
Michael Jackson: Fan's Camera Footage (2009)

By Fans, for Fans

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 2Ч 0М

Директор : Johnny Diamond

Краткое содержание

Fan's Camera Footage is a 2 hour film program culled from over 45 hours of fan's cam footage, through the fan's eye a private and more revealing insight into the true world of Michael Jackson the superstar is shown. Adored by millions worldwide Wherever Michael went the fans were there waiting, whether out shopping in hotels or traveling, the fans captured these private moments which often portrayed more about the real man than the media myth. This candid footage, much of which has never seen before is presented here for the first time, it's a must for every true fan - taken by fans and now shown for you the fans.


Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson


Johnny Diamond
Johnny Diamond


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