
Путешествие на Луну (1902)

Жанр : приключения, фантастика

Время выполнения : 15М

Директор : Georges Méliès
Писатель : Georges Méliès

Краткое содержание

Учёный делает в Академии доклад о возможности полёта на Луну. После бурных дискуссий решено отправить на Луну экспедицию, для которой строится космический корабль в виде полого снаряда, который запускается в космос выстрелом из огромной пушки.


Georges Méliès
Georges Méliès
Professor Barbenfouillis / The Moon
Bleuette Bernon
Bleuette Bernon
Lady in the Moon (uncredited)
Victor André
Victor André
Astronomer (uncredited)
Henri Delannoy
Henri Delannoy
Captain of the Rocket (uncredited)
Astronomer (uncredited)
Astronomer (uncredited)
Astronomer (uncredited)
Astronomer (uncredited)
François Lallement
François Lallement
Officer of the Marines (uncredited)
Jehanne d'Alcy
Jehanne d'Alcy
Secretary / Star / Rocket Attendant (uncredited)
Jules-Eugène Legris
Jules-Eugène Legris
Parade Leader (uncredited)


Georges Méliès
Georges Méliès
Jules Verne
Jules Verne
Charles Claudel
Charles Claudel
Art Direction
Georges Méliès
Georges Méliès
Georges Méliès
Georges Méliès
Georges Méliès
Georges Méliès
Production Design
Théophile Michault
Théophile Michault
Director of Photography
Lucien Tainguy
Lucien Tainguy
Director of Photography
Georges Méliès
Georges Méliès
Jehanne d'Alcy
Jehanne d'Alcy
Costume Designer
H.G. Wells
H.G. Wells


Young Max discovers that grandfather Gustav cannot swim and decides to teach him. But Gustav thinks that it may be too late for him...
How do three brothers change when their parents inexplicably disappear?
A teenage boy named David is afraid of being transparent. When David's best friend, Johnathan, notices his abuse at home, David must overcome his fear of rejection in order to embrace his friend's support.
The Room
Mariana must sacrifice her dog Frida after violently beating it for having destroyed her recently deceased son's toys. The pet's death helps Mariana accept and overcome the loss of her son.
Carlos, a man haunted by his past, plunges into an existential crisis that leads him to day-to-day apathy due to the loss of a child, an act that condemns a declining marriage and continuous desolation.
The Request
Crossing hills and streams, a muleteer determined to find the murderer of his father, will discover that in revenge the weakest can be the fiercest.
Animated short film
Two children in the countryside. Time lazily goes by on a hot month of August as they long for adventure.
No One's with the Calves
Five houses, one bus stop, cows and nothing but fields. 24-year-old Christin lives on the farm of her long-term boyfriend Jan. The exciting post-reunification years that defined her childhood are long gone. Her relationship is loveless. She keeps the cherry liqueur close at hand. In the shimmering heat of summer, time seems to stand still – until 46-year-old wind energy engineer, Klaus, arrives.
Демоны Дороти
Дороти, режиссер-неудачник, посмеиваясь пишет свой сценарий. Но после телефонного звонка от ее продюсера ей становится не до смеха: пора заканчивать со странными комедиями и начинать снимать фильмы, понятные всем! Чтобы успокоиться, Дороти начинает смотреть свой любимый сериал «Роми – истребительница вампиров». К сожалению, демоны решили навестить ее сегодня ночью...
The steak has been marinating for a few days now. The pan is heated. Franc's stomach is rumbling. But Liza's co-workers surprise her with a birthday party. Will she be home on time?
Preghiera della sera (Diario di una passeggiata)
The film recounts an experience, that of a director and his two actors at grips with a play: from the first meeting to the initial readings, the rehearsals done at home, the ones done on stage and finally the first performance. But an experience that took place in the peculiar situation in which the whole of Italian culture found itself in the days between the first and second wave of the pandemic, when it really seemed possible to restart and the feeling of euphoria was accompanied by the illusion that the worst was behind us. Once again we were suddenly checked in our desire for beauty, for life.
Techno, Mama
Nikita loves to listen to techno music and dreams to go to Berlin and visit the famous club “Berghain”. His mother Irena doesn’t know about his son’s dreams and soon enough their mutual expectations will clash.
A Chiara
Chiara feels that there is something wrong. She has a strange feeling she cannot explain to her mother or sister. During the night, after overhearing a heated argument between her parents and witnessing something shocking, her world is overturned and her safety net crumbles. Reality and dreams start to blur and Chiara’s life will never be the same.
Caio receives a birthday "gift" from his friends -- a night with call boy Fernando. During the three hours of their meeting, the two will go from an initial aversion to a mutual and almost improbable attraction, slowly discovering and confronting the reality of both.
An adolescent girl tries to dream about memories of Mother while having to be physically present in the surrounding farm with grandmother.
A Warm Place
Short, experimental clip of tall buildings, lots of them, plenty of vacant apartments and cosy weather - a warm place.
Девочка, дракон и папа
Маленькая зимняя история о том, что для каждой девочки её папа – самый настоящий рыцарь, а для каждого папы его дочка – настоящая принцесса.
История о жизни физика-теоретика Роберта Оппенгеймера во время Второй мировой войны и разработке им атомной бомбы.
Llámenme puta
Sarah is a trans sex worker who fulfills her dream of breast augmentation. She show us her daily routine of life, showing people that whores are not vampires who only go out at night to do sex work, but also human beings with a normal life.


Вокруг кабинки
Немой короткометражный мультфильм Эмиля Рейно. Фильм состоит из ряда сцен на пляже с двумя рядами кабинок для переодевания и трамплином для прыжков в воду. Два персонажа ныряют в воду с трамплина, а затем появляются на пляже. Женщина начинает играть с небольшой собакой, а затем к ней присоединяется мужчина. Два человека играют на пляже, после чего переодеваются в купальные костюмы и входят в воду. Они качаются на волнах, после чего выплывают за пределы кадра. После этого проплывает мужчина на лодке
Бедный Пьеро
One night, Arlequin comes to see his lover Colombine. But then Pierrot knocks at the door and Colombine and Arlequin hide. Pierrot starts singing but Arlequin scares him and the poor man goes away.
An animated film by French auteur Émile Cohl, one of the earliest examples of hand-drawn film animation. Drawing inspiration from J. Stuart Blackton and the Incoherents of club Hydropathes, the film, with all its wild transformations, sees our protagonist materialize a movie theatre, meet an elephant and escape from jail; A morphing, stream-of-consciousness delight.
Большое ограбление поезда
На небольшой станции два бандита в масках входят в помещение телеграфа, оглушают и связывают телеграфиста. Когда поезд трогается, грабители вскакивают на него, врываются внутрь почтового вагона и сразу нарываются на огонь из револьвера, открытый служащим. Не найдя у него ключа, бандиты взрывают ящик, хватают то, что в нем лежит, и убегают, прихватив также три больших почтовых мешка. Двое других грабителей в это время захватывают паровоз. Преступники вынуждают машиниста отцепить паровоз и протянуть его вперед на 100 футов. По требованию грабителей пассажиры выходят из вагонов и выстраиваются с поднятыми руками вдоль поезда. В это время бандиты собирают деньги и драгоценности. После того, как все ценности отобраны, бандиты бегут к паровозу, предварительно сделав несколько выстрелов в воздух для устрашения пассажиров. Последние сразу же бросаются к раненому, чтобы оказать ему помощь. Грабители садятся на паровоз и приказывают машинисту немедленно отъезжать.
The Haunted Castle
Le Manoir du diable or The House of the Devil, released in the United States as The Haunted Castle and in Britain as The Devil's Castle, is an 1896 French short silent film directed by Georges Méliès. The film tells the story of an encounter with the Devil and various attendant phantoms. It is intended to evoke amusement and wonder from its audiences, rather than fear. However, because of its themes and characters, it has been considered to technically be the first horror film, as well as potentially the first vampire film. The film opens with a large bat flying into a medieval castle, circling a room, and then suddenly changing into the Devil. Producing a cauldron, Mephistopheles conjures up a young girl and various supernatural creatures in an effort to scare two cavaliers, eventually succeeding in causing one to flee. Ultimately the remaining cavalier is confronted face-to-face by the Devil before reaching for and brandishing a large crucifix, which causes the Devil to vanish.
Flussfahrt mit Huhn
During the summer on their Grandfather’s land Johanna, Robert, Harald and Alex begin a secret journey up the river on a boat with a chicken in search of a new path to the North Sea of Germany. A classic German children’s adventure movie.
Workers Leaving the Lumière Factory
Working men and women leave through the main gate of the Lumière factory in Lyon, France. Filmed on 22 March 1895, it is often referred to as the first real motion picture ever made, although Louis Le Prince's 1888 Roundhay Garden Scene pre-dated it by seven years. Three separate versions of this film exist, which differ from one another in numerous ways. The first version features a carriage drawn by one horse, while in the second version the carriage is drawn by two horses, and there is no carriage at all in the third version. The clothing style is also different between the three versions, demonstrating the different seasons in which each was filmed. This film was made in the 35 mm format with an aspect ratio of 1.33:1, and at a speed of 16 frames per second. At that rate, the 17 meters of film length provided a duration of 46 seconds, holding a total of 800 frames.
Little Nemo
Cartoon figures announce, via comic strip balloons, that they will move - and move they do, in a wildly exaggerated style. Also known as "Winsor McCay, the Famous Cartoonist of the N.Y. Herald and His Moving Comics".
Прибытие поезда на вокзал города Ла-Сьота
Всемирно известная короткометражка про прибытие поезда на вокзал.
Завтрак младенца
В фильме показано, как Огюст Люмьер и его жена кормят с ложечки младенца, сидящего между ними за столом.
The Conquest of the Pole
A science fantasy film that deals with an extraordinary race to the north pole by rival parties of balloonists. Based on the novel "The Adventures of Captain Hatteras" by Jules Verne.
Gertie the Dinosaur
Although not the first feature-length animated film, as is sometimes thought, it was the first cartoon to feature a character with an appealing personality. The appearance of a true character distinguished it from earlier animated "trick films", such as those of Blackton and Cohl, and makes it the predecessor to later popular cartoons such as those by Walt Disney. The film was also the first to be created using keyframe animation.
The Sea
Several little boys run along a pier, then jump into the ocean.
The Magic Rosette
Praxinoscope strip of a shifting rosette. Series 2, number 5.
Всегда хорошая погода
1945 год. Три солдата Тэд Рили, Дуг Холлертон и Энджи Валентин вернулись в родной Нью-Йорк с полей сражений, они клянутся в дружбе навек и договариваются что встретяться вновь через десять лет 11 октября 1955, чтобы посмотреть друг на друга. Проходят годы, друзья встречаются вновь и понимают, что былой дружбы нет. Джеки Литон ведущая телевизионного шоу и подруга одного из парней решает помочь ребятам восстановить былые отношения. Девушка приглашает ребят в прямой эфир своей телепрограммы, во время которой группа гангстеров попробует выяснить отношения с Тедом, но преступники и не догадывались, что их ждет, когда вновь сдружившаяся троица десантников преподаст им урок «хороших манер»...
Man Walking Around a Corner
The last remaining production of Le Prince's LPCC Type-16 (16-lens camera) is part of a gelatine film shot in 32 images/second, and pictures a man walking around a corner. Le Prince, who was in Leeds (UK) at that time, sent these images to his wife in New York City in a letter dated 18 August 1887.
The Impossible Voyage
Using every known means of transportation, several savants from the Geographic Society undertake a journey through the Alps to the Sun which finishes under the sea.
Более пяти часов биографии Наполеона, немой исторический блокбастер с гигантскими баталиями, штормами, спецэффектами, блестящими актерами и новаторскими монтажными приемами, от которых захватывает дух.
Minnie the Moocher
Betty Boop and Bimbo run away from home, but that night they are scared by a chorus of ghosts singing the title song.
Рождение нации
Счастливая семья Камерон живет в доме в Пьемонте, в Южной Каролине. У доктора и г-жи Камерон три сына: Бенджамен, Уэйд и Дюк — и две дочери: старшая Маргарет и младшая Флора. К ним в гости приезжают друзья из Пенсильвании: Тед и Фил. Фил влюбляется в старшую дочь Камерона, а Бен Камерон, влюбляется в Элзи Стоунмен, увидев ее фотографию.