
Antropofagia Marginal (2020)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 39М

Директор : Gabriel Egea, Larissa Basilio

Краткое содержание

Through a historical-affective reconstruction of the Boca do Lixo region, in São Paulo, the documentary aims to investigate what was the cultural, social and geographic impact that the cinema made there had for the city and for the country during the from the 1960s to the 1980s.


Nicole Puzzi
Nicole Puzzi
André Barcinski
André Barcinski
Angela Aparecida Telles
Angela Aparecida Telles
Clayton Melo
Clayton Melo
Débora Munhyz
Débora Munhyz
Dirceu Gaiotti
Dirceu Gaiotti
Eleonora Reichenbach
Eleonora Reichenbach
Fábio Uchôa
Fábio Uchôa
Gabriel Carneiro
Gabriel Carneiro
Guilherme de Almeida Prado
Guilherme de Almeida Prado
Inácio Araújo
Inácio Araújo
Ivan Finotti
Ivan Finotti
Júlio Calasso Jr.
Júlio Calasso Jr.
Lygia Reichenbach
Lygia Reichenbach


Gabriel Egea
Gabriel Egea
Fernanda Talarico
Fernanda Talarico
Production Manager
Fernanda Fernandes
Fernanda Fernandes
Production Assistant
Gabriel Egea
Gabriel Egea
Production Assistant
Larissa Basilio
Larissa Basilio
Production Assistant
Marcus Samed
Marcus Samed
Larissa Basilio
Larissa Basilio
Art Direction
Danislau TB
Danislau TB
Larissa Basilio
Larissa Basilio
Editorial Production Assistant
Fernanda Fernandes
Fernanda Fernandes
Fernanda Talarico
Fernanda Talarico
Gabriel Egea
Gabriel Egea
Larissa Basilio
Larissa Basilio


The quasi-fictional story of transgender sex workers living in Rio de Janeiro's swampy red light district, who are joined by a group of hippies and a runaway stockbroker, "Mangue-Bangue" is the paradigmatic expression of the post-1968 spirit of desbunde, the Brazilian slang catchword for "sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll".
Antropofagia Marginal
Through a historical-affective reconstruction of the Boca do Lixo region, in São Paulo, the documentary aims to investigate what was the cultural, social and geographic impact that the cinema made there had for the city and for the country during the from the 1960s to the 1980s.
Luz and Denise grow up in the midst of the adversities of being LGBT in the extreme south of the city of São Paulo. Between Vogue and poetry, from church to city access. The dreams and uncertainties of youth flood their existences.
'Morra.com' reveals the strength and importance of marginal cinema in the 60s and 70s. In the film, the cardboard collector dreams of becoming a filmmaker and producing a film, while uncovering a crime that occurred in ”Boca do Lixo” .
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