
Can Art Stop A Bullet: William Kelly's Big Picture (2020)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 1Ч 33М

Директор : Mark Street

Краткое содержание

The film documents the creation of Kelly’s monumental artwork “Peace or War/The Big Picture”. It is a tapestry of history and art, drawn from major artworks and photos from the defining conflicts of their times. This immense visual collage allows the audience to navigate through time and place, meeting survivors of these horrific moments in history and the artists who have created work commenting on these periods, some of which have become iconic. Through Kelly’s drawings, the audience is transported to the concentration camps of the Third Reich, the bombing of Hiroshima, “the troubles” in Ireland, the race riots in the US and Pol Pot’s Year Zero. Interwoven with archival footage of these cataclysmic events, the audience is invited to visit anti-war and anti-gun demonstrations today, events that call for similar injustices to be stopped. The film is a parallel work to Kelly’s masterpiece, unfolding to create the ‘Big Picture’ in documentary form.


Martin Sheen
Martin Sheen
William Kelly
William Kelly
Nick Ut
Nick Ut
Rama Mani
Rama Mani


Mark Street
Mark Street
Fiona Cochrane
Fiona Cochrane
Terry Cantwell
Terry Cantwell
Daniela Raulli
Daniela Raulli
David Muir
David Muir


Police State II: The Take Over
Alex Jones exposes the problem-reaction-solution paradigm being used to terrorize the American people into accepting a highly controlled and oppressive society. From children in public schools being trained to turn in their peers and parents, to the Army and National Guard patrolling our nation's highways, Police State: The Takeover reveals the most threatening developments of Police State control
Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports Exposed
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The Yes Men
A comic, biting and revelatory documentary following a small group of prankster activists as they gain worldwide notoriety for impersonating the World Trade Organization (WTO) on television and at business conferences around the world.
Police State 2000
Alex Jones exposes the growing militarization of American law enforcement and the growing relationship between the military and police. Witness US training with foreign troops and learning how to control and contain civilian populations. You will see Special Forces helicopter attacks on South Texas towns, concentration camps, broad unconstitutional police actions, search and seizure and more.
Побег из Претории
Двое борцов за свободу отбывают срок в одной из самых строгих тюрем мира — в «Претории». Вместе с другими узниками они планируют дерзкий и опасный побег. Но придумать план — это только первый шаг. Шаг второй — реализация плана.
Глаза змеи
Начиная с первых сенсационных выстрелов и заканчивая неожиданным финалом, фильм полон загадок и тревожного ожидания. Кейдж играет роль Рика Санторо, эксцентричного детектива полиции Атлантик-Сити, который приходит посмотреть на своего спортивного кумира и заодно поправить свои финансовые дела на тотализаторе. Внезапная стрельба во время поединка превращает 14 тысяч болельщиков в свидетелей политического убийства. Показания свидетелей, видеозаписи электронной системы наблюдения за казино и информация, полученная от таинственной незнакомки в белом, — все это вместе рисует перед видавшим виды Санторо настолько невероятную картину убийства, что он просто отказывается в нее верить.
Обитель зла: Проклятие
Леон Кеннеди отправляется в Восточную Европу на борьбу с монстрами — порождением корпорации Umbrella.
Суд над чикагской семеркой
Чикаго, 1968 год. Демонстрация против войны во Вьетнаме вылилась в стычки с полицией. Семь участников беспорядков предстают пред судом по обвинениям в заговоре против американского правительства
Невероятная история острова Роз
В 1967 году инженер-идеалист Джорджио Роза построил собственный остров у побережья Италии в 11км от города Римини. Он объявил платформу площадью 400 квадратных метров независимым государством, чем привлёк внимание всего мира. Такое самоуправство привело в ярость правительство Италии, и оно вступило в полномасштабную конфронтацию со странноватым мечтателем и его последователями.
Доброй ночи и удачи
В 1953 году американский тележурналист Эдвард Марроу развязал в эфире настоящую войну против ярого антикоммуниста, сенатора Джозефа Маккарти. В ответ Маккарти, устроивший в стране «охоту на ведьм», обвинил Марроу в симпатии к коммунистам. Но отстаивание демократических прав американцев журналистом стало началом конца одиозного политика…
Police State III: Total Enslavement
Total Enslavement is the third installment in the critically-acclaimed Police State series and is a must-see for all who leve freedom. This film documents the nightmare rise of the Homeland Security dictatorship, Patriot Acts 1 and 2, the Total Information Awareness Network, government-run white slavery rings, the new prison surveillance economy and much more.
Битва в Сиэтле
Лента воспроизводит события, приведшие к случившемуся семь лет назад в Сиэттле срыву встречи Всемирной Торговой организации. Предполагаемыми точками обзора события названы наблюдения пешеходов, участников демонстрации протеста, политиков, полицейских и самих членов ВТО.
Американская пастораль
Прекрасный гражданин, семьянин, трудолюбивый предприниматель, унаследовавший от отца небольшую фабрику, главный герой Сеймур — столп американского общества и наслаждается вместе со страной послевоенным процветанием. Но приходят 60-е и мир, который строил Сеймур, начинает рушиться, а самый болезненный удар наносит дочь, выбравшая путь политического террора.
American Dictators: Staging of the 2004 Presidential Election
In Alex Jones' 11th feature documentary, made in 2004, Alex documents the major candidates in the staged 2004 United States presidential election.
Drive-By Truckers: The Secret to a Happy Ending
Documentary covers three tumultuous years in the career of the Southern rock group Drive-By Truckers.
Документальный фильм, показывающий истинное лицо корпораций от момента зарождения до нынешних дней.
Испания, начало 1970-х. Сальвадор Пуч Антик — обычный студент из Барселоны, умный и весёлый парень, который любит красивых девушек, посиделки в барах с кружкой пива, хорошую музыку и интересные книги. Но ему выпало жить в фашистском государстве, и он не готов закрывать глаза и стоять на коленях. Сальвадор и его друзья берут в руки оружие и превращаются в лихих грабителей банков, а все захваченные деньги идут на подпольную борьбу с преступным режимом Франко.
Police State IV: The Rise of FEMA
POLICE STATE 4 chronicles the sickening depths to which our republic has fallen. Veteran documentary filmmaker Alex Jones conclusively proves the existence of a secret network of FEMA camps, now being expanded nationwide. The military industrial complex is transforming our once free nation into a giant prison camp. A cashless society control grid, constructed in the name of fighting terrorism, was actually built to enslave the American people. Body scanners, sound cannons, citizen spies, staged terror and cameras on every street corner -- it's only the beginning of the New World Order's hellish plan. This film exposes how the "Continuity of Government" program has established an all powerful shadow state. Prepare to enter the secretive world of emergency dictatorship, FEMA camps, and a shredded Constitution.
Сакко и Ванцетти
Экранизация реального судебного процесса 1920-1927 гг., который Франклин Рузвельт назвал самым ужасным преступлением против правосудия в ХХ веке. История двух итальянских иммигрантов, осужденных за разбой и убийства по ложному обвинению. Этот процесс, имевший оглушительный резонанс в мировом сообществе, должен был, по мнению правительства, дискредитировать и наказать «разбушевавшихся красных». Но фактически два простых итальянца (работник обувной фабрики и торговец рыбой) стали жертвами массовой истерии, охватившей все эшелоны власти, перед «засильем» красной пропаганды, профсоюзов и большевистской революции, которая уже победила на 1/6 территории земного шара.
В мае 1860 года в Италии разгорается гражданская война между республиканцами, сторонниками Гарибальди, и приверженцами правящей династии Бурбонов. Князь Фабрицио ди Салина, сицилийский феодал, образованный и мудрый аристократ-интеллектуал, с пониманием и пессимизмом относится к происходящим переменам. Поэтому, когда его молодой племянник Танкреди сначала вступает в ряды мятежников-гарибальдийцев, а затем становится офицером короля Савойского, дон Фабрицио не осуждает его. Сам князь Салина не хочет активно участвовать в политической борьбе. Он прекрасно осознает неизбежность происходящих больших перемен и чувствует, что его время «леопардов» и «львов» — уходит. «Я принадлежу к уходящему классу, я свободен от иллюзий и не способен к самообману, — говорит он. Мы — леопарды, львы. Те, кто придет на смену, будут шакалишками, гиенами».


Разгневанная душа
Студент Киран устраивается работать на кладбище на окраине небольшого городка. Работа оказывается несложной, но вскоре вокруг кладбища начинают происходить странные события, которые тщательно скрываются персоналом от посторонних. Пытаясь разобраться, Киран неожиданно становится проводником мстительного духа, который втягивает его в смертельную игру.
Looky Looky Here Comes Cooky
A new songline for 21st century Australia - a fresh look at the Cook legend from a First Nations' perspective - the songline tells of connection to country, resistance and survival and features the cheeky, acerbic and heartfelt showman - Steven Oliver and a host of outstanding, political Indigenous singer/songwriters.
The story of the forgotten godfather of modern Formula 1—Jack Brabham—and a son's quest to defy the odds in the competitive world of international motor-sport once more.
Brock: Over the Top
Brock: Over the Top is a feature length documentary that not only chronicles the extraordinary life of Australia’s greatest racing car driver, Peter Brock, but peels away the surface to reveal the profoundly human story behind the legend. This film is a cinematic, thrilling yet intimately personal portrait of a life lived on the racing track and in the public eye. Using a treasure trove of rare archival material coupled with candid interviews with the key characters in Peter Brock’s life including his family, his partners, and closest colleagues, this film tells the epic story of Brock's early obsession with cars, his hard won ascension to the top, his incredible record-breaking victories at Bathurst, his various professional and personal controversies, and his ultimate, tragic death on the race track.
High as Mike
Mike has a brain tumour. It's the sort of tumour that wont kill him, but it will rob him of his sight. With the current stagnation of Medicinal Cannabis prescription in Australia, Mike sets off on a road trip of discovery.
A Hundred Years of Happiness
A Hundred Years of Happiness; an observational documentary, is a personal portraiture of a Vietnamese farming family and their daughter Tram. While her father instils in her the importance of familial obligation to care for one’s ageing parents, her mother desires a secure future devoid of economic hardship. Determined to fulfil both her parent’s wishes, Tram pursues a new life in South Korea as a migrant bride, but her fast-tracked journey leaves little time for reflection.
At the Coliseum Deluxe
A feature length documentary about Australian popular entertainment across 150 years; of Skating and Dancing, Vaudeville and Moving Pictures.
Brazen Hussies
BRAZEN HUSSIES reveals for the first time, an exciting and revolutionary chapter in Australian history, the Women’s Liberation Movement (1965 -1975). Interweaving freshly uncovered archival footage, personal photographs, memorabilia and lively personal accounts from activists all around Australia, BRAZEN HUSSIES shows us how a daring and diverse group of women joined forces to defy the status quo, demand equality and create profound social change. These women defined one of the greatest social movements of the 20th Century, at times at great personal cost. This documentary is full of the raw energy and determination that fueled feminism for the next 50 years.
Rosemary's Way
An effervescent facilitator and mother figure, Multicultural Liaison Officer Rosemary is undoubtedly a force of nature. Isolation in Auburn’s migrant community is a huge obstacle, and cultural norms mean that women are often tied to the house or a limited locale. Rosemary, with her larger-than-life spirit and generosity, works tirelessly to draw the women out of their homes and into society. She hosts a lively African Women’s Dinner Dance and takes them on a trip to the Blue Mountains and the NSW South Coast – introducing them to an Australia they’ve never seen before.
Sea Lions: Life By a Whisker
Between a jagged cliff face and a roaring ocean, lives a colony of Australian Sea Lions. In an environment equally as harsh as it is beautiful, be immersed in a classic coming of age tale guided by one of Australia’s most unique, intelligent, and playful animals. Take an intimate journey inside the colony where a life of great intimacy, tenderness, and clumsiness, must often give way to a life of great sacrifice and bravery. Dive into the world of an endangered Australian Sea Lion pup - and meet the people that are trying to save her species.
The Flood
When Jarah loses her husband, her child, her land and her innocence she embarks on a brutal journey of of retribution and revenge that transforms into redemption and reconciliation.
Spencer is the story of a young bisexual man who is struggling to reconnect with life after a series of tragic and complicated relationships.
The Skin of Others
A compelling portrait of an extraordinary figure, Aboriginal WWI soldier Douglas Grant, featuring acclaimed Indigenous actor Balang Tom E. Lewis (in his final performance). Grant (c.1885-1951) was extraordinarily famous in his day, an intellectual, a journalist, a soldier, a reader of Shakespeare and a bagpipe player who could put on a fine Scottish accent. His life story connects Archduke Franz Ferdinand, Adolf Hitler, and Henry Lawson among other famous figures as he moved from Australia to Europe, UK and back. Lewis’s thoughtful and often playful reflections on Grant’s life, along with guest appearances from Max Cullen and Archie Roach, connect to the larger story of Australia’s tragic colonial history and its troubled relationship with First Australians.  
The Wheels of Wonder
The Wheels of Wonder follows a team of ambitious social impact creators as they enter Lebanon’s capital, Beirut, with a curious project. Their mission: to trial and test an unusual prototype play cart with the hope of improving the lives of refugee children through “loose parts” play. The project is led by Marcus Veerman, founder and CEO of Playground Ideas, a not-for-profit providing open-source playground building resources which benefit children all over the world. Veerman’s passionate and skilled team includes a Product Designer, Play Specialist and Technical Lead. Despite plenty of planning, the group face numerous challenges whilst constructing and trialling a material-based prototype in a country which is currently home to an estimated 1.5 million Syrian refugees.
Любовь без тормозов
Билли и Люси выросли вместе в небольшом дружном провинциальном городке, где организовали крепкую команду любителей езды по бездорожью. Когда Билли выполняет очень опасный трюк на автомобиле, Люси принимает решение переехать в город, чем повергает Билли в панику. В суматохе ежегодной городской благотворительной вечеринки у Билли в распоряжении всего один вечер: либо он разберется с чувствами к своей лучшей подруге, либо потеряет её навсегда.
The Weather Diaries
The flying foxes that soar across Sydney each evening face many challenges: impacted by heatwaves, evicted from urban parklands, struggling to survive an ongoing loss of habitat. Bat carers save a handful here and there, and ecologists document their struggles, as threats escalate. Filmed over six years, The Weather Diaries reaches its climax in 2020, as temperatures soar, bushfires rage, and flying fox pups die in record numbers. Drayton ruminates on our failure to value these essential pollinators and the forests they sustain, and reflects on the implications for her daughter Imogen, a girl long inspired by Studio Ghibli’s Princess Mononoke, who’s emerging from the classical confines of the Conservatorium High School to embark on a career as an electronic pop artist.
Wild Things
WILD THINGS follows a new generation of environmental activists that are mobilising against forces more powerful than themselves and saying, enough. Armed only with mobiles phones, this growing army of eco warriors will do whatever it takes to save their futures from the ravages of climate change. From chaining themselves to coal trains, sitting high in the canopy of threatened rainforest or locking onto bulldozers, their non-violent tactics are designed to generate mass action with one finger tap. Against a backdrop of drought, fire and floods; we witness how today’s environmentalists are making a difference and explore connections with the past through the untold stories of previous campaigns. Surprisingly the methods of old still have currency when a groundswell of school students inspired by the actions of 16-year old Greta Thunberg say, ‘change is coming’ and call a national strike demanding action against global warming.
It is a remarkable story of personal endeavour following professional surfer, Laura Enever who leaves a comfortable place on the WSL Championship Tour to explore the unpredictable world of big-wave surfing.
Small Island Big Song – An Oceanic Songline
Filmed over three years on 16 Island nations across the Pacific & Indian Oceans, this grassroots musical follows the ocean highways uniting ancient musical lineages. From Madagascar to Rapa Nui/Easter Island, Taiwan to Zenadth Kes/The Torres Strait. A heartfelt plea for environmental awareness and cultural preservation from those on the frontline of the climate crisis.
Cult Girls
Dalia and her two young sisters grow up in a pagan apocalyptic cult led by an ancient Baltic goddess of death and reincarnation. On the night of an important cult ritual, a police raid rescues Dalia as cult members flee with her two sisters. Years later, as the guilt eats away at her, Dalia finds a potential link to the cult through a prominent and despised black metal artist sequestered in the woods. Dalia journeys to find her sisters but her quest for the truth becomes a descent into Hell.