
Wife's Mom 2 (2019)

Жанр : драма, мелодрама

Время выполнения : 1Ч 8М

Директор : Kim Bit-na

Краткое содержание

On his way to work, Sang-hyun accidentally meets his childhood friend Hyun-joo. They meet again soon, fall in love, and a few days later go to say hello to Hyun-joo's house. Hyun-joo's mother Hye-jin, whom Sang-hyun met there, was very young and beautiful. Sanghyun gradually falls into Hyejin's strong charm...


Shin Yeon-woo
Shin Yeon-woo
Lee Chae-dam
Lee Chae-dam


Kim Bit-na
Kim Bit-na


Sacred Flesh
Taunted by visions of Mary Magdalene, who reveals the confessions of the younger nuns at the convent, the Mother Superior's mind is filled with the violent, sexual acts of her fellow sisters.
Maisie Undercover: Shadow Boxer
The beautiful ex-cop/bar owner/private eye goes undercover as a boxer at an illegal underground fight club in order to find the killer of a female boxer.
Massage parlor '73
It’s love at first sight when a handsome journalist gets a massage from a beautiful masseuse. But when he discovers she’s left for a job in an unknown country, he sets off on an adventure that takes him around the globe, one massage parlor at a time!
Coed Report: Yuko's White Breasts
Yuko is an innocent high school girl who has a crush on her gym teacher. She and her friends have a sleep-over party which develops into a sexual dare-game involving eels, and a lesbian orgy. Now sexually-awakened, Yuko decides to seduce her teacher, but is raped in an elevator before she meets her teacher.
Love Hunter
Kyōko is a woman with a promiscuous past who is sexually unsatisfied with her marriage. Her frustrations lead her to have hedonistic dreams, such as her mother and grandfather having sex together. Seeking to rejuvenate her marriage, she throws a wild party. The ploy is a success.
Dewdrops on the Petals
Yukie is a young woman who works at her father's flower shop. She uses her job to hide from her problems including a marriage troubled by her sexual frigidity. Her husband and her best friend engage in an affair, and Yukie goes to her father for advice on how to save her marriage.
Woman on the Night Train
Saeko is abnormally attached to her older sister, Yumi. When Yumi becomes engaged to Arikawa, Saeko schemes to separate the two. She seduces Arikawa who then becomes confused over his attraction to both sisters.
Tokyo Emmanuelle
After the director's message, "I visualize the romance of Roman Porn and I attempt to share that image," a loosely-connected series of softcore sex scenes unfolds. The plot concerns Kyoko, a young Japanese woman married to a man in France. When he abandons her, she returns to Japan. With her sexual appetite now at a high pitch, she engages in sexual escapades with a wide assortment of people, including old friends, both male and female, and an entire soccer team.
Banned Book: Flesh Futon
The film is based on 17th century Chinese erotic novel by Li Yu best known as The Carnal Prayer Mat. Mio is a struggling writer who writes a pornographic book entitled Flesh Futon which becomes a surprise best seller. With his newfound wealth, Mio begins indulging in the nightlife, excusing his activities to his wife by saying it is for research. Mio's reputation comes crashing down when a prostitute reports that his penis is like a "guppy". More bad luck follows. His book is banned, and his wife puts him on a short leash. At the height of his misfortune, his house is robbed. Mio meets the robber who turns out to be the Japanese folk-hero Nezumi Kozō. The two become friends, and Kozō introduces Mio to a doctor who can perform penis-enlargement surgery. With his new equipment, Kozō and Mio become frequenters of the red-light district, until the real Nezumi Kozō appears, and evil luck returns to Mio.
Cruelty: Black Rose Torture
In pre-war Japan, Yumiko, an aristocratic lady, accompanied by her maid, travels to Tokyo to visit her brother. Unaware that her brother has become involved in anti-governmental activities and left the city, the two women are captured, raped and tortured by the military police. Two years later, during the war, the government confiscates Yumiko's estate, turning it into a torture chamber for the inquisition of prisoners. Yumiko and her maid are among those who are subjected to sexual indignities.
Semi-Documentary: Runaway Sex Gang
Candid Sex
Two sexy females host a TV talk show where viewers call in and share their erotic adventures.
Terror at Orgy Castle
Not the smartest couple in the world, Bill and Lisa spend the last night of their "swinging European vacation" at the haunted castle of spooky Countess Dominova, just in time for Bill to make love to a succubus, Lisa to become the "Bride of the Devil" and everyone to wallow in some serious Terror at Orgy Castle.
The Naked and the Living Dead
Kasuko, a female detective who aims at Tamiya, a doctor of medicine who manufactured an android of a serial killer. She heads alone to Tamiya's mansion for revenge on her murdered sister! Set in Kyoto in 1960, an action horror depicting a female detective chasing a bizarre serial murder case.
Fire in Her Bed
In this re-imagining of Nick Philips 1972 FIRE IN HER BED a sheltered young woman moves to the city to attend University. There she becomes fascinated with a much more sophisticated and openly sensual woman. Overwhelmed by her feelings, she embarks upon an emotional and sexual journey that ultimately frees her from her past.
The Girl from B.I.K.I.N.I.
Tania, a sexy secret agent, shakes up the international espionage circuit. B.I.K.I.N.I. (Bureau of International Knowledge and Nonstandard Investigations) has knowledge of a criminal organization tapping into their signals with the CIA. It's up to this spicy secret agent to go on an arousing chase to uncover the offenders!
Girl with the Sex-Ray Eyes
An American secret agent and an evil female supercriminal vie to recover a pair of top secret X-ray vision glasses that have accidentally fallen into the hands of a ditzy stripper
Booty Hunter
Bounty hunter Nikki helps her ex-fiancé Maxx when he gets into trouble with the mob.
The Mistress Club
When three women get cheated on by their husbands they decide to get even and open up The Mistress Club, where seduction is the name of the game and forbidden sex is the natural outcome.
Fascination: Portrait of a Lady
Hisako Ōuchi (Naomi Tani) is the sexually-frustrated wife of the older art academy Professor Ōuchi (Minoru Ōkochi). Ōuchi is a repressed conservative who disdains modern art, and expels Kazuo Kobayashi (Tachiki Bessho), a student who specializes in SM painting. Hisako becomes obsessed with the expelled student, and has an affair with him. Kazuo and Hisako retire to a cabin in the countryside where they indulge in SM activities.


Три икса: Мировое господство
Все думали, что Ксандер вместе со своей девушкой Еленой погиб при таинственных обстоятельствах. Но это оказалось всего лишь прикрытие. Прошло 8 лет после того как любитель экстрима Ксандер Кейдж пропал из вида АНБ после якобы его убийства на Бора-Бора. Но теперь он возвращается из самоизгнания в секретную службу и готов выполнять новые сверхсекретные задания. Его новая миссия будет направлена на поиск секретного оружия невероятной мощности, которое несёт угрожающее название — «Ящик Пандоры». Так же Кейджу будет противостоять синдикат мировых преступников под руководством альфа-воина Сяна. У которого свои планы на этот экспонат. В добавок ко всему Ксандера не покидает мысль о кроте в организации и заговора на самом высоком уровне. От исхода их противоборства теперь вновь стоит судьба все обитателей Земли.
Атлантида 2 Возвращение Майло
Мийло, Кидо и команда смелых исследователей Атлантиды возвращаются в новых приключениях, полных ожидания и действия. В течение первой экспедиции Майло и Кида открыли подводное царство, а так же спасли его и всех его обитателей. Теперь опасность подкралась с поверхности воды и отважным героям придется покинуть Атлантиду…
Оби-Ван Кеноби: Возвращение джедая
Проект покажет процесс создания сериала «Звездные войны» про Кеноби (Юэн Макгрегор), включая закулисные кадры и комментарии актеров, включая Хайдена Кристенсена (Дарт Вейдер).