Короткометражка Билла Плимптона о собаке-параноике. Вместе с дружелюбно настроенным хозяином толстый вредный пес выходит на прогулку. Он ставит перед собой важную цель — защитить своего хозяина от «агрессивно настроенных» окружающих. Собака-охранник остро реагирует на внешние раздражители и чует опасность на каждом углу. Его раздражает все вокруг — от маленькой птички, отдыхающей в гнезде до букашки в траве. И, конечно, пес смело бросается на всякого врага, заставляя несчастного хозяина бежать следом.
The time has come for CREAM - the latest product that will fix your life. This is the story of Dr. Bellifer, a scientific genius, who after years of smashing particles together, reveals his revolutionary new product: a cream with the power to fix all of the world’s problems.
Мрачнейший и масштабнейший кроссовер, самый представительный в истории DC, в котором знаковые герои, включая Бэтмена, Супермена, Чудо-Женщину, Флэша, Киборга, Константина, Болотную Тварь и других, схлестнутся с могущественным Дарксайдом - дадут ему последний и решительный бой.
Produced for Glass Eye Pix as part of their 2018 Creepy Christmas Film Festival, in which each short is inspired by a holiday-themed word. This film, the twenty-third in the series, is inspired by the word “elf.”
Two friends locked in a love-hate relationship bury a dead frog as rain beings to fall. They make a fateful decision to wait out the storm under a tree and wake up in a world quite unlike the one they left behind.
Watch the featured feline knock over a garbage can and eventually create a bigger mess of the virtual kind. It's further proof that a curious cat will find its way into anything.
Meet 5000 space aliens in 5000 seconds in this bonkers animated film.
Альма, маленькая девочка, пробирается сквозь заснеженные улицы маленького города. Ее внимание привлекает странная кукла в антикварном магазине. Альма решает войти…
Runaway is an animated short film about a misunderstanding between a man named Stanley and his treasured 1950s refrigerator, named Chillie.
Jim is afraid of everything. In order to face his fears, Jim will bring everything he is afraid of into his house. It doesn't quite work out as expected..
A video about unsatisfying situations: the frustrating, annoying, disappointing little things of everyday life, that are so painful to live or even to watch.
A particularly malleable young man gets ready for his romantic evening.
Tim, a newly trained Elf, wanders off from his people and is captured by the local circus. Saved by young Teresa, together they form an unbreakable bond. But the only way to truly save Tim, will be finding a way to get him back to the other Elves.
Story of an alien arriving on planet Earth, in search of a human specimen.
For most visual artists, the vertical format required by smartphones is probably the worst. So instead of painfully squeezing stuff to fit into vertical format, we thought of something more convenient: What if everything on Earth suddenly went vertical?
This is an animated documentary about FOOD! I interviewed vegetarian, vegan, pescetarian and meat eater about their opinions about food and life choices. Then I animate real food with stop-motion technique based on the interviews. By putting the conversations in different context, the food speak for themselves.
You are locked in an empty room with a camera. The room is dark. It is raining hard outside. You are a subject of Complex, a scientific experiment, whose purpose is to test the limits of the human mind. The objective is simple: stay alive.
Part I of surreal sci-fi webseries 'Interface' by Justin Tomchuk (a.k.a 'u m a m i'), episodes 01 through 12 collected.