
Pig's Inferno (2000)

A story of a man who had escaped to the past, and meets future's cruel revenge. This is a musical poetry of darkness.

Жанр : драма, музыка

Время выполнения : 1Ч 30М

Директор : Nobutaka Yamaoka
Писатель : Akihide Shiroyama, Nobutaka Yamaoka

Краткое содержание

Kaito lost his sister who was his lover in his childhood. He severed all contact with the outer world for twenty years and devoted his time to writing down memories of his sister. One day, a week before the manuscript is to be completed, a woman visits his room. She burns all his papers and takes him to the city to cut him off from his memories. Nevertheless, Kaito cannot stop writing about his sister. The woman decides to lead him on a journey to ultimate hell.


Juken Kawashima
Juken Kawashima
Nao Tanabe
Nao Tanabe
Tetsuyuki Oda
Tetsuyuki Oda


Nobutaka Yamaoka
Nobutaka Yamaoka
Akihide Shiroyama
Akihide Shiroyama
Nobutaka Yamaoka
Nobutaka Yamaoka
Pudding explosion pudding
Pudding explosion pudding
Nobutaka Yamaoka
Nobutaka Yamaoka


Memento Mori
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They Can Be Seen From A Distance
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Lola's dream of escaping her father's Sunnyside motel seems closer to reality when a young stranger checks in.
Till Death Do Us Part
Aaron Corbin, a successful businessman, finds himself enjoying life and his new bride Kelly. Married life suits Aaron and his company has hit it big, but with new found success comes bigger problems. His life begins to fall apart and to save it means regrettable deadly consequences of betrayal and murder.
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Set in the years before and during World War I, this epic tale tells the story of a rich Argentine family, one of its two descending branches being half of French heritage, the other being half German. Following the death of the family patriarch, the man's two daughters and their families resettle to France and Germany, respectively. In time the Great War breaks out, putting members of the family on opposing sides.
Nine Dirts And Snow White Flickers
Polish avant-garde animation in which a periodic series of aggressive starbursts interrupt the melodic dancing of fluid shapes, one raid even freezing the image for a moment.
Dum spiro spero
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Сестра и брат, брошенные в безлюдном месте их отцом, который неожиданно сходит с ума и убивает себя. Имея при себе только транзистор, дети бродяжничают по пустыне с небольшой надеждой на спасение. В один прекрасный день молодой абориген, Галпилил, находит их и помогает выжить в пустыне.
The Lights & Perfections
Super 8mm by Paul Clipson. Sound by Jefre Cantu Ledesma.
Film by Paul Clipson. Music by Jefre Cantu Ledesma.
Two Suns
Super 8 films by Paul Clipson. Sound by Jefre-Cantu Ledesma.
The Phantom Harp
Super 8mm, 21 min., b&w, music by Jefre Cantu-Ledesma.
Moth & Moon
Film by Paul Clipson. Music by Jefre-Cantu Ledesma.
The Royal Secret
Ten includes all other numbers. It is called the number of perfection, or the sacred number.
The Scare Witch Project
This film is EXTREMELY SHOCKING and may subject you to GRAPHIC VIOLENCE & HORROR that may make you a MENTAL CASE!
The Dream of the Little Dancing Men
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Light from the Mesa
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