
After two marines make it home following an ISIS interrogation, one struggles to survive while the other fights his way back into the mixed martial arts world that he left behind years ago.
Разлучённые сёстры
Рожда, уроженка Иракского Курдистана и солдат немецкой армии, отправляется в лагерь беженцев в Греции, где ей удается встретиться со своей матерью, у которой есть плохие новости о ее сестре Дилан.
Побег из Ракки
Ракка, Сирия. 2015 год. Фостина осознает, что попала вместе со своим 5-летним сыном в ад. Два молодых активиста Габриель и Аднан решают помочь Сильвену, мужу Фостины. Они разрабатывают опасную операцию по эксфильтрации женщины с ребенком. Это правдивая история о войне и мире, о молодом поколении.
Take Off
A group of Malayali nurses stranded in Iraq, must survive their capture by the extremists and reach out to the rescue team headed by the Indian government.
A portrait of those trying to survive in the war-torn Middle East.
On Her Shoulders
Nadia Murad, a 23-year-old Yazidi, survived genocide and sexual slavery committed by ISIS. Repeating her story to politicians and media, this ordinary girl finds herself thrust onto the world stage as the voice of her people. Away from the podium, she must navigate bureaucracy, fame and people's good intentions.
Terror Studios
How the Islamic State has created a powerful propaganda factory that manipulates and twists at its convenience the subjects and icons of the Western popular culture in order to lure into darkness certain young people and recruit them to achieve a dreadful purpose, an industry of fear that overcomes the infamous Nazi machinery and the methods used by both sides during the Cold War.
Повелительница небес
Две истории, разделенные 1400 годами. Потеряв мать в раздираемой войной стране, иракский ребенок познает важность и силу терпения, открывая для себя историческую историю леди Фатимы и ее страданий.
When a British-born actor abandons his Hollywood career to volunteer to Join the Kurdish YPG to fight ISIS in Syria, many see him as a selfless hero battling America's most insidious enemy. But others think he's a hot-tempered narcissist, staging a publicity stunt to further his career - and when his service ends, neither the UK nor the US welcome him back. Through incisive interviews with the actor, his supporters, his detractors, and top-tier experts - and featuring the actor's own jaw-dropping helmet-cam video of deadly battles with and interrogations of ISIS fighters - Heval gives viewers unprecedented access into a war against evil and one man's controversial role in it.
The Hunt for Jihadi John
The inside story of Mohammed Emwazi's journey from being an ordinary London boy to becoming terrorist 'Jihadi John', and the intelligence operatives' attempts to catch him.
Сломанные ключи
В раздираемом войной ближневосточном городе, где музыка была запрещена исламскими экстремистами, Карим, блестящий музыкант, изо всех сил пытается восстановить свое разрушенное пианино, пытаясь сбежать в Европу.
New Life
"Nû Jîn", New Life, with the slogan ' Woman is life. Life is resistance and resistance is Kobanê', depicts the daily life of women guerillas, Elif Kobanê (18), Vîyan Peyman and Arjîn, joining in the Women's Protection Units (YPJ) in their battle against ISIS. The documentary relates the ISIS assault of 15 September 2014 and the five-month resistance by the YPJ and People's Defense Units (YPG) through the lens of three women fighter
Beck 35 - Flesh & Blood
A man is beaten to death in the Middle East. In Stockholm, a young woman disappears on her way home from work. These two events will prove to be related. Since Martin Beck has quit, Steinar Hovland leads the search for the missing girl. But Martin is drawn into the case when he decides to help the national Security Police investigate a suspected terrorist. They soon realize that they are in a race against time to stop a catastrophe.
My Enemy, My Brother
The eight-year Iran-Iraq War was one of the most brutal conflicts to devastate the region in the 20th century. Zahed was 13 years old when he enrolled in the Iranian army. Najah was 18 when he was conscripted into the Iraqi army, and he fought against Zahed in the Battle of Khorramshahr. Fast forward 25 years, a chance encounter in Vancouver between these two former enemies turns into a deep and mutually supportive friendship. Expanded from the 2015 short film by the same name.
Road to Istanbul
Elisabeth lives a quiet live in the Belgian countryside with her young adult daughter Elodie. After the divorce from her husband Elisabeth took care of her daughter on her own. When Elodie disappears over night and Elisabeth discovers that she travelled to Syria to join the Islamic State, she begins her journey to find her daughter.
Inside IS: 10 Days in the Islamic State
German journalist Jürgen Todenhöfer uses this unique opportunity to expose ISIS' apocalyptic vision for the world and to document everyday life in the cities it controls. He finds a population terrified into submission by beheadings, enslavement and torture, and an organisation unwavering in its commitment to its divine mission: to spread fear and violence throughout the world, no matter the cost.
Maija is a young and ambitious journalist who wants to do something that no other journalist has dared. In order to conduct a groundbreaking research on Daesh, she pretends to be an Islamic convert and tries to join them.