
Love (between) Pickle (2020)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 1Ч 16М

Директор : Park Sye-young

Краткое содержание

About the countless faces, memories, love, and people that exist between love and pickle.


Jeong Hea-rin
Jeong Hea-rin
Jeong Hea-rin
Kwak So-jin
Kwak So-jin
Kwak So-jin
Lee So-jeong
Lee So-jeong
Lee So-jeong
Kim Oki
Kim Oki
Kim Oki
Ko Dae-young
Ko Dae-young
Ko Dae-young
Kang Dong-ho
Kang Dong-ho
Kang Dong-ho
Ham Seok-young
Ham Seok-young
Ham Seok-young
Go Woo
Go Woo
Go Woo
Park Sye-young
Park Sye-young
Park Sye-young
Park Jae-yi
Park Jae-yi
Park Jae-yi


Park Sye-young
Park Sye-young
Park Sye-young
Park Sye-young
Park Sye-young
Park Sye-young
Director of Photography
Park Sye-young
Park Sye-young
Ham Seok-young
Ham Seok-young
Kim Oki
Kim Oki
Park Jae-yi
Park Jae-yi
Lee So-jeong
Lee So-jeong
Second Assistant Camera


Герой картины мучительно боится потерять любовь и понимание близких людей: матери, любимой женщины, сына. И чувствует, что жизнь с каждым днём всё дальше уводит их друг от друга. Пытаясь сохранить семью, он обращается памятью к самым сильным впечатлениям своего детства, стараясь в том, детском, мировосприятии найти опору и оправдание своим сегодняшним переживаниям.
Нотр-Дам в огне
Драма о событиях, потрясших мир в апреле 2019 года, когда во время реставрационных работ в Соборе Парижской Богоматери случился сильнейший пожар, который привел к серьезным разрушениям этого памятника архитектуры и символа Франции.
A look at the 1950s muscle men's magazines and the representative industry which were popular supposedly as health and fitness magazines, but were in reality primarily being purchased by the still-underground homosexual community. Chief among the purveyors of this literature was Bob Mizer, who maintained a magazine and developed sexually inexplicit men's films for over 40 years. Aided by his mother, the two maintained a stable of not so innocent studs.
Государственные похороны
Похороны Сталина как грандиозный спектакль, обнажающий суть культа личности. Фильм основан на уникальных архивных материалах, снятых в СССР 5 - 9 марта 1953 г, когда вся страна хоронила Иосифа Сталина.
Зеленый туман
Этот фильм сделан в традициях фильмов Хичкока. Он не имеет сюжетной линии, а состоит из кадров фильмов разных лет, связанных одной темой - городом Сан-Франциско и мостом Золотые ворота, расположенном в нем.
Les Nazis et l'Argent : au cœur du IIIe Reich
How did Nazi Germany, from limited natural resources, mass unemployment, little money and a damaged industry, manage to unfurl the cataclysm of World War Two and come to occupy a large part of the European continent? Based on recent historical works of and interviews with Adam Tooze, Richard Overy, Frank Bajohr and Marie-Bénédicte Vincent, and drawing on rare archival material.
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Jodie Foster, Hollywood Under the Skin
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Одинокий голос человека
Красноармеец Никита Фирсов из глубокой российской провинции после окончания Гражданской войны вернулся домой. Мучительно возвращаясь к жизни после ужасов войны, парень влюбляется в студентку-медика Любу. Приняв на себя заботу о ней, Никита старается сделать для Любы всё, что может. Нравственные, но очень одинокие люди проходят трудный путь по дороге любви.
Nuclear Rescue 911: Broken Arrows & Incidents
Since 1950, there have been 32 nuclear weapon accidents, known as "Broken Arrows." A Broken Arrow is defined as an unexpected event involving nuclear weapons that result in the accidental launching, firing, detonating, theft or loss of the weapon. To date, six nuclear weapons have been lost and never recovered.Now, recently declassified documents reveal the history and secrecy surrounding the events known as "Broken Arrows". There have been 32 nuclear weapon accidents since 1950. Six of these nuclear weapons have been lost and never recovered. What does this say about our defense system? What does this mean to our threatened environment? What do we do to rectify these monumental "mistakes"? Using spectacular special effects, newly uncovered and recently declassified footage, filmmaker Peter Kuran explores the accidents, incidents and exercises in the secret world of nuclear weapons.
The Tulsa Lynching of 1921: A Hidden Story
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Mon Chirac
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Who was Hitler
Hitler's biography told like never before. Besides brief historical localizations by a narrator, only contemporaries and Hitler himself speak: no interviews, no reenactment, no illustrative graphics and no technical gadgets. The testimonies from diaries, letters, speeches and autobiographies are assembled with new, often unpublished archive material. Hitler's life and work are thus reflected in a unique way in interaction with the image of the society in the years 1889 to 1945.
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100 Years of the Atom
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Claude Chabrol, the Maverick
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Élie Kakou, ben alors... 20 ans déjà
Dictator: One Crazy Job
They’ve become the human face of inhuman barbarity. Leaders like Hitler, Idi Amin Dada, Stalin, Kim Jong Il, Saddam Hussein, Nicolae Ceausescu, Bokassa, Muammar Kadhafi, Khomeini, Mussolini and Franco governed their countries completely cut off from reality. These paranoid leaders were driven to abuse their power by the pathology of power itself. Dictators are driven by a relentless, thought-out determination to impose themselves as infallible, all-knowing and all-powerful beings. But they are also men ruled by their caprices, uncontrollable impulses, and reckless fits of frenzy, which paradoxically render them as human as anyone else. The abuses they committed were clearly atrocious, yet some of them were as outlandish as the characters portrayed in the film The Dictator. They sunk to depths worthy of Kafka: so incredibly absurd, they are outrageously funny.
10 mai 1981, le jour du grand soir
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