
Рождество на ранчо (2021)

Riding head first into love.

Жанр : мелодрама, комедия

Время выполнения : 1Ч 34М

Директор : Christin Baker

Краткое содержание

Когда Хейли Холлис возвращается на свое семейное ранчо, чтобы попытаться спасти его от закрытия, она не рассчитывала проводить так много времени с Кейт, хозяйкой ранчо, или влюбляться в нее.


Amanda Righetti
Amanda Righetti
Laur Allen
Laur Allen
Lindsay Wagner
Lindsay Wagner
Archie Kao
Archie Kao
Dia Frampton
Dia Frampton
Aaron Branch
Aaron Branch
Patrick O'Sullivan
Patrick O'Sullivan
Brittany Goodwin
Brittany Goodwin
Kelly Bartram
Kelly Bartram
James David West
James David West
Bert Jr.
Marvin E. West
Marvin E. West
Andrew Brennen
Andrew Brennen
Restaurant Host
Dustin Lafleur
Dustin Lafleur


Christin Baker
Christin Baker
Julie Anton
Julie Anton
Christin Baker
Christin Baker


Bella and Bernie
Two 16 year old carefree confidantes, Bella and Bernie, tentatively explore independence and sexuality while trying to dodge the ever watchful eye of Mrs. Judge, Bella's mother. The evangelical Mrs. Judge has concerns over Bella's friendship with the vibrant Bernie, wary of Bernie's secret family history repeating itself in Bella. As Bella learns more about Bernie, and herself, she will realize that choice is fickle, sometimes coming down to those who make the choice and those who must live with the consequences.
Мокрый песок
Деревня на грузинском Черном море полна дружелюбных людей, убежденных, что они знают друг друга. Однажды Элико находят повешенным. Его внучка Мо приезжает организовать его похороны. Она сталкивается с паутиной лжи и трагическими последствиями скрытой личной жизни Элико.
In an anonymous city, a person collapses, appearing to have lost consciousness. Some strangers pass by, others embrace her. In a solitary quest for intimacy, blinded by a world of indifference, her gaze, her body are staggering.
Chronicle of a Dream
October 2004. Uruguay. After three years away Mariana returns to her country to be reunited with her family and also to vote. After the economic crisis that plunged the country into a terrible depression, Uruguay is on the brink of a real change. We are shown day to day life in Melo, a small provincial city, we are given an intimate insight into a family of militant leftists, and we accompany a Latin American people in the month leading up to a historic political event: the first ever election victory in Uruguay of a party from the political left, the Frente Amplio.
Тысяча и один
Инес похищает своего сына из приёмной семьи и пытается обеспечить ему лучшую жизнь.
In Beating Cells
The sun is setting on couples Rico and Eva and Friedrich and Julia's forest road trip. Tight bonds have formed across the group, none more so than between free-spirited Rico and vertical thinker Friedrich, who is coming to terms with a side of his sexuality that had previously remained in the shadows. As the foursome drink, party, swim and while away the hours by a picturesque lake, the food supplies dwindle, and the sheen starts to come off their idyllic escape.
Missing Moments
Michelle’s drive to succeed leads to her fear of commitment but Chris dreams of the ultimate romance. Despite their differences, their friendship blossoms into an almost relationship, until Michelle must decide whether to take a job in another town or take a risk on love.
The Castrator
Two screenwriters, working on a deadline on Halloween night, creatively disagrees with deadly outcome.
Metsolat - Muistojen joulu
Antti and Annikki have secretly decided to spend Christmas in Leppävaara. The family's entrepreneurial son Erkki has gone to Moscow with his yarn Jaakko Järvenheimo to sell tampers and ski packages to the Russians. The Metsola family (except for Erkki, Jaakko and Heikki's family) gather once again in Leppävaara to celebrate the Christmas of memories.
College Witch
A young woman - who just so happens to be a witch - enjoys performing magical favors for fellow students, but despite trying to use her magic to meet people, the other kids at her university just don't quite know how to accept her powers. Everyone except Maria, that is.
Mourning Rites
When the grieving student Patricia finally wanted to contact her deceased grandmother via the Ouija board at the scene of the accident, an uninvited guest asked to enter.
Mae and Gemma spend one last night together knowing that, in the morning, their relationship will be over. Mae struggles to get through to Gemma, who does everything to cling onto what she thinks is the perfect relationship. Through manipulation and seduction, the two women try to understand how what is tearing them apart is also what is keeping them together.
Space Oddity
A space-obsessed man gets the opportunity of a lifetime thanks to a Mars colonization program but finds his plans compromised by his feelings for a woman who brings him down to Earth.
Soliloquy of the Fishes
Meenalap (Soliloquy of the fishes) revolves around a Bengali couple migrated from a remote village of West Bengal to Pune city, working in a garments factory and struggling to meet the ends while expecting a child. The film delves in to the psychological changes of them in the realm of urban alienation in absence of own family and culture while becoming a mother and father from husband and wife for the first time.
Рождественский шанс
Кристине наконец выпадает шанс получить прибыльное спонсорство от бренда своей мечты, если она наберёт два миллиона просмотров на своих видео. Однако внезапно она попадает во временную петлю, и чтобы выбраться из неё, Кристине нужно расставить приоритеты в своей жизни.
Your Inbox Is Full
The 3rd installment in James A. Burkhalter's QUEER ROOTS trilogy: After years of his mother begging him to do it, James decides to finally review and erase 10 years' worth of phone messages. It tells the story of James' "roaring twenties," constructed solely through the voices of friends, family, and lovers.
Рождественское сокровище
Открыв 100-летнюю капсулу времени и найдя старый дневник своего дедушки, Лу задается вопросом, должна ли она переехать в Нью-Йорк после Рождества, чтобы продолжить свою писательскую карьеру, или остаться в Пайн-Гроув, чтобы продолжать местную газету своей семьи. Очаровательный шеф-повар Кайл также находится на распутье, посещая Пайн-Гроув на праздники.
Sister Swap: A Hometown Holiday
Jennifer and Meg Swift are two sisters who are very close despite living far apart. Jennifer is in Salt Lake City, running a successful restaurant she started with her late husband and raising her teenaged son Simon, Meg stayed in their hometown of Hazelwood, helping their parents run the local bakery.
Махнёмся местами. Рождество в Солт-Лейк
Дженнифер живёт в Солт-Лейк-Сити и управляет успешным рестораном, который она открыла вместе со своим покойным мужем, а так же она воспитывает сына, подростка Саймона. Мэг осталась жить в родном городке Хейзелвуд, помогая родителям управлять пекарней. Дженифер и Мэг сёстры, которые на это Рождество встретятся и провернут удивительную авантюру...
Once Upon a Time in Euskadi
Euskadi 1985. It's summer time, the holidays are finally here. Marcos and his three friends, José Antonio, Paquito and Toni, anxiously await a promising summer break from the fresh view of 12-year-olds who have little care for where, how or when. They will while away the hours in the maze life has prepared for them, in an old, turbulent and trembling Euskadi. A maze of painted walls, where rubber balls and dreams bounce together; all covered by a sky tinged with the grey of prefabricated concrete, where life and death no longer keep formal relationships.


Looking for Her
Taylor is headed home for the holidays and her family is finally ready to meet her Girlfriend "Jess". The only problem is, Jess isn't really her girlfriend. Taylor holds open auditions for someone to play the part for the holidays.
Обитель зла: Раккун-Сити
30 сентября 1998 года. Клэр Редфилд возвращается в родной Раккун-Сити, откуда сбежала несколько лет назад ещё ребёнком. Тогда, после потери родителей, она с братом жила в местном приюте, который спонсировала градообразующая корпорация Umbrella, но теперь компания переехала, и городок приходит в упадок. Клэр замечает, что местные как будто чем-то заражены, но её брат-полицейский выглядит здоровым. Внезапно в городе включается сирена, а жителям рекомендуется не выходить из дома. Этой ночью всем придётся нелегко, а особенно — самой Клэр и небольшому полицейскому отряду, в том числе копу-новичку Леону Кеннеди.