
Тройная подстава (1995)

Honour Amongst Thieves Is A Deadly Illusion

Жанр : боевик, триллер, криминал, мелодрама

Время выполнения : 1Ч 35М

Директор : Jenő Hódi

Краткое содержание

Деньги заставляют людей забыть о чести и совести. Они сталкивают интересы и судьбы, ставят людей в такие условия, когда приходиться выбирать: либо быть съеденным, либо самому, утратив в себе все человеческое, обманом, хитростью, подлостью, любыми путями столкнуть ближнего в пропасть.


Michael Paré
Michael Paré
Teddy 'T.C' Cooper
Billy Dee Williams
Billy Dee Williams
Agent Oscar Pierce
Ashley Laurence
Ashley Laurence
Julia Summers
Patrick Bergin
Patrick Bergin
Jimmy-Ray Danker
Zachary Weintraub
Zachary Weintraub
Donald (as Zachary Bogatz)
James Hong
James Hong
Old Chinese Man


Jenő Hódi
Jenő Hódi
Jay Rosenstein
Jay Rosenstein


Nancy Steele Is Missing!
After being in jail for seventeen years a crook is met by the girl he kidnapped as a baby. She now thinks he's her father. When he returns her to her real father there's a job and a reward, but an old prisonmate gets in the way.
Gore from Outer Space
A mother is accused of murdering her daughter but when she tells her tale, things don't seem to make sense. Her husband says they have no daughter, there's a psychic that can trace phone calls, a blonde who sings the US anthem, a house with no bathroom, some Lynchian dream sequences, aliens, breeding experiments, very quirky FBI agents, and some other random events.
Tenth Avenue Angel
Flavia's been told that her Aunt Susan's fiancé, Steve, has been on a trip around the world, but in truth he's finished his prison term. Steve wonders how he can make some money and is approached by his old associates. When Flavia discovers the truth about Steve, she loses all faith in her family and in God, and it will take a miracle to restore Flavia's belief and Steve out of trouble.
They Never Come Back
Prizefighter Jimmy Nolan, facing an opportunity to get a championship fight, is knocked out when he sustains what is apparently a permanent injury to his arm. From there, Nolan's path leads downhill. He is drawn into a romance with a nightclub entertainer, then is framed on a theft charge by a jealous suitor. After his prison term, Nolan makes a spectacular comeback in a fight which proves his courage and integrity, while disproving the fallacy about the old sports adage that "they never come back."
Gun Law Justice
Jimmy Wakely befriends Hank Carrdigan, a former outlaw who has served his sentence and wants to go straight. Jimmy, after clearing Hank of a wrongful shooting charge, helps him get a job as an express messenger. Hank drives off some bandits in an attempted hold-up, but recognizes his son Tom as one of the bandits. A later robbery is blamed on Hank but Jimmy and his sidekick Cannonball Taylor bring in the real culprits and clear Hank's name.
War on Whistleblowers: Free Press and the National Security State
War on Whistleblowers: Free Press and the National Security State highlights four cases where whistleblowers noticed government wrong-doing and took to the media to expose the fraud and abuse. It exposes the surprisingly worsening and threatening reality for whistleblowers and the press. The film includes interviews with whistleblowers Michael DeKort, Thomas Drake, Franz Gayl and Thomas Tamm and award-winning journalists like David Carr, Lucy Dalglish, Glenn Greenwald, Seymour Hersh, Michael Isikoff, Bill Keller, Eric Lipton, Jane Mayer, Dana Priest, Tom Vanden Brook and Sharon Weinberger.
The Fuzzy Pink Nightgown
When a movie star is kidnapped, everyone thinks it's a publicity stunt. It's not.
Боб Сагиновски оказывается в центре ограбления, из-за расследования которого может всплыть прошлое района, когда друзья, семьи и заклятые враги — все работали вместе, чтобы выжить…
Маска смерти
Во время перестрелки с членами известной преступной группировки Дэниел Маккена, полицейский, не находившийся в тот момент на дежурстве, теряет жену и получает пулю в лицо. Благодаря волшебству пластической хирургии, Маккена получает внешность Лайла Мейсона, одного из членов группировки.
Неизвестные похищают дочь бывшего вора в законе, решившего завязать с темным прошлым. Похитители сообщают, что держат девочку-подростка в багажнике такси. У отца есть всего несколько часов, чтобы отыскать киднепперов и спасти ребенка.
95ers: Time Runners
Time is unraveling, paradoxes are everywhere, and strangers with terrifying technologies are on the hunt. A thrilling, original, ultra indie full-length sci-fi movie that is the story of Sally Biggs, an FBI agent who has the power to rewind time. Her scientist husband has disappeared mysteriously, and the closer she gets to finding him, the more dangerous her life becomes. To save the future and her loved ones, Sally must enter a battlefield she never knew existed. Fortunately, she's a 95er. Surrounded by bizarre timespace paradoxes and hunted by terrifying forces from the future, Sally must discover the earth-shattering truth behind it all before her very being fades out of reality.
Копы в юбках
Агенту ФБР и бостонскому полицейскому доверено ответственное задание: выйти на след и обезвредить опасного преступника. И это даже хорошо, что копы — женщины, ведь бандит-то — русский. А непредсказуемости русской смекалки можно противопоставить только столь же непредсказуемую женскую логику.
Утро славы
Отсидев срок за убийство, Уилл Паркер выходит на свободу в разгар Великой Депрессии. В маленьком городке ему попадается на глаза объявление одинокой Элли Динсмор, которой «требуется работник на должность мужа». Многое повидавшая на своем веку Элли не ждет от жизни романтических чудес, но постепенно деловитый и обходительный странник становится для нее родной душой и надежной опорой. Ей плевать на скверное прошлое Уилла, и когда его снова обвинят в убийстве, Элли придется сделать все, чтобы защитить честь своего мужа и свою непростую любовь.
Louis Koo plays an assassin who wants to go straight after getting out of prison, so he turns down a job from his former employer Simon Yam to kill a politician. Yam carries out the hit himself and manages to frame Koo for the crime, who then must run from both the cops and criminals as he tries to clear his name.
Заказанный убийца
A former mob hitman, now in witness protection, is forced to come out of retirement when his family is threatened by his cohorts. He teams up with a skateboarding kid, who has a computer disk that the mob wants to get their hands on that has a list of new names for individuals in the FBI witness protection program. The list includes his dad, who separated from his mother years before and hadn't been seen since.
Strike Force
A New York City detective teams up with a federal agent and a state trooper to bust up a drug ring.
Harvest of Fire
In a small Amish community, three barns are burnt down almost simultaneously. FBI agent Sally Russwell is sent in to investigate this possible hate crime. What she finds however is a community that little trust for outsiders or "The English" as they call them. However, in her investigations, Agent Russell makes friends with one entrepreneurial widow, Annie Beiler who has her own curiosity about this stranger. Together, Annie introduces Russell in-depth to this close knit community bearing many appealing attributes. However, as Sally's investigations continue, she discovers secrets that reveal uncomfortable truths about the religious community that are linked to the arson attacks.
Turn the Key Softly
A bitter burglar, a prostitute and an elderly shoplifter spend their first day out of jail.
Mark Lombardi - Death Defying Acts of Art and Conspiracy
A film about the American artist Mark Lombardi who created graphic artwork laying out the powers and opaque network of the global elites from the economic and finance sectors, as well as terrorists; and whose masterpieces crossed wires with the FBI after the attacks on September 11th. Lombardi had hung himself one year earlier in his New York studio. Who was this Mark Lombardi, a man whose work was so explosive that even terrorist hunters were using it as research? The film portrays an incredibly brilliant artist who took on the social function of a watchdog by using public information and arranging it to expose the grand illegal practices in the globalized world.
The Sentimental Bloke
Bill is a Woolloomooloo larrikin who vows to abandon his life of gambling and drinking after a spell in gaol following a raid on a two-up game. He falls in love with Doreen, who works in a pickle factory, but faces competition from a more sophisticated rival.