Esperanza (2012)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 7М

Директор : Maider Oleaga
Писатель : Maider Oleaga

Краткое содержание

A day in the life of Esperanza, a Quechua girl who lives in the remote mountains of southwestern Bolivia.



Maider Oleaga
Maider Oleaga
Maider Oleaga
Maider Oleaga
Mario Madueño
Mario Madueño
Maider Oleaga
Maider Oleaga


Искатель приключений отправляется вместе с друзьями в амазонские джунгли в поисках затерянного индейского племени и экзотических впечатлений. Однако проводник исчезает, а друзья теряют друг друга. Йосси остается в джунглях один на несколько недель, и ему приходится бороться за выживание в условиях дикой природы. В джунглях узнаешь, кто ты на самом деле. Учишься побеждать страх, боль и отчаяние, чтобы выжить.
Буч Кэссиди и Сандэнс Кид
Два друга Буч Кэссиди и Сандэнс Кид известны всей округе. Они верховодят бандой «Дырка в стене». Буч — мозговой центр, Сандэнс — идеальный исполнитель и первоклассный стрелок. Они дважды грабят один и тот же поезд, перевозящий деньги. За налетчиками организована погоня, которой руководит опытный следопыт Балтимор. От него не удавалось уйти никому. С трудом оторвавшись от преследования, приятели укрываются в доме подружки Сандэса. И тогда Буч понимает: раз удача отвернулась от них в Америке, может стоит попытать счастья в Боливии?
Наш бренд – кризис
Фильм, основанный на документальных съемках, покажет изнанку избирательной кампании 2002 года, когда кандидат в президенты Боливии Гонсало Санчес де Лосада нанял политтехнологов из консалтинговой фирмы Greenberg Quinlan Rosner, чтобы прийти к победе.
A documentary centered on the union formed by Bolivian farmers in response to their government's (which was urged by the U.S.) effort eradicate coca crops, and the man who would come to represent them, Evo Morales.
The Devil's Miner
'The Devil's Miner' tells the story of 14-year-old Basilio who worships the devil for protection while working in a Bolivian silver mine to support his family.
Blood of the Condor
A community reacts against a group of foreigners who under the guise of development assistance are forcibly sterilizing the peasant women.
American Visa
After being denied an American visa, a Bolivian professor becomes involved in a web of criminal activities, holds-up the American consulate and falls for a beautiful prostitute from the Bolivian lowlands.
Mother River
In a remote Peruvian city, lives Honorata Vilca, an illiterate woman of Quechua descent who sells candies more than 20 years ago, with the rain will cry to the sky itself.
When the Bull Cried
Danger, toil, and superstition pervade life in a mining town high up in the Bolivian mountains. Tin is the heartbeat of the community providing jobs and livelihoods - but at considerable cost. With deaths commonplace, people make offerings to El Tio, the devil under the earth, for protection and good fortune. But when the mountain's flow of tin ebbs, further measures must be taken...
Evo Pueblo
This is the history of a young farmer of the Bolivian plateau that becomes the first indigenous president of Bolivia. His childhood consists of shepherding ewes in the small school located in Orinoca where he befriends Reneco and Jamie, as well as his first love Wilma. All of them partake in different stages of each others lives. At the young age of 17 he is transferred to Oruro mining city in the heat of the Bolivian plateau. In order to survive he will have to work as a brick maker, baker, and trompetista in the Imperial band. The poverty and continuous droughts in the Moral field force the family Ayma to migrate towards the cochabambino tropic. In the tropical Chapare, Evo will become the biggest coca grower, soon to be delegated and win in the elections for president in 2005 with 54% votes. Evo Pueblo depicts the reality of our country, accounting for the common man that inhabits Bolivia through his fights, joys, poverty, exclusion and marginamiento.
Come Back, Sebastiana
The story of a poor girl who leaves her starving family and sheep for a more prosperous village. Her grandfather finds her and tries to convince her to return to her home.
A Moment Of Silence
2006: Evo Morales, first indigenous President is elected in Bolivia after the 2003 dramatic events following the fall of the President Sanchez de Lozada (exiled in the U.S. since then). The socialist revolution enters in its crucial stage. But dealing with power carries a burden of temptations and pathologies. In four years of shooting between Bolivia and the US this film focus on the difficult path of this unique historical opportunity. The film ends with the recent TIPNIS dramatic indigenous protest which creates an historical circle.
Habilito: Debt for Life
Documents the conflicts and tensions that arise between highland migrants and Mosetenes, members of an indigenous community in the Bolivian Amazon. It focuses particularly on a system of debt peonage known locally as ‘habilito’. This system is used throughout the Bolivian lowlands, and much of the rest of the Amazon basin, to secure labor in remote areas.
Still Burn
General Alfredo Ovando Candia was a decisive figure in 20 th century Bolivian history. Through old home movies and institutional footage, Mauricio Ovando goes in search of the figure (and the shadow) of his grandfather, interweaving his history and History while going after an uncomfortable truth.
Aggregate States of Matters
Aggregate States of Matters highlights the ambiguous relationship between humans and nature. For her new 35mm film shot in Peru, Rosa Barba worked with communities that are affected by the melting of a glacier and geological time becoming exposed. Barba shows the slow disappearance of the glacier and the perception of this fact within the Quechuan population in the Andes. While exploring different local myths, she outlines the possibility of translating ancient knowledge into the present time.
Journal de Bolivie
Young bootblack Tupah embarks on a frantic quest to find his uncle, Jacinto, lost in the Averno. In a dangerous journey through the underworld, myth and reality get endlessly intertwined and the death-loaded night in La Paz unveils the darkest and most surreal face of the imaginary of the Andes.
Mina Alaska
Jenny Smith is a young American journalist searching for her long-lost grandfather in the mountains of Bolivia. When she finds her grandfather's partner and fellow gold-prospector, Rodrigo Diaz, he gives her answers that she didn't expect.
Yawar fiesta: Fiesta de sangre
An indigenous tradition in the highlands of Peru where three key players take part: a wild condor, a raging bull and brave young men.
Die Letzte Droge