
Journey: Live in Tokyo (1981)

Жанр : музыка

Время выполнения : 1Ч 37М

Краткое содержание

Recorded live at Koseinenken Hall on July 31st, 1981, this performance captures the band in full flight while on tour promoting their Escape album. Features stunning live versions of 'Don't Stop Believin", 'Who's Crying Now', 'Lights', 'Wheel In The Sky', 'Any Way You Want It' and many more great classic tunes.


Steve Perry
Steve Perry
Neal Schon
Neal Schon
Greg Rolie
Greg Rolie
Ross Valory
Ross Valory
Jonathan Cain
Jonathan Cain
Steve Smith
Steve Smith
Herbie Herbert
Herbie Herbert



Subway to Sally: Nackt
Recoreded live at the Berliner Passionskirche
Swing, Sing and Think
Swing, Sing and Think is a chronicle of the young French pianist David Fray's recording sessions of three of Bach's famous clavier concertos. Each chapter features a few minutes of Fray at home in Paris explicating his interpretation of the score at his piano, followed by rehearsal and recording sessions he conducts with the Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen, one of the finest chamber orchestras in Europe.
Laibach: The Videos
Laibach is a Slovenian avant-garde music group associated with industrial, martial, and neo-classical musical styles. They formed on June 1, 1980 in Trbovlje, Slovenia (then Yugoslavia). Laibach represents the music wing of the Neue Slowenische Kunst (NSK) art collective, of which it was a founding member in 1984. The name "Laibach" is the German name for Slovenia's capital city, Ljubljana.
Rammstein: Anakonda im Netz
Documentary about Rammstein
Look Out!
Hard, harder, hardest! This film orders you from the start to turn up the volume and pay attention. "Look out! We're Coming to Get You!" is a flood of images driven by a tempest of guitars. The film's creators jam 20 years of German music history into 120 minutes of film. Musicians from BLIND PASSENGERS, DIE SKEPTIKER, SANDOW and other bands explode their way through the film. Fans of the DEFA documentary "Flüstern und Schreien" ("Whisper and Shout") already know the stars of that film, Aljoscha, Paul and Flake of the band Feeling B. Here they have a chance to see how these musicians survived the period after the fall of the Berlin Wall and the "escalation of possibilities" that came with it. And you're allowed to laugh, too!
Telemaco ossia L'isola di Circe
Die Oper von den Schwetzinger Festspielen ist im Rahmen des 3sat-Festspielsommers 2011 zu sehen. Ab 2. Juni besucht 3sat große Klassik-Musikfestivals und zeigt renommierte Orchester und Dirigenten sowie Solisten der Weltelite zur besten Sendezeit. Man kann sich durchaus fragen, warum Willibald Gluck zur Hochzeit des späteren habsburgischen Kaisers Joseph II. mit Maria Josepha von Bayern 1765 ausgerechnet eine Oper rund um die Entfremdung zwischen Liebenden und Egoismus komponierte. In der Oper versucht Odysseus' Sohn Telemaco, den Helden von Troja zurückzuholen. Odysseus wird jedoch von Circe, die Odysseus liebt, gewaltsam festgehalten. In der Koproduktion der Schwetzinger Festspiele mit dem Theater Basel und dem Staatstheater Nürnberg singen unter anderen David DQ Lee, Tomasz Zagórski und Agneta Eichenholz. Es spielt das Freiburger Barockorchester unter der Leitung von Anu Tali.
Beam me Up! – Die große Star Trek Show
German comedy-documention that reviews 40 years of Star Trek history
Body Worlds
Witness the exhibition that literally gets under your skin and where nobody can remain indifferent. Over 28 million visitors worldwide have already admired them: the authentic anatomical specimens from Dr. Günther von Hagens - uniquely beautiful and instructive. Experience a digital reunion with "The Runner", "The Chess Player", "The Skin Man" and other plastinates. Meet the mind behind BODY WORLDS, his pioneering invention, his work.
Kaliber Deluxe
Tells the story of a group of gangsters hiding out in a vacation-bungalow who get more than they bargained for.
In Extremo - Live 2002
Глубокое погружение
A powerful laser machine rips the core of the earth causing earthquakes and tsunamis, and only one man and his team can save the planet from destruction. Will they succeed?
The Secret of Steel City
The film is a metaphor for the Cold War. It depicts two neighbouring nations: peace loving Fortuna and the not so peaceful land of the Steel City.
Rammstein: Völkerball
Völkerball shows concert-performances by the band in England, France, Japan and Russia. The Special Edition is extended by a second DVD, which contains the documentaries "Anaconda in the net" by Mathilde Bonnefoy and the "Making of the album Reise, Reise" by Rammstein guitarist Paul Landers. The limited edition was released as a large black and white photo-book with photos by Frederic Batier.
Тит – правитель Рима
Война не приносит побед — за самой громкой победой следом идет жестокое поражение. Победоносный генерал Тит Андронник возвращается в Рим с триумфом и требует казнить своих пленников, посягнувших на величие империи. Но коварная и прекрасная королева Готов Тамора остается жить и клянется отомстить Титу, вырезавшему ее народ. В борьбе за власть хороши все средства — интриги оборачиваются насилием, массовыми убийствами и кровавой резней, в которой Тит клянется покарать отступников, среди которых его кровные сыновья…
Воспоминания о будущем
Три истории о ближайшем будущем человечества, том будущем, которого может и не быть, но опасность поворота событий в это русло существует в нашей жизни постоянно. «Магнитная роза» — первая история, повествующая о угасающей любви, потерях и нежелании забывать. В бескрайнем пространстве вселенной космические мусорщики обнаруживают заброшенную станцию в виде розы, где встречают душу давно погибшей певицы, которая не хочет мириться с забвением. «Вонючая бомба» — вторая история, рассказывающая о ученом-химике, который, по невезению, стал ходячим химическим оружием. Комедия о трагедии молодого человека, не понимающего, что с ним происходит. «Пушечное мясо» — третья история, показывающая жизнь небольшого города, чья деятельность полностью посвящена войне с другим городом. Интроспектива современных войн, где приказ намного важнее здравого смысла, разворачивается под грохот пушек и незадачливые события, происходящие с главным героем.
Дуэль в Техасе
Бесстрашный стрелок Ричард, стремится расправиться с появившейся в окрестностях вооруженной группой безжалостных бандитов, в отместку за убийство своей семьи. Рука его быстра как молния, а кольт не знает пощады к врагу ...
La Cucaracha
A desperate writer fights for survival when the Mexican mob involves him in murder.
A Noose Is Waiting for You Trinity
This sequel to the popular spaghetti western "Clint the Stranger" was released four years after the success of the first film and essentially uses the same plot. George Martin returns as Clint (renamed Trinity in some countries), an ex-gunslinger desperately wanting to be forgiven and accepted by his family that he abandoned years earlier. One major differences in the plot when compared to the first film is the addition of Klaus Kinski as a ruthless bounty hunter. The bounty hunter tracks Clint down and forces him to return to his violent ways to protect himself and his family.
Hawken's Breed
Hawken is a rugged drifter and loner who meets and comes to rescue a young Shawnee woman, named Spirit in 1840s Tennessee, whom he leaves after saving her from a rouge group of Shawnee Indians. After taking up residence with an old fur trapper and old friend named Jeb Kline, Hawken later meets Spirit again whom runs away from a local fur trader named Tackett, whom she is sold to. Soon, Hawken is up against Tackett and a posse of hired killers, as well as a greedy and racist land owner, named Hickman, who's long abused son Noel whom narrates the entire story, comes to his and Spirit's aid to help them survive.
Vengeance Is a Dish Served Cold
After witnessing the brutal murder of his entire family by Native Americans as a child, Jeremiah Bridger becomes a merciless Indian-killer and scalp hunter. After saving the life of a beautiful Native American girl named Tune, however, the lone and silent gunman slowly reconsiders his hatred. He starts to doubt his former persuasion, that it was really Indians, who killed his family, and soon has to find out that a greedy and unscrupulous landowner usually blames Native Americans for his own crimes.