
The Last Confederate: The Story of Robert Adams (2005)

Жанр : драма, боевик, история, мелодрама

Время выполнения : 1Ч 36М

Директор : A. Blaine Miller, Julian Adams
Писатель : Julian Adams

Краткое содержание

Amid the bitter divisiveness of the Civil War, Confederate Capt. Robert Adams (Julian Adams) feels the rift within his soul. Steadfastly loyal to the South, Adams also holds an unshakable love for his Northerner wife, Eveline McCord (Gwendolyn Edwards). Based on the true story of Robert Adams and produced by his descendents, this stirring historical drama -- a film festival favorite -- delves into the themes of honor, patriotism and love.


Gwendolyn Edwards
Gwendolyn Edwards
Eveline McCord Adams
Eric Holloway
Eric Holloway
Benjamin Young
Tippi Hedren
Tippi Hedren
Mrs. Adams
Mickey Rooney
Mickey Rooney
David McCord
Amy Redford
Amy Redford
Sylvia McCord
Julian Adams
Julian Adams
Robert Adams


A. Blaine Miller
A. Blaine Miller
Julian Adams
Julian Adams
Julian Adams
Julian Adams
Julian Adams
Julian Adams


Второй путь
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