
Inside the Red Brick Wall (2020)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 1Ч 28М

Директор : Hong Kong Documentary Filmmakers

Краткое содержание

In 2019, Hong Kong was swept by demonstrations against the controversial extradition bill. At the Polytechnic University, a group of students also takes a stand for freedom and democracy. Negotiations with the police are chaotic and aggressive, conducted via megaphones and politically charged music played over loudspeakers. The colorful umbrellas which the young people use to protect themselves against the brutal police actions emphasize the group’s bravado, which borders on recklessness. What begins as an energetic battle against the establishment turns into a lopsided game of cat and mouse when the police decide to surround the building. Within its red brick walls, the university building becomes a prison. Over the nearly two weeks that follow, as fear and exhaustion grow among the hundreds of students, so does the uncertainty. Should they hang on inside, or leave the building to face the armed police?



Hong Kong Documentary Filmmakers
Hong Kong Documentary Filmmakers


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Не разделяться
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Мафия уже не та, что раньше
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