
Serene (2016)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 11М

Директор : Mary Ann Gabisan

Краткое содержание

Tami-aw is a docu narrative film about the journey of a less fortunate widow Louigina "igi" on her way to claim cash aid from the government. such aid was supposed to be an educational support but it turns out to be used to support but it turns out to be used to support their survival. Is there any other way to break the intergenerational cycle of poverty of a Filipino family?



Mary Ann Gabisan
Mary Ann Gabisan


О человеке вышедшем из крайней нищеты, чтобы стать десятикратным чемпионом мира по боксу, конгрессменом и международным символом, о Мэнни Пакьяо.
The Mistress
A young woman is torn between the affections of her two lovers. One is a young bachelor who brings passion into her life. The other is a married man who has kept her as his mistress for years. Architect JD has a chip on his shoulder about his father Rico never really accepting him as his son. Seamstress Sari struggles to take care of her family. The two meet by chance, and JD aggressively pursues Saris affections. Though the two are clearly a good match, there is a problem standing in the way of their bliss: Sari is the mistress of JDs father. Against his better judgment, JD continues to court Sari even after finding out this difficult fact. He hides his true identity as Ricos son, and fights to win Saris heart.
A former high-school football star loses his shot at a college scholarship due to a devastating gridiron injury, but gets a second chance at living his dream.
Ilo Ilo
During the late 1990s, a busy working-class Singaporean couple hires a Filipino woman as a maid and nanny to their young son.
Миссия спасения
Главная заповедь солдата: «Своих не бросать!». Как только приходит известие, что филиппинские повстанцы сбили над джунглями вертолет США, элитный боевой отряд лейтенанта Мэтта Дэниелса немедленно отправляется на место падения машины, чтобы спасти ее пилота, капитана вооруженных сил США Эми Дженнингс. Однако чем дальше спецназовцы продвигаются вглубь вражеской территории, тем сильнее подозрения их командира, что им противостоит не кучка партизан, а отборные боевики Аль-Кайеды! Ведь именно в этих краях скрывается знаменитый исламский террорист Абубакар Аль-Салаам, в руки которого, как выясняется, попало биологическое оружие. А стало быть, миссия спасения на глазах превращается для героев в полноценную военную операцию, от исхода которой зависит уже не одна, а миллионы жизней!
Teddy Pendergrass: If You Don't Know Me
The untold and ultimately inspiring story of legendary singer, Teddy Pendergrass, the man poised to be the biggest R&B artist of all time until the tragic accident that changed his life forever at the age of only 31.
No Fear: The Manny Pacquiao Story
Thanks to his fierce reputation as an aggressive left-handed slugger and his status as a two-time world champion, diminutive Filipino boxer Manny Pacquiao is recognized as one of the hardest punchers in any weight class and a bona fide national hero. Incorporating footage from his most memorable fights, this inspiring documentary chronicles his rise from humble beginnings to unprecedented fame beyond his wildest dreams.
The People's Champion
If the first one stunned you, The People's Champion will floor you. This jawbusting follow-up contains the best of Manny Pacquiao's world title defense fights flashing that on-ring bravura that has made him one of the world boxing's crème de la crème. If you've been keeping count of fighters felled by the man with fists of gold, this one could blow your score sheet. Pound for pound, it's world-class sports entertainment at its finest.
Ashes to Idols
The journey from ashes to idols through the eyes of a teenager who has created many jobs in the process The documentary shows how a teenager decided to get rid of temple's waste by making idols from them and how few jail inmates became his helper in the process.
Миссия Спасения 2: Точка Удара
Когда террористы захватывают военную базу и забирают кодовый датчик контроля за коммерческими авиалиниями, капитаны Мэтт Дэниэлс и Эми Дженнингс должны их найти, пока не поздно!
Pacquiao: The Movie
Jericho Rosales portrays Filipino boxer Manny Pacquiao as he struggles out of poverty to become a champion and national hero. Yet when the pressures of his sport, his personal life and the high expectations of his countrymen take their toll, he falls from grace. With the help of his wife (Bea Alonzo), will he be able to rise once more to be worthy of being called "the People's Champion"?
Настоящая слава
Картина разворачивает свое действие на фоне морского восстания во время американской оккупации Филиппин в начале двадцатого века. В 1906 году американская армия покидает Манилу, оставив несколько офицеров на острове Манданао, в том числе капитана Хартли, лейтенантов МакКула, Ларсона и военного врача, а как оказалось мастера на все руки, Билла Кэнэвэна. Они должны научить филиппинских констеблей военным приемам, чтобы защитить местное население от жестоких завоевателей в лице повстанца Алипанга и его банды. Но вся беда в том, что аборигены настолько боятся Алипанга, что от одного его имени местные бойцы впадают в ступор, а без преодоления этого барьера нечего и думать о сопротивлении. И тогда за дело принимается врач. Сначала он выставляет чучело под именем бандита и каждый солдат должен плюнуть в его сторону, чтобы сломить психологический страх. Этому противится командир Хартли, старый служака, оставшийся за старшего, который не принимает никаких нововведений, кроме муштры…
How Old Are You
36 year-old Nirupama Rajeev (played by Manju Warrier) is an UD clerk in Revenue Department. The role of her husband is played by Kunchaka Boban. There is nothing interesting about her life as she leads a life which is determined by her usual daily activities. The movie focusses on the society's obsession with the age and how individual's ability is overlooked by the fact how old he or she is.
A struggling family owns a Filipino porn theater where prostitutes conduct their business.
Girl, Boy, Bakla, Tomboy
Quadruplet siblings (two boys and two girls) played by Vice Ganda were separated after birth when their grandmother steals two of the siblings (a boy and a girl) away from their mother. The stolen siblings lived a comfortable life in the US, not knowing that their mother and siblings, a gay and a lesbian, struggled to make ends meet in the Philippines. When the boy develops hepatitis that requires him to have a liver transplant from a compatible donor, their father tells them about their siblings in the Philippines, who may be possible candidates as donors. But once the siblings finally meet, pent up resentment and animosity between the girl and the gay siblings, has threatened the chances of the boy sibling's survival.
Midnight Dancers
Brothers Joel, Dennis and Sonny work together as dancers at a low-rent gay bar in downtown Manila, in the Philippines. Despite his mother's pleas, Sonny decides to quit college to work full-time at the bar, while Dennis has moved beyond dancing into prostitution at the urging of the manipulative club manager. Joel, the eldest, tries to balance his secret gay life with his socially respectable role as a husband and father.
Tornado Jack
A martial artist finds himself transported to another world where he must battle monsters, evil wizards, zombies, and other threats. Can he save everyone and get back to Earth?
The Current: Explore the Healing Powers of the Ocean
Documentary - The Current tells the story of individuals from all walks of life that have faced incredible obstacles, found the drive to overcome their disabilities, and have through water sports become real everyday heroes. - Bethany Hamilton, Missy Franklin, Mallory Weggemann, Anthony Robles, Jesse Murphree
Czech Peace
From the makers of legendary CZECH DREAM, a hilarious documentary about a hoax hypermarket, comes CZECH PEACE, a new playfully explosive flm about the mayor of a small Czech village and his attempts to foil the American plan to build its 762nd military base right on his doorstep. The players in this story are everyone from villagers to George W. Bush, Condoleezza Rice, Barack Obama, peace activists and lobbyists representing American arms manufacturers. Can the Mayor of Trokavec (population 80) take the US on? CZECH PEACE shows the workings of geopolitics and the way they affect the little people. The personal clashes with the impersonal, the specifc with the universal, and an individual with the so-called great history.
The true story of a young teenage girl whose mother is incarcerated for murder. Living in a Catholic Children's home run by an order of nuns, she provides poignant commentary about her mother, her own situation and her outlook for the future.


Вверх, вверх под облака!
A boy is the only family member without superpowers in this Disney Film. The world depends on him saving his family from computerized brainwashers. Will he realize that it doesn't take superpowers to be a hero in time to help them defeat the villains?
Ужас Амитивилля: Пробуждение
Мать-одиночка переезжает со своими тремя детьми в «обитаемый» дом, даже не подозревая о кровавой истории их нового жилища.
Марла руководствуется принципом «побеждает сильнейший». Она искусно пользуется людьми, прикрываясь заботой о них, и наловчилась безнаказанно обдирать своих богатых клиентов за счет редкого обаяния и немалой доли цинизма. Но её новая подопечная не так проста, как кажется, и сладкая жизнь аферистки скоро превратится в игру на выживание.
Мстители: Война бесконечности
Пока Мстители и их союзники продолжают защищать мир от различных опасностей, с которыми не смог бы справиться один супергерой, новая угроза возникает из космоса: Танос. Межгалактический тиран преследует цель собрать все шесть Камней Бесконечности — артефакты невероятной силы, с помощью которых можно менять реальность по своему желанию. Всё, с чем Мстители сталкивались ранее, вело к этому моменту — судьба Земли никогда ещё не была столь неопределённой.