
The Smoke Detectives (1990)

Жанр :

Время выполнения : 26М

Директор : Tom Finerty

Краткое содержание

Starring SCTV's Joe Flaherty as Count Floyd, this fire safety video is a rare classic. It's still taught in some schools today, it's that comprehensive and entertaining.


Joe Flaherty
Joe Flaherty
Count Floyd


Dennis Hayashi
Dennis Hayashi
Tom Finerty
Tom Finerty
Ralph Hollingsworth
Ralph Hollingsworth


Dragon Ball: Goku's Fire Brigade
Goku's Fire Brigade is a ten-minute public service video about fire safety, which aired in Japan in June 1988. This video features the main Dragon Ball characters having jobs as firefighters and Bulma living in a new apartment with Scratch.
Национальная безопасность
Стать полицейским — мечта многих мальчишек. Стать офицером — мечта многих курсантов полицейской академии. А быть офицером службы «Национальной безопасности» означает только одно — быть неудачником. Эрл Монтгомери очутился там за систематическое нарушение дисциплины — его сочли недостойным носить звание полицейского. Незадолго до этого он подставил Хэнка Рафферти. По иронии судьбы они становятся напарниками, и отношения между ними скорее напоминают боевые действия. Своими выездами на дежурство они умудряются «достать» весь город. И теперь в городе найдется немало желающих «замочить» эту парочку. Если только бравые блюстители порядка первыми не перебьют друг друга!
Точка обстрела
Во время публичного выступления на антитеррористическом форуме в Саламанке, Испания от рук экстремистов погибает президент США — так, по-крайней мере, событие выглядит на первый взгляд. Вслед за этим мощный взрыв убивает сотни людей. Случившееся показано с разных точки зрения: сотрудников спецслужб, случайных прохожих, террориста-фанатика. Только проследив за происходящим через призму восприятия каждого из этих людей, можно приблизиться к пониманию истиной сути событий, связанных с покушением.
Драконий жемчуг: Спецвыпуски
Два эпизода с героями аниме-сериала «Драконий жемчуг», предназначенные для детей, в которых объясняются правила дорожного движения для пешеходов и правила пожарной безопасности.
Октонавты и пещеры Сак-Актун
The Octonauts embark on an underwater adventure, navigating a set of challenging caves to help a small octopus friend return to the Caribbean Sea.
Forklift Driver Klaus: The First Day on the Job
Short film depicting a fictional educational film about fork lift truck operational safety. The dangers of unsafe operation are presented in gory details.
Cool Cat Saves the Kids
Cool Cat is the coolest cat in town. All the kids love him. Except for the bully Butch, who hates Cool Cat for his coolness. He terrorizes Cool Cat, his friends and family with threats, taunting, and the internet. Can Cool Cat face his fears and defeat the bully Derrick?
Книга Пуха: Истории от всего сердца
Замечательные кукольные мультфильмы с использованием компьютерной анимации предназначены для самых маленьких зрителей. Вместе с Винни Пухом, Пятачком, Тигрой, Кроликом и другими героями ваши дети совершат путешествие по страницам книги Алана Александра Милна "Винни Пух и все-все-все".
Je Vous Aime
This early cinematic instance of a close-up—or, more accurately, a medium close-up shot of the chest and face of the maker of this film and others like it, Georges Demenÿ saying “Je vous aime”—was made at the request of Hector Marichelle, professor and director of the National Deaf-Mute Institute in France, who planned to use filmed speech to teach deaf students to speak and lip read. This required close views of the performer's lip movements. The project was given to Demenÿ by Étienne-Jules Marey, who headed the Station Physiologique in Paris and whose chronophotographic scientific research of motion is among the most important contributions to the invention of movies. Despite these educational and scientific beginnings, however, this project led Demenÿ to pursue and influence the commercialism of cinema.
Муж и жена: Образовательный фильм для супругов
Hosted by some unnamed escapee from a twelve-step program, Man and Wife, moves from anatomy charts and Asian erotic art into actual footage of two couples demonstrating nearly fifty different sexual positions.
Lemon Tree
Salma Zidane, a widow, lives simply from her grove of lemon trees in the West Bank's occupied territory. The Israeli defence minister and his wife move next door, forcing the Secret Service to order the trees' removal for security. The stoic Salma seeks assistance from the Palestinian Authority, Israeli army, and a young attorney, Ziad Daud, who takes the case. In this allegory, does David stand a chance against Goliath?
2012: Time for Change
2012: Time For Change is a documentary feature that presents ways to transform our unsustainable society into a regenerative planetary culture. This can be achieved through a personal and global change of consciousness and the systemic implementation of ecological design.
Bulletproof Salesman
Fidelis Cloer is a self-confessed war profiteer who found The Perfect War when the US invaded Iraq. It wasn't about selling a dozen cars, or even a hundred, it was a thousand-car war where security would become the ultimate product.
A film about fireworks, the people who make them and the cultures behind them across the globe.
Free to Be… You and Me
Free to Be…You and Me, a project of the Ms. Foundation for Women, is a record album, and illustrated book first released in November 1972, featuring songs and stories from many current celebrities of the day (credited as "Marlo Thomas and Friends") such as Alan Alda, Rosey Grier, Cicely Tyson, Carol Channing, Michael Jackson, and Diana Ross, among others. An ABC Afterschool Special using poetry, songs, and sketches, followed two years later in March 1974. The basic concept is to encourage a post-60's gender neutrality, while saluting values such as individuality, tolerance, and happiness with one's identity. A major thematic message is that anyone, whether a boy or a girl, can achieve anything.
1001 Inventions and the Library of Secrets
In the movie, Sir Ben Kingsley plays the role of a mysterious and cantankerous librarian who takes a group of school children on an enlightening journey to meet pioneering scientists and engineers from the history of Muslim civilisation. The librarian is then revealed to be 12th century engineering genius Al-Jazari.
Second-hand car sales man Willenbrock has everything that he could ever wish for. He is married, has two lovers, a cottage in the German city Grünen, and a BMW. Yet one day while at his cottage he gets mugged and his life is drastically changed. Little by little the world he once felt safe in falls apart around him.
Симпозиум популярных певцов
Музыкальная короткометражка от студии «Дисней», в которой профессор Людвиг фон Дрэйк — популярный персонаж мультфильмов и комиксов — исполняет разнообразные песни, уютно расположившись в своем особняке. Сюжеты песен проиллюстрированы. Помогает профессору в этом целый отряд музыкантов разной величины. В фильме «Симпозиум популярных певцов» звучат композиции, созданные дуэтом братьев Шерман, известных как самые «продуктивные» композиторы в истории кино. Аккомпанирует Тутти Камарата.
Care Bears: Season of Caring
Celebrate the seasons with the Care Bears, as the fun, friendly little creatures love and laugh all year round. Hugs and Tugs are kept inside by the rain in "It's Raining, It's Boring," but they manage to overcome their boredom with lots of fun activities. Champ helps a young skiier gain the confidence to hit the slopes after an accident in "No Business like Snow Business," while elsewhere Beastly and Shreeky try to stop him. In "The Cloud Monster," Bright Heart is busily creating a cloud machine to capture the monster that Beastly made. Other episodes include "Caring For Spring," "Ski Trouble," and "The Frozen Forest."
From One Second to the Next
Stories of serious traffic accidents caused by texting and driving are told by the perpetrators and surviving victims.