
The Zillas Have a Picnic (2020)

Жанр : мультфильм

Время выполнения : 5М

Директор : Christian Franz Schmidt

Краткое содержание

The Zillas, a huge family of lizards, emerge from the sea and notice that their traditional picnic area is inhabited by humans and other monsters.



Christian Franz Schmidt
Christian Franz Schmidt
Christian Franz Schmidt
Christian Franz Schmidt


Nuclear Forever
This detailed and sober look at the issue of nuclear power begins where Germany is currently standing: with shutting it off. It’s precisely because the film is anything but alarmist that the alarming aspect of the situation becomes clear. The nuclear nightmare is not over; a safe final nuclear waste repository is not in sight. And yet, boosted by the coal phase-out, many people seem to see “clean” nuclear energy as an option again. The terror of climate change trumps the terror of the nuclear worst case scenario. A zero sum game.
Fight da faida
A garishly colourful political rap video from Italy. Politics, business and daily life are poisoned by the influence of Mafia and Camorra. Fight da faida! Fight blood vengeance!
For our hero, every day looks the same. Or maybe they are too much alike: the same routines repeated over, and over again. One day, a simple wooden sign written "Park" will shake everything up.
Всякий раз когда человек выключал свет, для того, чтобы немного поспать, он расстраивался из-за непонятного шуршания и суеты доносящейся из мышиной норы. Человек расставлял мышеловки, но всякий раз, когда гас свет они исчезали бесследно, это и послужило причиной целому ряду комических ситуаций. Для взрослых.
An earthworm decides that he wants to be a caterpillar, but he can't fit in. Soon he learns being a worm is not so bad.
Zwischen mir und der Welt / Aufräumen
Set theory, one of the cornerstones of mathematics, serves as a metaphor for “social structures as spatial arrangement”, as the first sequence of the film reveals. The visual playfulness first becomes an exploration of two- and three-dimensionality and then turns out to be a well-founded reflection of social power relations. The search for a supposedly correct “order of things” triggers the compulsive element in many viewers. Who’s (not) afraid of being different?
A Black Jesus
In Siculiana, a small Sicilian town full of flaking facades, religiosity is lived out as a matter of course. And of course the figure of Jesus Christ worshipped here is black, and always has been. However, some people cannot get used to their dark-skinned neighbours in the refugee camp. The camera accompanies locals and stranded people along their paths, which often lead to the church, but not necessarily together, and draws a kind of map of the city in black-on-black contrasts.
A portrait of a happy cynic and lateral thinker who has persevered for years in a legal dispute over his dilapidated house with authorities in the luxury spa town of St. Moritz.
For Real
Mady and Merouane are two eleven-year-olds who grow up as best friends in the north-east of Paris. They live right next door to each other and that’s more important to them than anything else. And anyway, they feel so at home in their neighbourhood that they can’t think of a more perfect place to practice adulthood. When some other boys turn up, their friendship is briefly put to the test.
Хроники Нарнии: Покоритель Зари
Эдмунд, Люси, их кузен Юстас и король Каспиан отплывают на корабле «Покоритель Зари» на поиски друзей отца Каспиана — семи лордов: Ревелиана, Берна, Аргоза, Мавроморна, Октезиана, Рестимара и Рупа, изгнанных во время недолгого правления тирана Мираза.
Мой создатель
2048 год. Молодой ученый Джордж, работающий на корпорацию в секретной лаборатории где-то в японских лесах, занимается разработкой искусственного интеллекта, попутно собирая инновационного робота, в который собирается загрузить сознание погибшей жены. Пока её сознание находится в большом чёрном шкафу, так называемом Архиве, но трёхлетний срок хранения подходит к концу, поэтому Джордж торопится завершить свой проект.
Франтишеку Ратману пришлось приложить немало усилий, чтобы попасть на обучение в Варшаву, на факультет физики. Именно физика, по убеждению героя, является наукой, дающей чёткие и конкретные ответы на поставленные вопросы. Со временем жизненный опыт и любовные перипетии ставят под сомнение эту уверенность. Франтишек тяжело переживает смерть друга в Татрах. В горах он знакомится с девушкой, и недолгий роман заканчивается женитьбой, поскольку молодые люди ожидают ребёнка. Обстоятельства и обязанность содержать семью заставляют Франтишека оставить обучение, устроиться на фабрику и принять участие в экспериментах неврологической клиники. Но поиски сущности бытия для главного героя на этом не заканчиваются, ведь впереди долгая жизнь….
Wir wollten alle Fiesen killen
A jumble of emerging history is contrasted with the present efforts to optimise profit through ventures and ominous business ideas. In the midst of this labyrinth is a duo of artists who only want to make films. Their misfortune: the German film funding system allows only those who work in an artistic-documentary style to realise science fiction films. Cause enough to find true science fiction material on real German soil instead of looking for a fiction.
Berlin - From Dawn to Dusk
“With this film I try to retrace my journey, my story through the ruins, neighbourhoods, and streets of Berlin. I filmed the dialogue that took place between the city and myself, the wanderings in the old neighbourhoods (Moabit, Kreuzberg, Wedding), places where you can still find most of the traces of the past, or rather what’s left of them.” (AL)
"Bulletproof" observes the age-old rituals that take place daily in American schools: homecoming parades, basketball practice, morning announcements, and math class. Unfolding alongside these scenes are an array of newer traditions: lockdown drills, teacher firearm trainings, metal detector inspections, and school safety trade shows. This documentary weaves together these moments in a cinematic meditation on fear, violence, and the meaning of safety, bringing viewers into intimate proximity with the people self-tasked with protecting the nation's children while generating revenue along the way, as well as with those most deeply impacted by these heightened security measures: students and teachers.
Rift Finfinnee
Socio-geographic explorations on the periphery of Addis Ababa, run through by a variety of borders and rifts – between agrarian and urban spatial practices, between economic and linguistic floes, between perspective and dilemma. A polyphonic audiovisual narrative of people who are forced to experience the impetuous urbanisation of African societies the hard way, recorded as a case study that expands into a complex allegory.
What did the Corona lockdown look like from a window in the residential towers of posh East London in the spring of 2020? The film shows serious shifts in the everyday coordinate system of a privileged urban population at an immediate level.
Джейк Салли — бывший морской пехотинец, прикованный к инвалидному креслу. Несмотря на немощное тело, Джейк в душе по-прежнему остаётся воином. Он получает задание совершить путешествие в несколько световых лет к базе землян на планете Пандора, где корпорации добывают редкий минерал, имеющий огромное значение для выхода Земли из энергетического кризиса.