
To Love and Die (2008)

Жанр : комедия, драма, боевик

Время выполнения : 42М

Директор : Mark Piznarski

Краткое содержание

A fun-loving 30-something (Shiri Appleby) with abandonment issues becomes convinced that her dating problems will be resolved if she can only track down the father she never knew. When she finds him (Tim Matheson), she discovers that he's an assassin and that she may have found her calling.


Shiri Appleby
Shiri Appleby
Hildy Young
Tim Matheson
Tim Matheson
James White
Frances Fisher
Frances Fisher
Kristin Datillo-Hayward
Kristin Datillo-Hayward
Christine Adams
Christine Adams
Ivan Sergei
Ivan Sergei
Seymour Cassel
Seymour Cassel


Sara Goodman
Sara Goodman
Lorne Michaels
Lorne Michaels
Executive Producer
Sara Goodman
Sara Goodman
Executive Producer
JoAnne Alfano
JoAnne Alfano
Executive Producer
David Kanter
David Kanter
Executive Producer
Andrew Singer
Andrew Singer
Executive Producer
Sara Goodman
Sara Goodman
Carla Kettner
Carla Kettner
Executive Producer
Mark Piznarski
Mark Piznarski


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Области тьмы
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