Hyohyo: Dear Mr. Yasuo Otsuka (2015)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 1Ч 12М

Директор : Hidenori Ushiro

Краткое содержание

Documentary about Yasuo Otsuka, famous Japanese animator and mentor of Hayao Miyazaki and Isao Takahata. Featuring interviews with Japanese animation legends such as Masaaki Osumi, Youichi Kotabe, Sadao Tsukioka and Isao Takahata.


Yasuo Otsuka
Yasuo Otsuka
Isao Takahata
Isao Takahata
Yōichi Kotabe
Yōichi Kotabe
Tsukioka Sadao
Tsukioka Sadao
Masaaki Osumi
Masaaki Osumi
Kazuhide Tomonaga
Kazuhide Tomonaga
Atsuko Tanaka
Atsuko Tanaka
Yoshinobu Michihata
Yoshinobu Michihata
Nobuo Tomizawa
Nobuo Tomizawa
Sumi Shimamoto
Sumi Shimamoto


Hidenori Ushiro
Hidenori Ushiro
Natsuyo Nakamura
Natsuyo Nakamura
Shinichi Suzuki
Shinichi Suzuki


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