Slunce a vzduch (1948)

Жанр : мультфильм

Время выполнения : 0М

Писатель : Václav Bedřich, Jaroslav Možíš

Краткое содержание



Václav Bedřich
Václav Bedřich
Václav Bedřich
Václav Bedřich
Jaroslav Možíš
Jaroslav Možíš
Jaroslav Možíš
Jaroslav Možíš
Helena Zmatlíková
Helena Zmatlíková
Art Designer


Dragon Ball: Goku's Fire Brigade
Goku's Fire Brigade is a ten-minute public service video about fire safety, which aired in Japan in June 1988. This video features the main Dragon Ball characters having jobs as firefighters and Bulma living in a new apartment with Scratch.
Дежурный папа
Чарли (Эдди Мерфи), как и всех, кто был в его отделе, увольняют. Чарли и его коллега Фил (Джефф Гарлин) — теперь дежурные папы, присматривающие за своими детьми, в то время как их жёны вовсю работают. Им в голову приходит идея, как совместить уход за сыновьями и заработок — открыть детский сад. Чарли и Филл находят всё новые и новые нетрадиционные и забавные способы воспитательного воздействия на малышей, и центр «Дежурный папа» становится всё более популярным. Почувствовав жёсткое соперничество со стороны усатых няней, директриса дорогого детского центра решает выжить конкурентов-новичков из бизнеса.
Драконий жемчуг: Спецвыпуски
Два эпизода с героями аниме-сериала «Драконий жемчуг», предназначенные для детей, в которых объясняются правила дорожного движения для пешеходов и правила пожарной безопасности.
Октонавты и пещеры Сак-Актун
The Octonauts embark on an underwater adventure, navigating a set of challenging caves to help a small octopus friend return to the Caribbean Sea.
Дядюшка Бак
Ленивого, добродушного дядюшку-холостяка просят позаботиться о племянниках на время семейного кризиса их родителей. К дяде Баку те обратились от отчаяния: больше оставить детей не с кем. Но немного везения, много любви, и дядя Бак сумеет всех удивить.
Je Vous Aime
This early cinematic instance of a close-up—or, more accurately, a medium close-up shot of the chest and face of the maker of this film and others like it, Georges Demenÿ saying “Je vous aime”—was made at the request of Hector Marichelle, professor and director of the National Deaf-Mute Institute in France, who planned to use filmed speech to teach deaf students to speak and lip read. This required close views of the performer's lip movements. The project was given to Demenÿ by Étienne-Jules Marey, who headed the Station Physiologique in Paris and whose chronophotographic scientific research of motion is among the most important contributions to the invention of movies. Despite these educational and scientific beginnings, however, this project led Demenÿ to pursue and influence the commercialism of cinema.
A Nutcracker Christmas
When her niece is cast in The Philadelphia Ballet’s production of the Nutcracker, a jaded ex-ballerina is forced to come to terms with the life and love she left behind.
Книга Пуха: Истории от всего сердца
Замечательные кукольные мультфильмы с использованием компьютерной анимации предназначены для самых маленьких зрителей. Вместе с Винни Пухом, Пятачком, Тигрой, Кроликом и другими героями ваши дети совершат путешествие по страницам книги Алана Александра Милна "Винни Пух и все-все-все".
Forklift Driver Klaus: The First Day on the Job
Short film depicting a fictional educational film about fork lift truck operational safety. The dangers of unsafe operation are presented in gory details.
Когда к супругам Бену и Лили на несколько недель приезжает десятилетний сынишка их друзей, от них требуется лишь обходительность и гостеприимство. Но присутствие этого жизнерадостного и неугомонного ребенка потребовало гораздо больше — всех их душевных сил и стойкости. Ведь семья так и не смогла пережить личную драму — смерть единственного сына. Их гость становится источником непрекращающейся боли. Он может невольно подтолкнуть Бена и Лили к пропасти…или показать новый светлый горизонт.
Муж и жена: Образовательный фильм для супругов
Hosted by some unnamed escapee from a twelve-step program, Man and Wife, moves from anatomy charts and Asian erotic art into actual footage of two couples demonstrating nearly fifty different sexual positions.
Cool Cat Saves the Kids
Cool Cat is the coolest cat in town. All the kids love him. Except for the bully Butch, who hates Cool Cat for his coolness. He terrorizes Cool Cat, his friends and family with threats, taunting, and the internet. Can Cool Cat face his fears and defeat the bully Derrick?
2012: Time for Change
2012: Time For Change is a documentary feature that presents ways to transform our unsustainable society into a regenerative planetary culture. This can be achieved through a personal and global change of consciousness and the systemic implementation of ecological design.
From One Second to the Next
Stories of serious traffic accidents caused by texting and driving are told by the perpetrators and surviving victims.
Through the Night
When one’s sole focus is to provide for their children, the stakes are extremely high. The need for multiple jobs to make ends meet has become a common reality for many families in this country, which leads to a very important question: who looks after the children while their parents work? Through the Night examines the economic and emotional toll affecting some American families, told through the lens of a 24-hour daycare center in Westchester, New York. At the center of it all is Nunu, the primary caregiver and a hero to many families in need of a safe space to bring their children.
Care Bears: Season of Caring
Celebrate the seasons with the Care Bears, as the fun, friendly little creatures love and laugh all year round. Hugs and Tugs are kept inside by the rain in "It's Raining, It's Boring," but they manage to overcome their boredom with lots of fun activities. Champ helps a young skiier gain the confidence to hit the slopes after an accident in "No Business like Snow Business," while elsewhere Beastly and Shreeky try to stop him. In "The Cloud Monster," Bright Heart is busily creating a cloud machine to capture the monster that Beastly made. Other episodes include "Caring For Spring," "Ski Trouble," and "The Frozen Forest."
Hard Sun
After the death of her parents, a young woman assumes primary guardianship of her special needs brother. But as she attempts to balance her new life with her brother and her own blossoming romance, it becomes painfully clear that life will only make room for one.
National Geographic: Pyramids of Death
They are some of the biggest pyramids on the planet, millions of tons of stone and earth towering above the landscape in a display of massive wealth and power. But it wasn't the pharaohs that built these pyramids. This is the majestic ancient city of Teotihuacán, Mexico, home to one of the most powerful civilizations of its time. But why, around 750 AD, did the advanced civilization that created Teotihuacán suddenly vanish? The identities of its founders, the language they spoke and even the original name of the city are all unknown. DNA analysis of bodies from Teotihuacán shows they weren't Mayan, Incan or Aztec, but an entirely different civilization. It was assumed to have been a peaceful, utopian society, but the latest discoveries are revealing a much darker scenario. In the depths of Teotihuacán's pyramids, experts have uncovered vault after vault filled with curious human remains.
LeapFrog: Talking Words Factory
Learn how letters build words! LeapFrog characters spring to life in this engaging and educational video. Leap, Lily, and Tad journey to the Word Factory, where the Word Whammer, Sticky-Ick-O-Rama and more amazing machines take letters and make them into words! Humorous songs and an out-of-control word machine add to the fun
Уличный боец II (спэшл)
Ryu, Ken, Chun-Li are invited by E. Honda to see his new special move, but are all transported back to Fujiwara, the ancient capital of Japan. Ken finds Ryu and gives him a crash course on history and time travel and set off to find Chun-Li and Honda while giving random tidbits about the city.