
The tree has been planted (2020)

Жанр :

Время выполнения : 7М

Директор : Irene Blei

Краткое содержание

An open book is the window to enter this protest short film about the wait for a permit to plant a laurel tree in the River Plate. The Viceroy, king and queen must all sign the authorization. Too much time for such a vital wish. Stop-motion animated cutouts take us on the complex path of bureaucracy to accomplish a simple action. The landscapes change to the beat of the music for the story to move forward and grow just like that tree they wish to plant.


Pepa Pascal
Pepa Pascal
Sergio Desanze
Sergio Desanze
Carlos Molinero
Carlos Molinero
Martina Lafluf
Martina Lafluf
Iván Katzman
Iván Katzman


Irene Blei
Irene Blei
Irene Blei
Irene Blei
Gustavo Gorzalczany
Gustavo Gorzalczany
Roberto Zambrino
Roberto Zambrino
Mariano Fernández
Mariano Fernández
Damián Sánchez
Damián Sánchez
Sergio Desanze
Sergio Desanze
Pepa Pascal
Pepa Pascal
Dalia Edelstein
Dalia Edelstein


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