
An Ensign to the Nations (1997)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 59М

Краткое содержание

"An Ensign to the Nations" was made by the LDS Church's Audiovisual Department, with Russ Holt as the producer. With so much attention paid to the early history of the church during its sesquicentennial year, Holt said the movie depicts church history from 1847 to 1997. It makes clear that the pioneer trek wasn't the end - but rather the beginning - of an epic story that continues to grow larger with each passing year.


M. Russell Ballard
M. Russell Ballard
W. Grant Bangerter
W. Grant Bangerter
Wayne M. Beck
Wayne M. Beck
R. Lanier Britsch
R. Lanier Britsch
Antonio Camargo
Antonio Camargo
Gail E. Carr
Gail E. Carr
James E. Faust
James E. Faust
John G. Groberg
John G. Groberg
Mark L. Grover
Mark L. Grover
F. Ray Hawkins
F. Ray Hawkins
Gordon B. Hinckley
Gordon B. Hinckley
Thomas S. Monson
Thomas S. Monson
Alexander B. Morrison
Alexander B. Morrison
Rhee Ho Nam
Rhee Ho Nam
Dennis B. Neuenschwander
Dennis B. Neuenschwander
Spencer J. Palmer
Spencer J. Palmer
Richard G. Scott
Richard G. Scott
Douglas F. Tobler
Douglas F. Tobler
Bruce A. Van Orden
Bruce A. Van Orden
Oliver Wayman
Oliver Wayman
Don C. Wood
Don C. Wood



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One Man's Treasure
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