В Нью-Йорке стоит невыносимая жара. Плавится асфальт, автомобили раскалились до температуры доменных печей, а изможденные люди, обливаясь потом, мечтают провести остаток дня под струями холодного душа… Одновременно с тем, как столбик термометра безжалостно ползет вверх, кровь жителей Бруклина постепенно начинает вскипать. Обычно хорошо спрятанные нетерпимость, агрессия и жестокость неудержимо просятся наружу, и «поступать правильно» уже никак не получается. А посему милая, старая, уютная итальянская пиццерия «У Сэла» превращается к исходу дня в настоящее поле боя.
The story of hip hip behind the iron curtain.
Середина 90-х, Париж охвачен беспорядками. Из-за жёстких действий полиции арабский подросток Абдель оказывается в больнице. Его друг Винс находит на улице полицейский револьвер и вместе с товарищами Юбером и Саидом отправляется мстить. Друзья проводят один долгий день между Парижем и его пригородами, рэпом и боксом, мелким хулиганством и произволом властей. В истории «общества, которое падает вниз», ненависть неизменно порождает ненависть.
«Подъем» - это вдумчивый и совершенно свежий взгляд на молодежь большого города, которая создает искусство – и зачастую семью – на пустом месте. В окружении наркоманов, банд и нищеты они сумели создать уникальный стиль танца, который продолжает развиваться каждый день. Благодаря огромной силе духа и таланту им удается подняться над окружающей их обыденностью.
У них есть оружие. У них есть деньги. Но у них нет никаких шансов против бывшего полицейского Хан Синга. Джет Ли играет крутого и готового на все Хана, не без взаимности влюбленного в Триш О Дэй, несмотря на то, что их семьи ведут жестокую войну за передел в Окленде. Опасности объединяют влюбленных, когда они пытаются выяснить истинные причины кровавых разборок.
An insane preacher seeks retribution from the local crime syndicate for the violent death of his family and the burning of his church in a horrendous ghetto crime spree.
In 2010 a virus spread throughout the world's population turning the survivors Into mindless zombies. Around the same time of these Apocalyptic events the Hilltop Hoods were due to make a dvd for their Album 'State of the Art'. As civilisation collapsed, the Hoods were so self-involved they made their dvd anyway.
This concert program was shot with 10 Camera Hi-Definition featuring R. Kelly at the world famous Paramount Theater in Oakland, CA. Kelly's previous albums have garnered sales of over 25 million records in the U.S. alone. The show will feature hit songs from his entire career leading up to his next album in 2007. This high end program runs over 60 minutes in length and features all of the smash hits that R.Kelly is famous for. The first live concert feature from international R&B star R. Kelly was shot in Oakland, California and includes over 60 minutes of his best-loved hits.
The voice of a new generation rocks and rhymes as Palestinian rappers form alternative voices of resistance within the Israeli-Palestinian struggle.
Robbyn and her luscious band of lascivious babes plan a big heist at a party hosted by Krunch, Robbyn's ex-boyfriend turned rap star who dumped her when he hit it big. TK and Benny, a couple of gatecrashers, are the unwitting foils; this dim-witted duo just wants Krunch to hear their demo, but they just might screw up Robbyn's carefully laid plans.
Still Smokin' is a comprehensive collection of promos from Hip-Hop's "vatos locos", Cypress Hill, spanning the whole of their 10-year, seven-album career. Following a brace of songs recorded live at San Francisco's Fillmore Theatre, this selection settles into a tried and tested promo formula for half of its running time, using ghetto-real grainy footage of the moody trio stalking inner city streets. "When the Ship goes Down" branches out into conceptual territory with a three-minute epic concerning internecine gang warfare that breaks up the band's performance. On "Dr Greenthumb" they play on their Furry Freak Brothers of rap stereotype in the setting of a green-fingered General Hospital. "(Rock) Superstar" sees a Cypress fan winning a Willy Wonka-style ride through their Hall of Mirrors, where he is transformed into a bona fide, gold lame-wearing rock star. Set in a derelict warehouse, the hardcore romp of "Can't Get the Best of Me" is reminiscent of Fight Club's basement brawls.
Восьмилетний паренек Тим и его мать подсаживаются в такси к Бобу — невменяемому водителю, как раз подыскивающего себе новую жертву. После убийства женщины Тим становится марионеткой в руках психа, вынуждающего его хоронить тела. Хватит ли подростку мужества разорвать ужасную связь судьбы, все крепче стягивающую его с убийцей…
Following his film about music and war in Iraq, Soundtrack to War , Producer/ DirectorGeorge Gittoes slices into the mirky underbelly of the Giant Land of the Free. RAMPAGE is another Gittoes journey into the forbidden zones; – America’s war in Iraq, and in it’s own backyard – life in a Miami ‘hood – an exploration of hiphop’s musical innovations, as important as the field s the field hollers, the blue, the blues, and jazz, which also began in the black ghettos, and went on to evolve as major music styles.
New York, 1986: a city of big dreams and equally big problems. Like New York itself, hip-hop music encompassed both of these human conditions. But hip-hop and its cultural birthplace shared other important characteristics, too: the desire to always be original, a hustle-to-survive ambition, and — if the stars aligned — the ability to come out on top, no matter what the odds. Big Fun in the Big Town is about hip-hop when artistry in the game was still at its center. When skills, not hype, got you your first record deal. When Run-DMC took the reins from Doug E Fresh and Grandmaster Flash, paving the way for hundreds of other hitmakers to follow. When a chart-topping LL Cool J still lived with his Grandmother. When the Latin Quarter was the club to be at on any weekend night. And when artists from all backgrounds could taste their own pop chart dreams, just beyond their reach but still seemingly attainable.
In July 2007 the famous Miles Davis Hall at Montreux was witness to a gathering of the Wu-Tang Clan. With the exception of the sadly deceased Ol’ Dirty Bastard, the whole Clan was present: RZA, GZA, Method Man, Inspectah Deck, Raekwon The Chef, U-God, Ghostface Killah and Masta Killa. Also joining the party were some of their extended family members: Cappadonna, Streetlife and DJ Mathematics. This rare gathering of the full clan took Montreux by storm and got the whole audience on their feet and jumping with a set featuring all their best known hits and classics plus a number of solo tracks, including a clutch of Ol’ Dirty Bastard hits.
In 15-years the Black Mafia Family, or BMF as they were called, made close to 300 million dollars trafficking cocaine from Atlanta to Los Angeles. In the Hip-Hop music industry they created a front company called BMF Entertainment, which was a perfect mix of drugs, violence, and street cred that makes their story Hip-Hop's version of the Godfather. This film explores the story of the 15-year investigation by the DEA, FBI and an elite drug task force called HIDTA, which resulted in 41 defendants across the country being charged in one of the largest drug conspiracy cases ever.
Jaxx is an aspiring rapper/singer who is signed to a west coast record label run by Domino Breed, a tyrant who rules almost every aspect of his artist's career - and life. Similar to the real events leading to the death of 2Pac Shakur and Notorious B.I.G., a east coast/west coast battle goes on leading to death and deceit
Дженни порвала со своим парнем на День Святого Валентина и в сердцах села на первый же рейс в Нью-Йорк. Ей предстоит разделить полет с массой занимательных пассажиров, которые сплошь оригиналы, и встретить на борту свою настоящую любовь.
Features the last ever "Brainfreeze" set by Shadow and Cut Chemist in its entirety, along with performances by Z-Trip, Nu-Mark, Marvski, Dante, and others