The Codebreaker (2021)
Wife. Mother. Secret American Hero.
Жанр : документальный, история
Время выполнения : 1Ч 0М
Директор : Chana Gazit
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Discover the fascinating story of Elizebeth Smith Friedman, the groundbreaking cryptanalyst who helped bring down gangsters and break up a Nazi spy ring in South America. Her work helped lay the foundation for modern codebreaking today.
Документальный фильм о сложном поиске себя и отстаивании своей идентичности. «Переходный период» — проект-долгострой, который рассказывает о детях и подростках, совершающих трансгендерный переход. Создатели фильма чутко и с огромной эмпатией следуют за героями, которым приходится столкнуться на своем пути с огромными трудностями: как с внешней стороны, так и внутри себя.
Discover the fascinating story of Elizebeth Smith Friedman, the groundbreaking cryptanalyst who helped bring down gangsters and break up a Nazi spy ring in South America. Her work helped lay the foundation for modern codebreaking today.
A documentary that explores the range of experiences lived by transgender Americans.
Actor Dustin Hoffman narrates this decade-spanning documentary that highlights the contributions of Jewish Americans to the most American sport of them all: baseball. Highlights include a rare interview with legendary pitcher Sandy Koufax.
In 1910, the Pennsylvania Railroad successfully accomplished the enormous engineering feat of building tunnels under New York City's Hudson and East Rivers, connecting the railroad to New York and New England, knitting together the entire eastern half of the United States. The tunnels terminated in what was one of the greatest architectural achievements of its time, Pennsylvania Station. Penn Station covered nearly eight acres, extended two city blocks, and housed one of the largest public spaces in the world. But just 53 years after the station’s opening, the monumental building that was supposed to last forever, to herald and represent the American Empire, was slated to be destroyed.
As a general, he had fought to preserve the Union. As president, he helped to oversee the transformation from union to nation. As a former president, he was the embodiment of the very idea of national union, and of America's entry onto the world stage. As a dying general, he was the symbol of the nation's greatest and most traumatic war. The story of Ulysses S. Grant's life, from his first days on the Ohio frontier to his last days out-writing death in the Adirondacks, is an endlessly fascinating one. Few public figures have ever held a such a firm grip on the American popular imagination. Grant was a man whose rise from obscurity made him a hero to millions who could see themselves in him. An ordinary man who faced and met extraordinary challenges, his successes and failures seemed to encapsulate the national character. He was so popular with the American public that, despite his two scandal-ridden terms as president, he was nearly nominated to run for a third term.
One of the most popular rockers of the 1950s and early 60s, Fats Domino and his record sales were rivaled then only by Elvis Presley. With his boogie-woogie piano playing rooted in blues, rhythm & blues, and jazz, he became one of the inventors, along with Presley, Chuck Berry, Jerry Lee Lewis and Little Richard, of rock ‘n’ roll, a revolutionary genre that united young black and white audiences.
The remarkable story of Earl Silas Tupper, an ambitious but reclusive small-town inventor, and Brownie Wise, the self-taught sales-woman who built him an empire out of bowls that burped. Brownie was an intuitive marketing genius who trained a small army of Tupperware Ladies to put on Tupperware parties in living rooms across America in the 1950s. She rewarded her sales force with minks and modern appliances at extravagant annual jubilees which the company filmed. her saleswomen earned thousands, even millions, selling Tupperware. And the experience changed their lives.
In the mid 1800s, New York City was one of the most crowded places on earth. The congested streets and pokey transportation system were a source of constant complaint. On March 24, 1900, ground was broken for the Big Apple's subway; the Interborough Rapid Transit Line opened four years later, running more than 26 miles of underground track at the speed of 35 miles per hour. Soon thousands in the city were "doing the subway."
In 1988, after two terms in office, Ronald Reagan left the White House one of the most popular presidents of the twentieth century -- and one of the most controversial. A failed actor, Reagan became a passionate ideologue who preached a simple gospel of lower taxes, less government, and anti-communism.
As a general, he had fought to preserve the Union. As president, he helped to oversee the transformation from union to nation. As a former president, he was the embodiment of the very idea of national union, and of America's entry onto the world stage. As a dying general, he was the symbol of the nation's greatest and most traumatic war. The story of Ulysses S. Grant's life, from his first days on the Ohio frontier to his last days out-writing death in the Adirondacks, is an endlessly fascinating one. Few public figures have ever held a such a firm grip on the American popular imagination. Grant was a man whose rise from obscurity made him a hero to millions who could see themselves in him. An ordinary man who faced and met extraordinary challenges, his successes and failures seemed to encapsulate the national character. He was so popular with the American public that, despite his two scandal-ridden terms as president, he was nearly nominated to run for a third term.
On August 8, 1908, at a racetrack outside Paris, Wilbur Wright executed what was, for him, a routine flight: a smooth take-off banking into a couple of tight circles, ending in a perfect landing. The flight took less than two minutes, but it left spectators awestruck. While the combined talents of Wilbur and Orville Wright had produced the first plane capable of controlled flight , their distrust of others had almost cost them the credit for their invention. Now, having proved to the public that they had mastered the sky, the reserved brothers from the small town of Dayton, Ohio, became world celebrities.
Rob Williams was an African-American living in Monroe, North Carolina in the 1950s and 1960s. Living with injustice and oppression, many African-Americans advocated a non-violent resistance. Williams took a different tack, urging the oppressed to take up arms. Williams was stripped of his rank as leader of the local NAACP chapter, but he continued to encourage local African-Americans to carry weapons as a means of self-defense. Wanted on a kidnapping charge, Williams and his wife fled to Cuba. His radio show Radio Free Dixie could be heard in some parts of the United States.
In 1931 the rains stopped and the "black blizzards" began. Powerful dust storms carrying millions of tons of stinging, blinding black dirt swept across the Southern Plains--the panhandles of Texas and Oklahoma, western Kansas, and the eastern portions of Colorado and New Mexico. Topsoil that had taken a thousand years per inch to build suddenly blew away in only minutes. One journalist traveling through the devastated region dubbed it the "Dust Bowl." This American Experience film presents the remarkable story of the determined people who clung to their homes and way of life, enduring drought, dust, disease--even death--for nearly a decade. Less well-known than those who sought refuge in California, typified by the Joad family in John Steinbeck's "The Grapes of Wrath," the Dust Bowlers who stayed overcame an almost unbelievable series of calamities and disasters.
Китай расколот на княжества, но уже есть лидер, который хочет покорить соседей и стать императором объединенной страны. К нему засланы убийцы, безукоризненно владеющие боевыми искусствами; у них фольклорные имена Сломанный Меч, Летящий Снег и Небо.Их противник обозначен как Безымянный, он хочет защитить императора. Его разговор с Всесильным образует раму, скрепляющую несколько ретроспектив — поединков с убийцами. Он рассказывает об этих поединках как сказку, где истину не отличишь от выдумки. Своя версия есть и у императора.
В основе сюжета — борьба полиции с королем преступного мира, знаменитым гангстером Аль Капоне, которого, как известно, удалось засадить за решетку лишь как лицо, уклоняющееся от уплаты налогов. В Чикаго 1931 года криминальная жизнь бьет ключом. Для того, чтобы остановить хладнокровного и неуязвимого Аль Капоне, правительством создана специальная команда «неприкасаемых». Герои Роберта Де Ниро и Шона Коннери вступают в смертельную схватку.
Кинотрактовка закулисных взаимоотношений английской королевы Елизаветы II и премьер-министра Тони Блэра, развивающихся на фоне многочисленных проблем, возникших в связи с трагической гибелью принцессы Дианы. Август 1997 года. Любимица Соединенного Королевства принцесса Диана погибла в автокатастрофе. Королева Елизавета II, несмотря на все ожидания британского общества, уединяется в замке Балморал, где пытается осознать весь масштаб постигшей Великобританию утраты.Однако недавно избранный премьер-министр Тони Блэр понимает, что сложившаяся ситуация может отвернуть простых британцев от престола. Поэтому на его плечи ложится весь груз ответственности по поиску компромисса между глубоко личной трагедией королевского дома и желанием общественности увидеть ее публичные проявления.
Потерпев несколько поражений кряду, подававший надежды боксер-тяжеловес Джим Брэддок вынужден бросить спорт. Во времена Великой депрессии Брэддок берется за любую работу, чтобы прокормить свою жену Мэй и детей. При этом он все еще надеется вернуться на ринг. И однажды ему предоставляется такой шанс. В последнюю минуту он заменяет другого боксера и выходит на поединок с претендентом на титул чемпиона мира. К всеобщему изумлению, Брэддок побеждает уже в третьем раунде. Несмотря на то, что он весит меньше своих соперников и к тому же страдает от многочисленных травм, Джим продолжает драться и выигрывать. Апофеозом же его спортивной карьеры становится поединок с чемпионом мира Максом Баэром, убившим на ринге двух человек.
Начало века… Карен Бликсен отправляется в путешествие в Кению, где ее супруг-предприниматель выращивает кофе. Здесь, в самом сердце Африки, волею судеб Карен будет суждено встретить свою подлинную и единственную любовь.
Апрель 1945 года. Советские войска сжимают кольцо вокруг столицы Третьего рейха - Берлина. Перед лицом неминуемого поражения нацистская верхушка ищет спасение в секретном бункере, не желая покидать обезумевшего фюрера. Отвергнув предложения о побеге, Гитлер утверждает, что победа близка. Он приказывает сравнять Германию с землёй и обсуждает детали своего самоубийства. Последнее убежище палачей пронизано агонией и страхом. И лишь те, кто выйдут живыми из этого бетонного ада, смогут поведать историю о последних минутах жизни и мрачном падении диктатора и его режима.