
Genesis (1981)

Жанр : мультфильм

Время выполнения : 3М

Директор : Ron Hays

Краткое содержание

Deftly riding the membrane between bathos and transcendence, a beautiful video feedback and computer animation film by Ron Hays with an instant classic synth score by Ragnar Grippe.



Ron Hays
Ron Hays
Ron Hays
Ron Hays
Ragnar Grippe
Ragnar Grippe


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Оскар и его сестра Линда — приезжие, новые обитатели Токио. Пока Оскар приторговывает наркотиками, Линда танцует стриптиз в ночном клубе. Однажды, во время полицейской облавы на местный бар, Оскар получает пулю и, пока он умирает, его душа, верная обещанию никогда не оставлять свою сестру, отказывается покидать мир живых. Беспокойный дух Оскара скитается по городу, преследуемый невыносимыми кошмарами. Прошлое, настоящее, будущее переплетаются в галлюциногенном водовороте.
Сын белой лошади
Когда-то росло на земле гигантское дерево. На одном из листочков его могучей кроны помещалась целая страна. У короля, правившего этой страной, было три сына, которые в один прекрасный день отправились в путь, чтобы найти себе жен. Скоро они вернулись домой с тремя прекрасными феями. Одну звали Золотоволосая, другую Серебряноволосая, третья Медноволосая. Невиданно пышную свадьбу устроил король. Но самого его омрачала какая-то дума. Пока шумел праздник , он призвал к себе трех юных принцесс и рассказал им о трех драконах, обитателях подземного царства, которым приглянулись избранницы принцев. Юные принцессы загорелись любопытством к тайне властителей царства тьмы, и попали в плен к драконам. Освободить их могли только очень храбрые юноши.
Spiritual Constructions
One of Oskar Fischinger's earliest films, Seelische Konstruktionen (as it is known in German), clearly points the way to the masterpieces of musically-blended experimental animation he would conceive in the decades to come. The sense of masterful timing and rhythm, the easy and natural -- though patently Fischinger-esque -- character traits of the subjects, and the smooth precision of both line and movement are all present already. Unique is the black-silhouetted, semi-cartoon characters (not nearly as rigidly self-contained as Lotte Reiniger's cut-out forms) which seem to adhere to no physical limitations whatsoever. Morphing into shapes, structures, objects, patterns, and even one another, as though they were made of pure mercury and set to music. As for the "story", it's rather non-sensical, and certainly silly, but also has a slightly dark and devious tinge to it as well; men becoming monsters, uncontrollable shape-shifting and the constant, almost desperate movement.
Рассвет застилает глаза
Пара проводит вечность в замке, пока их реальность не начинает меняться, когда неизвестное врывается в их жизнь.
A visual and musical game which builds and destroys itself according to the vivacious rhythm of Serge Prokofiev’s Scherzo to Piano Concerto No. 2.
Face Like a Frog
A frog is driving his alligator-shaped car when he is stopped by a shapely she-frog who steps into the road. She tells him that her house is haunted, so he goes along to assist.
The Butterfly Ball
Roger Glover puts on a star-studded concert at the Royal Albert Hall for his concept album "The Butterfly Ball and the Grasshopper's Feast".
Киноэссе популярной в шестидесятые американской рок-группы The Monkees на такие «жизненно важные» темы, как отношения с девушками, коммерциализация музыки, кинопроизводство и Вьетнам.
Волшебный христианин
Сэр Гай Гранд, эксцентричный миллиардер, вместе со своим недавно усыновленным наследником, а ранее бездомным, Янгменом, любит развлекаться, разыгрывая людей. Гранд не против раздавать большие суммы денег различным людям, подкупать их, чтобы удовлетворять свои прихоти или шокировать их. Цель его розыгрышей - показать своему наследнику, что «каждый имеет свою цену» - все просто зависит от суммы, которую вы готовы заплатить. Начиная с довольно мелких обманов, они переходят к все более сложным трюкам с участием более высоких социальных слоев и более широкой аудитории. Как показывает их беседа, Гранд рассматривает свои сюжеты как «образовательные».
Minilogue - Animals the Movie
The film is divided into fifteen chapters. Each chapter has a topic of its own and develops a unique visual style. All parts are connected by a certain theme: the conjunctive concept of the film is the idea of universal transformation and movement, which is represented in the animals. The artists follow the surrealist credo that everything is linked with everything else in a hidden way. The only way to uncover these links is art. With its irresistible synthetic dynamics, the film reveals these secret connections.
Grant Morrison:  Talking with Gods
Philosopher, pop-icon, shaman and story teller - as one of the most influential comic book writers in the market today, Grant Morrison is all of these things. His explosive and often controversial 30 year career has made him a household name for comic fans, and he shows no signs of slowing down. Morrison's career is now taking a new turn, as he explores media beyond comic books. With film and television projects on the horizon, more and more people are asking "Who is Grant Morrison?" Grant Morrison: Talking with Gods is a feature length documentary that takes an in depth look at the life, career and mind of the man behind such pivotal titles as Batman RIP, The Invisibles, All Star Superman, The New X-Men, and many more. Featuring candid interviews with Morrison and his most important collaborators, Talking with Gods reveals an intelligent and thought provoking side of comic books that is often overlooked in Hollywood adaptations.
A psychedelic horror-comedy starring Last Podcast On The Left’s Henry Zebrowski and Bay Area legend Skinner, and featuring special effects from Shane Morton, the mastermind behind Mandy’s Cheddar Goblin.
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История японского подростка из неблагополучной семьи. Его бабушка страдает старческим маразмом, сестра любит своего кролика на грани сексуальной одержимости, а отец отводит юношу к проститутке, чтобы тот стал мужчиной. Пережив множество тяжелых жизненных ситуаций юноша разочаровывается в людях и собственной жизни. От ярости он сбегает из дома и оказывается на улице. Главная история фильма разбивается короткими рассказами различных людей, которые помогают сложить цельную картину явлений в обществе Японии в 60-70-е годы.
The year is 2157. An alien organization with ultra-high technology, 'Eed', invades the Earth. As the Earth fa ces extinction, Elka, a descendant of the lost continent Atlantis, looks with the help of a super power computer Delta 8988, for the last hero who may be able to save the world. It turns out to be Oh Haesung who lives in the 20th century. Marie, a special agent sent from Elka, comes to the year 1996 with the important mission of fetching Haesung. However, Eed also finds out about Haesung and sends an assassin.
Scroggins Beach
3D animated short of computer made visuals.
Woos Whoopee
One of Otto Messmer's most unusual Felix cartoons. It portrays Felix as an inebriated feline being chased by all kinds of demons only to be welcomed by the greatest demon of all, the angry wife.
Oh Yoko!
A short experimental animation by Keiichi Tanaami.
A star-driven spiraling machine of hallucinatory wonder!
The bizarre adventures of the cartoon character Foska, drawn by 22 animators working in collaboration. Each animator worked on his or her own sequence only and did not know what action preceded or followed his or her sequence, except that the first drawing of a sequence is the last drawing from the previous sequence.
Commercial War
A short experimental animation by Keiichi Tanaami.


Non-narrative found-footage short experimental film
Не такой, как все
В странном мире, населенном антропоморфными существами, бродит мальчик в шляпе. Он ищет счастье, которое неизвестно где найти, занимается философскими поисками и проходит личный квест. Но, по сути, эта наивная история - всего лишь романтическая сказка.
Дьявол в кармане
Группа детей становится свидетелями преступления, но вынуждена хранить молчание. Для Огюста, самого младшего из них, бремя становится слишком тяжелым и он решает раскрыть тайну.
The Bird Lady
This adventure invites us to enter the heart of a story, which Daniel, a now retired drawing teacher, told us concerning a brief but striking encounter which occurred in Paris, in 1967. When an asset manager asked him to draw up a plan of a 16th-century building in the heart of Paris, he went into the flat of an enthusiastic collector of birds, nicknamed “The Bird Lady”. Her home was an exotic enchantment of birds either flying around freely or in refined cages. The more Daniel explored it, the less he felt that he was in Paris.
Digital Dance
A figure performs a dance to disco and beautiful abstractions are created.
Little Red Riding Hood and Health
Graduation Work of Inoue Ryo which won the Toronto Japanese Short Film Festival award in 2011. Little Red Riding Hood is eaten by a wolf and decides to help four fairies that live inside of it cure its disease.
dedicated to summer 2006 and sammy lamb who taught me how to make good videos
Giraffe Soup
A lively roundelay of colourful food.
Lack of Evidence
In Nigeria, to be a twin can be a blessing or a curse. The father of O is the village chief, a witch doctor who believes in the curse of twins. One day, this witch doctor tried to kill his two sons during a ritual ceremony: O managed to escape but saw his brother being murdered. Having fled across his country, he succeeded, by chance, in leaving Nigeria and going into exile in France.
Обветренные губы
Мать и ребёнок пытаются найти общий язык, сидя за кухонным столом.
Monkeys Who Live in a House
Monkey roommates, Gorby and Yorby, receive a visit from Duck Salesman.
Visions of the Invertebrate
A collaboration between artist Edwin Rostron and musician Supreme Vagabond Craftsman.
Pan mun jom
Pan Mun Jom (2013) goes further in the questioning on the fictional dimension of the DMZ (and of demarcations in general) by reducing to colour spots soldiers facing each other from both sides of the border… Who is who? Who is where? Where are we? As the shooting authorizations where cancelled following the 2013 North-Korean crisis, the video simulates the filming with a thermal imaging camera reproducing images at 37°C (98.6°F) – in other words, our body temperature. Hence, the abstraction achieved through scientific imaging (re)places on an equal stage the soldiers no matter what side they are on, and thus cancels the very notion of border.
Abstract computer animation set to autoharp solo music composed and performed by Jordan Belson
The Woman With Three Husbands
This is a fable about a woman’s right to choose her husband: it tells the story of a princess, who has several suitors. She puts them to the test, and finally chooses the one who has demonstrated the finest moral qualities.
Video Weavings
Video Weavings is a link between the modern (video) and the ancient (weaving) technologies. Video Weavings are based on poetic mathematical rhymes, or algorithms, visualized in real time on the warp and weft of video's horizontal and vertical scanning electron beams, color phosphors, plasma cells, and LCD pixels.
A horror musical about figuring yourself out.
That's Hot
Abstract computer animation by G. G. Aries set to music by Larry Gibbs
Love Me
A lonely flower opens its thoughts and feelings to a new friend.
Deep Squeeze
A man pushes himself into tighter and tighter spaces as he attempts to escape his submarine.