It was just fucking Pasta
Жанр :
Время выполнения : 5М
Директор : Forino
Краткое содержание
a group of students made a film in which this line, replace the'was' with is, is said, 200 students found it to be the funniest thing ever, therefore, in 'It was just fucking pasta' I explore a world that this becomes a meme, how it effects David's life.
Лягушонок Пепе — один из самых известных интернет-мемов. Он появился на свет на страницах комик-стрипов, созданный художником Мэттом Фьюри, но со временем вышел из-под контроля и захватил мир. Его изображения можно встретить по всей сети. Его используют для изображения радости и грусти. В 2016-м изображение Пепе было присвоено движением альт-правых.
Документалка «Ништяк, браток» рассказывает о пути Пепе от героя мемов до символа ненависти, а также о том, как всё это сказалось на самом Фьюри.
Born from the internet, the phrase "TFW No GF" was originally used online to describe a lack of romantic companionship. Since then, it has evolved to symbolize a greater state of existence defined by isolation, rejection and alienation. The meme's protagonist, "WOJAK," has become the mascot to a vast online community consisting of self-described "hyper-anonymous twenty somethings" and "guys who slipped between the cracks." TFW No GF asks: How has the zeitgeist come to bear down on a generation alienated by the 'real world'? Meet the lost boys who came of age on the internet- places like 4chan and Twitter, where they find camaraderie in despair.
Every night at 10, Kolkata tunes into radio to listen to 'Kuchh Bheege Alfaaz' - an episodic series of unrequited love stories hosted by RJ Alfaz who, despite his tremendous following, prefers staying detached and anonymous. Among his many fans is the boisterous Archana, a girl working at a creative agency – which designs branded memes. She is leukodermic but lives life to the fullest. They meet; or rather talk, for the first time over a misplaced call, when Archana accidentally dials Alfaaz's number, while trying to connect with her latest blind date. Thus begins an interesting relationship between two unlikely characters, one overly compensating, but in denial of her present, and the other buried under a dark secret of his past.
A hybrid documentary feature film about the genesis of "memetic magick" and its application by the alt-right in the United States
An exploration of the origins of memes, how they spread, and the stories behind some of the most popular “human memes” like Ermahgerd Girl, Overly Attached Girlfriend, and Chocolate Rain Guy.
Это мальчик! - восхищенно воскликнул динозавр-отец. Очень скоро малыш уже играл с другими динозавриками. Он не заметил, как все дальше и дальше уходил от дома... Вдруг земля затряслась, и наружу прорвался вулкан. Малыш-динозавр побежал назад к дому так быстро, как только могли нести его ноги. Но когда динозаврик оказался на месте, то ужаснулся! все было разрушено, от его дома остались только пыль и пепел. А самое страшное, что папа и мама куда-то пропали...
"Я найду их снова!" - поклялся отважный динозаврик и немедленно отправился на поиски своих родителей.
Так начинается длинная и полная приключений история...
Four puppets that can't leave their house because of quarantine, decide to make a short film, but they have no idea what to make it about.
A Dad's excessive use of Facebook/Memes is put into question by his family.
a movie about Donald Trump, Martian technopolitical fictions, Facebook/Youtube algorithmic rabbit holes, white male online radicalization & prank-pretended memetic warfare.
a group of students made a film in which this line, replace the'was' with is, is said, 200 students found it to be the funniest thing ever, therefore, in 'It was just fucking pasta' I explore a world that this becomes a meme, how it effects David's life.
Notes from a London Frog the struggles to be released from the grip of your mouse cursor being just a regular frog.
The discovery of @SantaRamonaMemes, a Tiktok account led by a group of tweens, threatens the adult world of a stagnant town. The Santa Ramona Meme Show is a short film that shows the ridiculous fight between modernity and tradition, entering into a town full of boomers, cringe and cream-filled croissants.