Rewind (2003)

Жанр : драма

Время выполнения : 1Ч 40М

Директор : Kim Hak-soon

Краткое содержание

Han is a videostore owner who has been receiving anonymous lover letters. After finding a videotape that belongs to one of his customers, he uses it to start a relationship with the tape's owner Jan, without telling her that he has found the tape. As their affair deepens, Han begins to suspect Jan to be the letters' writer. He must decide Whether to reveal his curiosity or risk ruining a blossoming relationship.


Jang Hyun-sung
Jang Hyun-sung
Oh Youn-hong
Oh Youn-hong
Pang Eun-jin
Pang Eun-jin
Sa Hyeon-jin
Sa Hyeon-jin


Kim Hak-soon
Kim Hak-soon


A story of 6 days with 5 people gathered around a small sparkling pool at Chiang Mai in Thailand. 4 years ago, Kyoko started to live in Thailand and has been working in a Guest house outside in Chiang Mai, leaving her mother and her daughter Sayo, in Japan. Just before the graduation of University, Sayo sets foot on Thailand to visit her mother with mixed feelings. However, emotional experiences with the people living there changes such feelings toward her mother.
Один: Космический корабль «Звёздный свет»
2099 год. Новейшие технологии позволили преобразование солнечной энергии в энергию лазера, чьи мощные лучи послужили движущим средством тысячам космическим парусникам, перевозящим пассажиров и грузы между различыми уголками нашей системы. Вершиной развития научно-технического прогресса стал парусник «Звёздный Свет», способный управлять силой гравитации. С группой отборных молодых космонавтов и опытным капитаном судно отправилось в космос для проверки летательных качеств, но все планы нарушает сигнал бедстия с гибнущего в магнитной буре транспорта. Отклонение от заданного маршрута приводит к обнаружению древней инопланетной цивилизации, возможно, праматери всего живого, к чьей родной планете и направляется «Звёздный Свет»
A young man named Teru, mentally altered by a childhood injury, runs a laundry and falls for Mizue, a lonely young woman who suffers from kleptomania. One day Mizue left one of her dresses behind in the machine that was stained with blood from her failed suicide attempt. Teru decides to find Mizue in order to return the dress, after having tried to desperately to wash off the blood stain. Soon thereafter Teru's grandmother dies, and her creditors repossess the home in which Teru was living in. The young couple turn to Sally for help. Sally is a caring man who trains pigeons for a living. Then one day, Sally leaves everything he owns to Teru and Mizue. They start a new life. Teru proposes to Mizue, but she refuses him. The more she is assured of Teru's pure heart, the more she feels she doesn't deserve it. Full of inner turmoil, Mizue begins shoplifting again.
To Walk Beside You
A 17-year-old country boy named Norio decides his only option is to follow his late parents’ example and commit suicide. After failing even at that, his 34-year-old English teacher Akemi convinces him that he should instead move to Tokyo with her and become a lawyer on her dime. Unfortunately, Akemi doesn’t have quite as much money as she leads Norio to believe, and has to secretly get a job at a karaoke bar under the guise of “going to the salon”. Meanwhile, she continuously prods her somewhat dimwitted student to work harder toward her manufactured goal of him becoming a lawyer. Although Norio is falling in love with Akemi, he’s not all that interested in studying, and matters only get worse when he discovers his benefactor’s secret source of income.
The Yellow Handkerchief
Set in Hokkaido, revolving around an ex-convict named Shima Yusaku (Abe) who has just been released from prison. Along with two young strangers that he meets, he sets out on a journey back to where his wife is, uncertain of what awaits him. Horikita Maki (22) and Hamada Gaku (23) will play the two strangers (originally played by Momoi Kaori and Takeda Tetsuya), while Natsukawa Yui will play the wife (originally Baisho Chieko).
The Star
Byeol, is a movie that talks about an orphan living with his dog. He loves studying the stars and also has a crush on a pet doctor. In order to get close to her, he always buy dog snacks as a smoke screen. After countless visits, he decided to ask her out on a date. However she failed to turn up that night, he lost hope on his first love attempt and volunteered to work at a distance post.
В середине семидесятых годов в Японии очень заметен отток молодёжи из деревень в большие города. Ребята, оставшиеся в деревне, находятся в унынии, они вымотаны жизнью и не видят перспективы. Однажды к ним приезжает симпатичная девушка и предлагает устроить в деревне настоящее театральное шоу. Никто не верит, что такое возможно.
The Gentle Sex
During the War seven women from very different backgrounds find themselves together in the Auxiliary Territorial Services. They are soon drilling, driving lorries, and manning ack-ack batteries.
Hole in the Sky
The film tells the story of a Drive-In worker and a young tramp who has been left alone by her boyfriend somewhere in Hokkaido. Things seem to work out at the beginning but as time goes by the newly formed relationship between the tramp and the Drive-In worker starts to show the workers harmful will of possession, which finally leads to the somehow sad but also optimistically interpretable ending.
Желтый платочек счастья
История разворачивается вокруг бывшего убийцы, освобожденного под честное слово, пытающемуся вернуться домой в Хоккайдо, чтобы встретиться со своей женой.
The Garden of Heaven
Oh-sung, a doctor at a hospice facility, is emotionally scarred by the experience of losing his parents as a child. One night he meets Young-ju, a make-up artist who has been diagnosed with terminal stomach cancer. Despite having very little time together, the two start to develop feelings for each other.
Баллада о маленькой Джо
В основу фильма легли несколько реальных историй. Действие происходит в США в 1866 году. Жозефина Монаган в своём родном городе родила внебрачного ребёнка. И чтобы избежать позора, она бежит на Дикий Запад и останавливается в Рубиновом Городе. Там переодевшись в мужчину, она выдаёт себя за «Маленького Джо». В его образе она живёт на протяжении 30 лет. Поддерживает Маленького Джо его друг Фрэнк Бэджер...
Dooman River
Chang-ho, 12, becomes friend with a North-Korean immigrant about the same age who just crossed the Dooman river, border between North-Korea and China. His mute sister and his wise grand-father will get along with him in a series of misfortunes.
Bus Stop
A thirty-two year old man falls in love with a seventeen year-old highschool student whom he sees at the bus stop everyday.
Billionaire Boys Club
The Billionaire Boys Club is based on the true story of Joe Hunt (Nelson), a shady investor who built an empire on B.S. back in the early '80s. Known as the BBC, the story involves a couple of guys recruited into Hunt's company on the promise of making millions. However, every time Hunt's lapdogs think his boss has used his cleverness to make them filthy rich, they instead find themselves with financial losses. Trying to recoup a mounting pile of debt made from giant b.s. deals, the ruthless Hunt involves select members of the BBC to aid in the worst of crimes to get what they want. But a few, scared of how far Hunt will go, try to stop Hunt's brutal reign of terror possibly before real damage begins.
Mother Is a Whore
An impoverished HIV-positive man is forced to pimp out his 60-year-old mother to make ends meet.
Поворот реки
Обычный школьник из Нью-Йорка, Галлс, живет вместе с отцом и мачехой, однако в тайне ото всех общается с родной мамой, Келли, зарабатывающей на жизнь игрой в бильярд. Келли мечтает сорвать большой куш и увести сына, с которым ее разлучили, в Канаду.
Зов далеких гор
Казами, вдова, живущая с молодым сыном, управляет маленькой молочной фермой. Жизнь жестока, но все же иногда радостна и она находит подходящего спутника, Таджиму Косаку. Когда таинственное прошлое Косаку наконец открывается, Казами решается на радикальные изменения…
Rei is a freelance writer embattled by personal demons. She hears voices in her head, and has sleeping problems, eating disorders and drinks excessively. On Valentine's Day, she meets truck driver Takatoshi. She joins him on a journey in his bumpy and shaky truck - which vibrates in tune with her uneasy soul.
Lost in Time
Sui Wai lost her fiance Ah Man in a car accident. With the obligations of life sitting heavy on her shoulders, she lives on only to find herself confiding in her beloved through a phone call. Dai Fai. a mini-bus driver who witnessed Ah Man's death, is always there offering her attentive encouragement and support, yet he himself also lives in the shadow of his last relationship. When Siu Wai strives to face the future without the man she loves, Dai Fai finds himself steadily falling in love with her.