
Breaking Them Up (2020)

Жанр : комедия

Время выполнения : 1Ч 34М

Директор : Scott Dow

Краткое содержание

Tired of his parents’ constant bickering, 15 year old Damien is certain they’re all wrong for each other— he would know, he’s a relationship expert. Damien and his best friend Erin have a side hustle coupling-up classmates for the right price. So when Damien discovers his parents may have had a shotgunning wedding, he convinces Erin to turn their efforts toward finding his parents new partners— but the cost of doing business may come at the price of everyone involved.


Stephen Schneider
Stephen Schneider
Kelen Coleman
Kelen Coleman
Laurie Cross
Jakob Wedel
Jakob Wedel
Tess Aubert
Tess Aubert
Tiffany Feese
Tiffany Feese
Skip Schwink
Skip Schwink
Allyson Cristofaro
Allyson Cristofaro
Juliocesar Chavez
Juliocesar Chavez
Aidan Langford
Aidan Langford
Sean Amir Danley
Sean Amir Danley
Matt Socia
Matt Socia
Mr. Paulson
Stan Gao
Stan Gao
Nhan Le
Nhan Le
Delores Wheeler
Delores Wheeler
Hartleigh Buwick
Hartleigh Buwick
Dustin Wilson
Dustin Wilson
Uncle Rick
Emma Wells
Emma Wells
Ed Spinelli
Ed Spinelli
Flirting Man in Bar
Lisandro Boccacci
Lisandro Boccacci
Scuba Diver


Scott Dow
Scott Dow
Bennett LeBarre
Bennett LeBarre
Executive Producer
Dev Wadhwa
Dev Wadhwa
Scott Dow
Scott Dow
Tim Ogletree
Tim Ogletree
Bernie Stern
Bernie Stern
Eef Barzelay
Eef Barzelay
Dakota Adney
Dakota Adney
Amber Bansak
Amber Bansak
Claire Koonce
Claire Koonce
Rachel Craig
Rachel Craig
Costume Design
Shanna Barnett
Shanna Barnett
Key Hair Stylist
Dalton Spence
Dalton Spence
Key Makeup Artist
Preston Petillo
Preston Petillo
Second Second Assistant Director
Christopher Villalba
Christopher Villalba
Second Assistant Director
Zack Walker
Zack Walker
First Assistant Director
Brett Houston
Brett Houston
Taioni Rembert
Taioni Rembert
Script Supervisor


Университет монстров
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Breaking Them Up
Tired of his parents’ constant bickering, 15 year old Damien is certain they’re all wrong for each other— he would know, he’s a relationship expert. Damien and his best friend Erin have a side hustle coupling-up classmates for the right price. So when Damien discovers his parents may have had a shotgunning wedding, he convinces Erin to turn their efforts toward finding his parents new partners— but the cost of doing business may come at the price of everyone involved.
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