
LOOK & SEE: Wesley W. Bates - Wood Engraver (2017)

Wesley W. Bates - Wood Engraver - Friend of Wendell Berry

Жанр : документальный, история

Время выполнения : 2Ч 8М

Директор : Laura Dunn

Краткое содержание

One of the great pleasures of working on LOOK & SEE was collaborating with artist and wood engraver Wesley W. Bates. Wesley's work has long accompanied Wendell Berry's poetry. When he agreed to provide original images for our film we were truly thrilled. Because each image involves such painstaking effort, we asked Wesley to film a block from start to finish. At two hours long, the video is a distillation of three days of his effort. And Wesley provided over ten such engravings along with the film's signature block of Wendell Berry.


Wesley W. Bates
Wesley W. Bates


Laura Dunn
Laura Dunn


Поцелуй Землю
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Охотники за фруктами
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