
800 (2023)

Жанр : драма

Время выполнения : 2Ч 2М

Директор : M. S. Sripathy

Краткое содержание

Legendary cricketer Muttiah Muralitharan is widely regarded as one of the greatest bowlers in the history of the sport. However, his upbringing was anything but easy. Growing up in a harsh environment and being treated differently because of his religion, made playing for the Sri Lankan cricket team seem like a far-fetched dream. However, through Muralitharan's hard work and perseverence, he made it there. But the problems and unfair targeting didn't stop there, as he would then be accused of cheating.


Madhur Mittal
Madhur Mittal
Muttiah Muralitharan
Mahima Nambiar
Mahima Nambiar
Madhimalar Ramamurthy
Sinnasamy Muttiah
Kumar Sangakkara
Caroline Koziol
Caroline Koziol
Robert William Carlisle
Robert William Carlisle
Michael Parkinson
Vela Ramamoorthy
Vela Ramamoorthy
Mohamed Mishal Perera
Mohamed Mishal Perera
Lasith Malinga
Vickrem Gill
Vickrem Gill
Raj Awasti
Raj Awasti
Arul Dass
Arul Dass
Sashen Naicker
Sashen Naicker
Glucka Wijesuriya
Hari Krishnan
Hari Krishnan
Vincent Woods
Vincent Woods
Bruce Elliott
Yoge Jappie
Yoge Jappie
Sunil Fernando
Sharath Lohitashwa
Sharath Lohitashwa
Paul Sultana
Paul Sultana
Mark Nicoles
Mike Kelson
Mike Kelson
ACB official
Nik Goldman
Nik Goldman
Terry Hurley
Terry Hurley
Dav Whatmore
Immanuel Olufade
Immanuel Olufade
Elton Chigumbura
King Ratnam
King Ratnam
Emilija Senavaitytė
Emilija Senavaitytė


M. S. Sripathy
M. S. Sripathy
Shehan Karunatilaka
Shehan Karunatilaka
R. D. Rajasekhar
R. D. Rajasekhar
Director of Photography
Original Music Composer
M. S. Sripathy
M. S. Sripathy
Praveen K. L.
Praveen K. L.
Production Design
Poorthi Pravin
Poorthi Pravin
Costume Designer
Vivek Rangachari
Vivek Rangachari
Sam C S
Sam C S
R. D. Rajasekhar
R. D. Rajasekhar
Don Ashok
Don Ashok
Stunt Coordinator
Sampath Alwar
Sampath Alwar
Sound Mixer
Dhruv Panjuani
Dhruv Panjuani


Chakda ‘Xpress
It is inspired by the journey of Jhulan Goswami as she moves up the ladder despite the problems created by misogynistic politics to fulfill her dream of playing cricket for India. The climax would be India women's ICC World Cup final against mighty England at the Lord's on July 23, 2017 where Jhulan Goswami and co. were narrowly defeated.
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М.С.Дхони: нерассказанная история
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At an Afghanistan refugee camp, an ex-army doctor seeks to bring children joy through cricket and soon realizes that the stakes go beyond the sport.
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A boy who dreams of becoming the next Shahid Afridi finds himself down on his luck when the only club he ever knew goes bankrupt.
Лагаан: Однажды в Индии
1893 год. Индия изнемогает под гнетом британских колонизаторов. Жители маленькой бедной деревушки Чэмпэн, страдающей от засухи уже много месяцев, подают прошение полковнику Расселу, управлявшему сбором налогов, отсрочить день уплаты. В ответ высокомерный британец, решив поиздеваться над несчастными, предлагает им пари: просьба будет удовлетворена, если местные жители смогут переиграть его в крикет. Гордый Бхаван принимает вызов, хотя не имеет ни малейшего представления об этой игре. Но сестра полковника, красавица Элизабет, возмущенная жестокостью брата, решает помочь Бхавану овладеть правилами…
Rameshan, who has great love for cricket, fails to become a cricketer in his life. However, he tries to fulfil his dreams through his son when he realises that the child too has a passion for it.
In 1973, a young gallery assistant goes on a wild adventure behind the scenes as he helps the aging genius Salvador Dali prepare for a big show in New York.
Kaun Pravin Tambe?
Mumbai-born leg-spinner Pravin Tambe made his debut in professional cricket at the age of 41 in the IPL for Rajasthan Royals in 2013 not having played any international or even first-class cricket before that. The story traces the extraordinary journey of Tambe as he became the oldest debutant - at an age when most cricketers have retired or are on the verge of retirement - a modern-day fable of an underdog who fought against his destiny.
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Англия, лето 1900 года. Лео Колстон гостит у одноклассника Маркуса Модсли, в загородном доме в Норфолке. Там он знакомится с Мэриан — старшей сестрой Маркуса. Она помолвлена с богатым и знатным Хью Тримингемом. Однажды Мэриан просит Лео отнести послание Тэду Бёрджесу — фермеру, с которым у неё тайный роман. Перипетии этой любовной истории накладывают неизгладимый отпечаток на всю последующую жизнь Лео.