The Illusionist (2009)

What you see is not always what you get

Жанр : мультфильм

Время выполнения : 2М

Директор : Amy Nicholls

Краткое содержание

The journey of a magician performing illusions to amaze and humour.


Sean Hall
Sean Hall
Young Prince


Amy Nicholls
Amy Nicholls


Волшебная история про маленького мышонка, который гулял по лесу. На его пути встают три хищника, которые мечтают ее съесть — сова, лиса и змея. Маленькому мышонку предстоит использовать все свое остроумие и смекалку, чтобы выжить.
Мадагаскар, путевой дневник
Короткая история, описывающая впечатления европейского путешественника, который столкнулся со странными для него обычаями фамадиханы — обряда перезахоронения. Отправляясь вместе с героем в увлекательный тур по Мадагаскару, зрители наслаждаются красочными пейзажами африканского острова. Анимационная лента выполнена в виде путевого дневника в фотографиями и заметками. Рисунки оживают, приглашая публику в удивительный мир странствий. «Мадагаскар, путевой дневник» номинировался на премию «Оскар» в категории «Лучший короткометражный мультфильм».
Ghiblies, a totally different look on the staff of Studio Ghibli as they go through life, work on new animation projects, office jokes, off the wall events, and deciding what to have for lunch.
The Comb
A porcelain doll’s explorations of a dreamer’s imagination.
Кабинет Яна Шванкмайера, пражского алхимика кино
В Праге марионетка-профессор с металлическими щипцами вместо рук и открытой книгой вместо шляпы берет мальчика в ученики. Сначала профессор убирает пух и игрушки из головы ребенка, оставляя его голову без верхушки на протяжении большей части фильма. Затем профессор учит парня иллюзиям и перспективам, исследованию объекта через изучение работ рисовальщиков, познанию объекта и миграции форм. Потом ребенок притаскивает коробку с тарантулом, а профессор засовывает в нее «руки» и описывает, что он чувствует. Когда мальчик получает последний урок анимации и создания фильма, профессор дает ему мозги и его собственную открытую книгу-шляпу.
Shabbat Dinner
Shabbat Dinner is boring as usual for William Shore. His mother has invited two crazy hippies and their son and is doing her best to show off, his father is drunk and berating their oddball guests, and he doesn't have much in common with their son Virgo. That is, until Virgo tells him that he has just come out as gay.
Rehearsals for Extinct Anatomies
Stop-motion animated short film in which, among other things, a man made of wire looks malevolent.
Imaginary Flying Machines
Kuso no Sora Tobu Kikaitachi (Imaginary Flying Machines) is a 2002 Japanese animated short film produced by Studio Ghibli for their near exclusive use in the Ghibli Museum. It features director Hayao Miyazaki as the narrator, in the form of a humanoid pig, reminiscent of Porco from Porco Rosso, telling the story of flight and the many machines imagined to achieve it.
Hobo with a Shotgun
Short mock trailer attached to select Canadian screenings of "Grindhouse."
Stille Nacht II: Are We Still Married?
Stop-motion animated short film with a white ball, a rabbit, and a girl, and a voice singing "Are We Still Married".
Batman and Me: A Devotion to Destiny, the Bob Kane Story
A look at the life of Bob Kane, the creator of Batman.
Emmalou works as a waitress on a cruise ship filled with lonely people. She mourns the loss of her boyfriend who died in an accident the previous year. One day, a small boy disguised in a blue costume boards the ship
The Cabin
A single woman, Laura, meets a nice guy, John, on an online dating site. After a few dates he invites her to his vacation cabin in the mountains. Laura ignores the warnings from her friend, Ashley, about it being too soon to go away with a guy she just met. Once at the secluded cabin, Laura begins to notice strange behavior changes in John. She also begins to be drawn to the crawlspace under the cabin. Is this all in her head, or is there a deeper, darker secret to be uncovered?
The Facts in the Case of Mister Hollow
The film centers on an unusual photograph dating back to the 1930s. An investigation of its particulars reveals a tapestry of secrets hidden in the details, and a tale of kidnapping and murder captured in a haunting moment.
The point-of-view of a street dog in relation to the world around her. She runs into adversity and forms alliances.
Happily Ever After
Journey to the future of Rani and Keren, a young couple moving in together for the first time. Without control they are drawn to the race of marriage, children and work, while desperately trying to keep up with the race and stay together.
The Seagull
Devon, a sweet 10 year-old Vincentian child loses what is dearest to him, a ball that he has had since he was a child.
The Cow Who Wanted To Be a Hamburger
A children's fable about the power of advertising, the meaning of life and ultimately the test of a mother's love.
Teddy Bears' Picnic
A very polite ursine tea party becomes a bloody orgy of gluttony when a most unusual entrée is served.