Пришелец из будущего (2022)
«Он задаст жару апокалипсису»
Жанр : фантастика, комедия, приключения
Время выполнения : 1Ч 45М
Директор : François Descraques
Краткое содержание
2555 год. Экологическая катастрофа уничтожила нашу цивилизацию. Остатки землян доживают свои дни среди полчищ зомби и потоков кислотных дождей. Один из последних - «Гость» - решается на отчаянный шаг. С помощью своего непутевого робота он возвращается в 21 век, чтобы предотвратить апокалипсис и спасти мир...
A struggling young musician, along with his two friends, with the help of a quantum physicist goes back in time to prevent the death of his mother. What happens next?
A modest Chinese scientist accidentally invents a machine that disintegrates. This invention will be used to save humanity from a global threat. Unfortunately, the machine won't work as planned.
While attempting a hologram experiment on a multi-national computer, a computer whiz inadvertantly creates Billy, a tough-talking highroller from the future. Billy creates havoc and the only solution is to blast him back to the future...
Chef Huang is on a quest and embarks on a journey to discover the best nasi lemak recipe. He finds himself in the ultimate kitchen battle against his competitors Gong Xining and Lan Ciao but inadvertently goes 600 years back in time to the days of the Melaka Sultanate.
A seemingly mundane evening in suburbia is disrupted by an unforeseen event.
Duncan Webb, a brilliant scientist, sees his life fall apart as he rushes to finish his life's work: a time machine. As the project draws nearer to completion, Duncan experiences consequences from the past, present and future.
Jia Xiaodie is a silly girl at work. One day she is fired and by chance finds a magic camera. When she presses the shutter, she is transported to a different time – her high school days, her new career, her parents in their youth. When she finally comes back to her real life, she understands more about life and decides to create her new future.
A secret experimental lab accident creates a black hole, which actually hides a highly advanced alien intelligence, that wants to take over the universe. Of course this begins by transmitting crazy trippy messages encoded to turn humanity into zombies!! Watch out outer space, this plan 9 goes to 11! Doctor Strain, A Black Hole, Aliens, Brains, Zombies and Unicorns. Everything is here! A quirky mind bending experimental science fiction satire.
Heath and Bianca, finally having solves their marital crisis, leave on a belated honeymoon at a desert oasis in the Northern territory.
A boy travels back in time to bully the bully that bullied him.
James Wynn wants to ask his deceased father questions about the Family Business. He invents a device that gives him the ability to go back in time to 1985. However, when he arrives, there's a problem.
The Igarashi siblings travel to the forbidden Area 666 to rescue airjacking victims (including their parents!) from the dangerous criminal known as Azuma, who wishes to judge the fate of humanity himself.
Roy is a little too quick to accept Pollard's generous offer of a trip to London. It soon becomes clear they both have ulterior motives. Just what shady deal is Pollard cooking up this time, and who is the mystery man Roy is obsessed with finding? Meanwhile Kathy intends to enjoy her prize weekend away but her wild plans are hampered when she finds herself chaperoned by the well-meaning Marlon. Will he let her appreciate the bright city lights to the full or will he stifle the aroma of romance which lingers in the air? A relaxing weekend of fun becomes a matter of life and death as they are drawn into an intriguing web of deceit and extreme danger. Suddenly life in Yorkshire begins to seem little more than a distant and happy memory as ghosts from the past haunt the present and death lurks around every corner.
Some burning questions will be answered when five of our best loved Coronation Street characters embark upon the cruise of a lifetime. Will we see another side to Curly, Raquel, Rita, Mavis, and Alec as they enjoy the sunny Mediterranean cruising? Can the dark, starry nights on board the world's most romantic cruise-liner spark the passion in Curly and Raquel's difficult relationship or will they be sailing into troubled waters?
The cast of Corrie take on Las Vegas!
A group of guys get trapped in a house together due to a winter storm after the fall of civilization.
In his stroll through the streets of Paris, Gaby, a tired homeless man, wonders about the notion of freedom, about social conventions, and finally about his condition through the people who meet him...
Colm Mac Lára accidently stumbles upon a killing in a Parisian hotel and finds himself led into a dark underworld of professional assassins.
A group of guys get trapped in a house together due to a winter storm after the fall of civilization.
A modest Chinese scientist accidentally invents a machine that disintegrates. This invention will be used to save humanity from a global threat. Unfortunately, the machine won't work as planned.
At 40 years old, Leila has spent her whole life taking care of her parents and her four brothers. The family argues constantly and is crushed by debts, in a country caught in the grip of international economic sanctions. As her brothers are trying to make ends meet, Leila formulates a plan: to start a family business that would save them for poverty. While they are in desperate need of financial support, Leila finds out that their father Esmail has secretly been hiding a family heirloom. He had been saving it as an offering to become the new Patriarch of the clan, the highest honor in the Persian tradition. This uncovering will bring chaos to the already fragile family dynamics. As the father's health deteriorates, the actions of each family member will gradually lead the family one step closer to implosion.
Страстный любитель вина Жак переживает кризис как в профессиональном, так и в личном плане. Он одинок, его винный бизнес не приносит дохода, а самое грустное, что из-за проблем с сердцем врачи запрещают ему пить какой-либо алкоголь. Однажды в магазин заходит медсестра Гортензия, которая вообще не имеет представления о вине и с большим трудом может отличить красное от белого. Сварливый винодел и болтливая женщина, похоже, созданы друг для друга, и после первой же дегустации вин их совместное будущее кажется уже не за горами.
Three months after surviving a terrorist attack in a bistro, Mia is still traumatized and unable to recall the events of that night. In an effort to move forward, she investigates her memories and retraces her steps.
Матье, член французского института в Иркутске, ночью арестован российскими властями. Заключённый в тюрьму и обвинённый в сексуальном насилии над собственной дочерью, он понимает, что стал жертвой компромата. С помощью ФСБ кто-то создал дело, чтобы подставить его. Изолирован, ему не к кому обратиться. Доказать его невиновность невозможно: единственный выход - бежать.
In a Japan of the near future, the government program Plan 75 encourages senior citizens to be voluntarily euthanized to remedy a super-aged society. An elderly woman whose means of survival are vanishing, a pragmatic Plan 75 salesman, and a young Filipino laborer face choices of life and death.
Случайное знакомство Камилл и Жоржа быстро перерастает в бурный роман и, вслед за обещаниями быть вместе в горе и в радости, — в нетипично счастливый брак. Эксцентричная пара вызывает восхищение и зависть в высшем свете. Они живут роскошно и не по средствам, они бегут от скуки, примеряя на себя разные образы и включая воображение там, где жизнь выглядит слишком банальной. Их игры эпатируют окружающих и кажутся им безумными, но однажды Камилл перестает различать, где кончается игра и начинается реальное безумие. Жоржу придется пойти с Камилл и в огонь, и в воду, храня верность их клятве.
Two years after surviving alone on the hostile island of Val Verde, Jack Mimoun has become an adventure star. The book recounting his experience is a bestseller and his television show breaks audience records. He is then approached by the mysterious Aurélie Diaz who will bring Jack Mimoun back to Val Verde to train him in search of the legendary sword of the pirate La Buse. Accompanied by Bruno Quézac, the ambitious but reckless manager of Jack, and Jean-Marc Bastos, a mercenary as disturbed as he is unpredictable, our adventurers will embark on an incredible treasure hunt through the jungle of the island of thousand dangers.
1920. Georges Clémenceau just lost the french presidential elections to the unknown Paul Deschanel, an idealistic who wants to change the country. But, one day, Deschanel falls from a train and disappear. At daybreak, France is looking for its president, a great chance for the « Tiger » Georges Clémenceau.
Юный Игорь Гром ищет варианты срочно заработать большую сумму и ввязывается в сомнительную авантюру на пару с другом Игнатом. Тем временем его отец вместе с будущим начальником петербургской полиции Фёдором Прокопенко охотится за боссом криминального мира по прозвищу Анубис.
Тони оставил свою дочь, когда она была совсем маленькой. Теперь, когда ему за пятьдесят, он решает найти ее. Узнав, что она преподаватель танцев, он смело записывается на один из ее уроков. Но на самом деле он ненавидит танцевать.
Kamal resolves to change his life for the better, and so leaves Belgium to help victims of the war in Syria. But when he arrives, he is forced to join a militia and is left stranded in Raqqa. Back home, his younger brother Nassim quickly becomes easy prey for radical recruiters, who promise to reunite him with his brother. Their mother, Leila, fights to protect the only thing she has left: her youngest son.
Eloïse is sitting alone on a bench in Paris. She can't remember who she is, where she comes from or how did she get here. So, she begins a funny investigation on her life. This amnesia might help her finding love and reinventing her life.
В жизни Эвелин царит бардак. Она никак не может составить налоговый отчёт, пожилой отец постоянно требует внимания, муж витает в облаках, а ещё и дочка привела свою девушку знакомиться с семьёй. Во время визита в налоговую всё запутывается ещё сильнее — оказывается, Эвелин может скакать по параллельным вселенным и получать доступ к воспоминаниям и навыкам других версий самой себя. И теперь, в полнейшем хаосе, женщине придётся противостоять загадочной злой сущности, которая решила разрушить не только этот мир, но и всю мультивселенную.
Documentary about Lady Diana.
Все всегда любили Жанну. Но сегодня она сама себя ненавидит. Вся в долгах, она должна поехать в Лиссабон и выставить на продажу квартиру своей матери, пропавшей без вести годом ранее. В аэропорту она натыкается на бывшего одноклассника Жана, странного и немного навязчивого.
When Samson Brion, an undercover cop, arrives in his native village in the depths of Brittany, fifteen years after having abruptly left it, most of the inhabitants see this return in a very bad light. Notably Lila Sept-Vents, an impetuous native entrepreneur, who is trying to save her online dating agency from bankruptcy. When a series of suspicious deaths strikes this quiet village, and Lila discovers that all the victims were clients of her agency, having a cop under her roof could prove invaluable.
Clémence, the fearless mayor of a town near Paris, is completing the final term of her political career. With her faithful right-hand man Yazid, she has long fought for this town plagued by inequality, unemployment and slumlords. However, when Clémence is approached to become Minister, her ambition arises, questioning her devotion and commitment to her citizens. Will her political integrity and election promises survive her newly found ambition?
Земля будущего. Человечество находится на грани вымирания. Хотя технологии вышли на невероятно высокий уровень, люди каждый день сражаются за жизнь с природой, которая эволюционировала и превратилась в безжалостного убийцу. Восстановить баланс и пошатнуть чашу весов, на которые возложена судьба всего человеческого вида, предстоит 13-летней девочке Веспер.
Что делать, если вас настиг приступ паники прямо в собственной машине? «Главное, сохранять спокойствие», - говорит себе Луиза, как тут тачку вместе с ней угоняет молодой преступник. Так начинается безумное приключение этой странной парочки: той, кого всю жизнь преследуют неудачи, и того, кто всегда находит неприятности на свою голову...
Жизнь богатой издательницы и ее мужа-романиста меняется с появлением в их загородном особняке загадочной молодой женщины.