
Dead Birds (1963)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 1Ч 24М

Директор : Robert Gardner

Краткое содержание

The film's title is borrowed from a Dani fable that Gardner recounts in voice-over. The Dani people, whom Gardner identifies mysteriously as "a mountain people," believe that there was once a great race between a bird and a snake, which was to determine the lives of human beings. Should men shed their skins and live forever like snakes, or die like birds? The bird won the race, dictating that man must die. The film's plot revolves around two characters, Weyak and Pua. Weyak is a warrior who guards the frontier between the land of his tribe and that of the neighboring tribe. Pua is a young boy whom Gardner depicts as weak and inept.


Robert Gardner
Robert Gardner


Robert Gardner
Robert Gardner
Robert Gardner
Robert Gardner
Robert Gardner
Robert Gardner
Robert Gardner
Robert Gardner
Michael C. Rockefeller
Michael C. Rockefeller
Sound Recordist
Jairus Lincoln
Jairus Lincoln
Sound Editor
Joyce Chopra
Joyce Chopra
Sound Editor
Peter Chermayeff
Peter Chermayeff
Title Designer


Attenborough's Paradise Birds
David Attenborough tells the remarkable story of how these " birds of paradise " have captivated explorers , naturalists, artists, filmmakers and even royalty.
Племя Криппендорфа
Профессор антропологии Джеймс Криппендорф получает 100,000 долларов на свои исследования и отправляется в Новую Гвинею, чтобы найти последнее на земном шаре племя дикарей. Вскоре он возвращается без денег и без племени. Коллеги с нетерпением ждут его доклада и пленки, на которой ученый запечатлел таинственных обитателей джунглей. Понимая, что обман вот — вот раскроется, находчивый профессор сооружает на заднем дворе своего дома первобытные шалаши и поселяет туда самых неуправляемых дикарей — своих собственных детей! Съемки прошли удачно, но кое — кто по — прежнему не верит в великое племя Криппендорфа.
Группа дайверов предпринимает очень рискованную экспедицию в самую большую систему пещер на Земле — невероятно красивую и почти недоступную. Неожиданный тропический шторм вынуждает их спуститься глубоко в пещеры. Единственное спасение для исследователей — найти неизвестный второй выход к морю, преодолевая неистовую стихию бушующих вод, коварные ловушки подземелий и смертельный ужас…
Звериная натура
Лила страдает врожденным дефектом - у нее повышенная волосатость тела. Повышенная настолько, что даже в медицинской энциклопедии рядом с описанием этого феномена помещена ее фотография. Пытаясь найти себя, Лила долгое время жила в лесу и даже написала несколько книг о природе и месте человека в ней, но в жизни всегда настает момент, когда самке больше всего нужна пара. И пару Лила находит в профессоре Натане Бронфмане - педантичном зануде, изучающим проблему обучения мышей хорошим манерам. Но однажды на лесной прогулке они натыкаются на дикаря, воспитанного человеком, считавшим себя обезьяной. Натан видит в этом возможность проиллюстрировать свою теорию обучения существ, но самого Паффа, как он окрестил находку, никто не спросил, надо ли ему учиться.
Бог людоедов
Этнолог и исследователь Стивенсон, так и не получив официального разрешения на исследования, отправляется в джунгли Марабата в Новой Гвинее для подтверждения факта существования племени людоедов Пука. Вылетев в Новую Гвинею Стивенсон так и не вернулся. Через некоторое время Сьюзен Стивенсон, жена пропавшего этнолога, и её брат Артур снаряжают экспедицию во главе профессора Эдварда Фостера с целью обнаружить пропавшего мужа Сьюзен. В начале поисков компания получает известия от туземцев о существующем в джунглях племени людоедов Пука, однако, якобы, племя считается вымершим. После организации одного из ночных привалов бесследно пропадает один из сопровождающих компанию, после чего нападению подвергается сама Сьюзен. Но нападение не увенчалось успехом — на помощь пришёл Маноло.
Birds of Paradise
Living in the depths of the New Guinea rainforest are the spectacular birds of paradise - creatures so beautiful that the first Europeans believed they must have fallen from heaven. Filming their bizarre courtship displays is the Holy Grail of wildlife film makers: some perform like iridescent acrobats, others make hypnotic pulsing sounds as they quiver and vibrate.
Ад каннибалов 2
Оказывается, людоеды встречаются не только в сказках. В недоступных джунглях Новой Гвинеи с давних времен существует таинственная секта, принимающая обряд очищения и единения с природой через человеческую плоть. В том, что это не выдумка, предстоит убедиться героине фильма, отправившейся на поиски пропавшей сестры. И это только начало ужасной истории…
Мистер Пип
История мистера Уоттса, последнего белого парня в Бугенвиле. Он открывает школу и читает детям свой любимый роман — «Большие надежды» Чарльза Диккенса. Это помогает ему наладить связь с ними и помочь разобраться в собственных проблемах.
Новая Гвинея, 1942 год. Австралия воют с Японской империей. Элитный отряд японского спецназа высаживается на берег, где находится небольшой отряд новобранцев австралийской армии. Отрезанные японцами от своих и изолированные в непроходимых джунглях солдаты идут через страшное место — дорогу Кокода. Понимая, что шансы дойти практически равны нулю, солдаты решают принять бой с японцами, даже если он будет последним в их жизни.
Золото Флинна
Этот австралийский биографический фильм рассказывает историю приключений Эролла Флинна, которые происходили с ним до того, как он стал известным голливудским актёром.
Birds of the Gods
Living in the depths of the New Guinean Rainforest are birds of unimaginable color and beauty. When Europeans first saw the plumes of these fabulous creatures in the sixteenth century they believed they must be from heaven and called them Birds of Paradise. The people of New Guinea make even greater claims. They say the birds possess supernatural powers and magic. But to find these birds in New Guinea is one of the toughest assignments and to witness their extraordinary mating displays is even tougher. David Attenborough introduces a young team of New Guinean scientists on a grueling expedition to find and film these Birds of Paradise; the holy grail of wildlife filmmakers.
Das geheime Wesen der Katzen
Eating With Cannibals
National Geographic joins author and explorer Piers Gibbon as he investigates one of mankind's ultimate taboos: cannibalism. Gibbon treks into the rain forest of Papua New Guinea to find tribe members who ate human flesh. And, meets the members of the once-feared Biami tribe to witness their ritual techniques.
Прощай, Рабаул
Фильм о битве за Рабаул, ключевом форпосте обороны японцев во второй мировой войне на Тихом океане. Фильм не только о войне, но и о любви, человеческих взаимоотношениях в таких тяжёлых условиях жизни.
Aliko and Ambai
Aliko & Ambai is a feature film about two young women facing the challenges of growing up in the beautiful Eastern Highlands of Papua New Guinea. The challenges are significant: tribal conflict, poverty, bullying, domestic violence,and forced marriage. Aliko struggles to complete her education and Ambai searches to escape her abusive home and reunite with her biological father. They navigate the many obstacles in their lives and endeavour to build brighter futures for themselves, supported by the strength of friendship.
Wilde Miezen - Katzen allein unterwegs
Black Harvest
Joe Leahy is the half-caste son of one of the first explorers of the Papua New Guinean interior. The documentary explores his relationship with the tribes that work his coffee plantation and explores what happens when the coffee market situation becomes more difficult.
Крылатая победа
Pinky Scariano, Allan Ross, and Frankie Davis all join the Army Air Forces with hopes of becoming pilots. In training, they meet and become pals with Bobby Grills and Irving Miller, and the five struggle through the rigid training and grueling tests involved in becoming pilots. Not all of them succeed, and tragedy awaits for some.
A Blank on the Map
In his now well-known role of narrator of wildlife expeditions, Attenborough accompanies a government-sponsored trek into the central New Guinea highlands to make contact with a group of natives never before seen by Europeans.
Tinpis Run
A man encounters colorful characters while driving a taxi in Papua New Guinea.


The Kidnapping
Hans has killed the dog of Firmin, a shepherd. Wild with rage, Firmin kidnaps Elsi, Hans' fiancée and locks her up at his home. Hans, a peddler, vows to find the missing girl. This is what he does and he manages, with the help of Mânu, the village idiot, to give Elsi a letter. On seeing her, the changeling falls in love at first sight with the young woman. Elsi soon realizes that Mânu can become her instrument of vengeance.
The Cage
A soundless film starts in a studio: an artist sits, a nude stands; a page burns, paper cutouts appear, images are distorted. The artist removes his eye; it falls from his hand, seeing images spin as it rolls. A man falls, objects in the studio falls on him, he's not the artist. A woman gets help from a man in a lab coat; he and the man on the floor fight over a shotgun. Outside, in the city, people and cars move backwards. On the street, those from the studio chase a woman who's stolen leeks. In the backward cityscape, they move forward. They run toward a seaside amusement park. The artist follows, his head in a bird cage. He ends up with the woman who went for help; or does he?
A farmer accidentally creates a self-procreating iron Pegasus.
The history and art of ikebana, a centuries old Japanese art of flower arrangement and a look inside the Sogetsu School of Ikebana, where the director's father Sofu Teshigahara worked as the grand master of the school.
In Russian, "Svyato" means "happy". But it is also a nickname for Svyatoslav, the son of director Kossakovsky, who for two years covered mirrors from Svyato. For the first time in his life, Svyato is going to watch himself on a mirror.
A lonely guy, living an uneventful life in Paris, takes care of his mother. One day, a girl with a more exciting life moves in his apartment building.
Hamfat Asar
"The strangeness of this film is laced with carefully moulded apocalypses as the filmmaker explores a vision of life beyond death – the Elysian fields of Homer, Dante’s Purgatorio, de Chirico’s stitched plain. A moving single picture. Evolving the structure or script for the film involved a process of controlled hallucination, whereby I sat quietly without moving, looking at the background until the pieces began to move without my inventing things for them to do. I found that, given the chance, they really did have important business to attend to, and my job was to furnish them with the power of motion. I never deviated from this plan." —Canyon Cinema
Le Sabotier du Val de Loire
This is October 1955. The place is a village in Loire-Atlantique, La Chapelle-Basse-Mer, where an old clog-maker works and lives with his wife and their adopted son. The clog-maker's meticulous craft is described with love and close attention to detail. On the other hand, forthcoming death pervades the quiet everyday life of the elderly couple.
A British Picture
The updated autobiography of Britain’s most controversial film director, the maker of Women in Love, The Devils, The Music Lovers, Tommy and The Rainbow, is as unconventional and brilliant as his best films. Moving with astonishing assurance through time and space, Russell recreates his life in a series of interconnected episodes – his thirties childhood in Southampton, his first sexual experience (watching Disney’s Pinocchio), his schooldays at the Nautical College, Pangbourne, early careers in the Merchant Marine and the Royal Air Force, dancing days at the Shepherds Bush Ballet Club and of course his career as a film-maker, beginning with an extraordinary interview with Huw Weldon for a job on Monitor. Full of marvellously funny anecdotes and fascinating insights into the realities of the film director's life, A British Picture is a remarkable autobiography.
Alfredo is a cheerful party animal, son of a wealthy man. Alfredo's brother, a young very focused and mature boy, and their father try unsuccessfully to change the profligate lifestyle of Alfredo to remedy the dissolute life of the latter, which, by all indications, is clearly gay.
Sea Ballerinas
Two kinds of starfish, the brittle and the feather. The brittle star moves its arms alone, without the aid of suckers. Underneath is a single opening. Stalks move food close to the mouth and move waste away. We see vents, used in reproduction and breathing. We watch the hatched young expelled into the water. The camera shows us brittle stars' intricate patters. We observe feather stars in clusters, like ferns. One turns over slowly; arms have branches with stalks for breathing and gathering microscopic food. Reproductive organs are inside branches. We see eggs develop at 1,400 nature's speed. Larvae emerge, 0.1 mm long. They grow. A feather star takes a walk.
Bosko's Picture Show
Bosko runs a movie theater that shows a wacky newsreel with Jack Dumpsey, a slapstick short from Haurel and Lardy, and a turn-of-the-century melodrama starring Honey.
Industrial Britain
Grierson set out to make "propaganda," and this film--with it's voice-over proclaiming the great value of the British industrial worker, without a hint of ambiguity or doubt--fits that category well. The authoritatarian narrator feels out-of-date and unsophisticated, but the footage is well shot and interesting, and the transparency of the propaganda aspect is almost a reflief at a time when so many films have hidden agendas.
A man plays fetch with his dog, only to have both him and his dog mired in a series of optical illusions.
As You See?
Award-Winning filmmaker Paul Leduc (Frida, Naturaleza Viva, Reed: Insurgent Mexico, Barroco) directed this gritty musical drama about life in the ghettos of Mexico City during the 1980s. With a soundtrack of Mexican rock music, the camera takes the viewer through the streets, to rock concerts, and to the bars and clubs, where he exposes the hunger, repression, unhealthy conditions and violence in the marginal communities of Mexico's capital city.
Marcello Mastroianni: I Remember
In 1996, Marcello Mastroianni talks about life as an actor. It's an anecdotal and philosophical memoir, moving from topic to topic, fully conscious of a man "of a certain age" looking back. He tells stories about Fellini and De Sica's direction, of using irony in performances, of constantly working (an actor tries to find himself in characters). He's diffident about prizes, celebrates Rome and Paris, salutes Naples and its people. He answers the question, why make bad films; recalls his father and grandfather, carpenters, his mother, deaf in her old age, and his brother, a film editor; he's modest about his looks. In repose, time's swift passage holds Mastroianni inward gaze.
Девушка синих небес
Восемнадцатилетняя Юко должна переехать в Токио к отцу и своей семье, с которой почти не знакома. Драма накаляется, когда бабушка перед смертью признается Юко, что её мать ей не родная. Неудивительно, что в доме родного отца девушку принимают очень холодно.
Photograph of Jesus
An employee of a photo archive describes some of the most unusual requests for photographs he has had to deal with (such as a photograph of Jesus), as the impossible images are brought to life through animation.
Фильм рассказывает о еврейском юноше, взрослеющем в нацистском Берлине. В фильме раскрываются темы борьбы за самоидентичность и борьбы за выживание, бывшие актуальными для евреев, особенно молодых, в охваченной войной Европе.
Passion & Poetry: The Ballad of Sam Peckinpah
Portrayal of a talented, influencial and troubled artist: a filmmaker who fought his own demons and seemed to live his own legend like no other director. Against all odds Sam Peckinpah was able to create a very personal body of work in the studio system of Hollywood and with his powerful directing and editing style changed the way of filmmaking forever. Legendary for his use of slow-motion violence, various scandals and his ongoing problems with sudios and producers, the story of Peckinpah is filled with tragedy, humor, success and defeat.