Města, byty, lidé, bydlení (1960)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 0М

Краткое содержание




Side Street
A struggling young father-to-be gives in to temptation and impulsively steals an envelope of money from the office of a corrupt attorney. Instead of a few hundred dollars, it contains $30,000, and when he decides to return the money things go wrong and that is only the beginning of his troubles.
A Kitty Bobo Show
Kitty Bobo tries to prove his coolness to his friends Paul Dog, Monkey Carl and Maggie by showing off his new cell phone. He fails to do this.
At The Same Moment
Based on memories of Wube's daily commute.
On a cold winter night, a taxi driver helps a young couple look for a love motel around Santiago Centro. As the search is prolonged into the early morning, the tedium of the situation pushes them to reconsider what they are searching, and what they ultimately want.
We are a constantly evolving culture. A culture eternally cycling, dying, and being reborn. The cities we live in, the jobs we have shape our direction, but are we heading in the right direction?
Václavské náměstí
Банда заброшенных детей обеспечивают себя, пока за ними днем и ночью следит полиция. Несмотря на то, что дети брошены своими родителями и отвергнуты миром, они образуют между собой мощный пример солидарности, так как они предприимчивы, энергичны и полны каждой новой силой. Но один из них, Аблакон, в какой-то степени другой. Он взрослый преступник, и, представляясь бизнесменом, обманывал бесчисленное количество людей. Когда он и его сообщник возвращаются в деревню, его экстравагантное поведение становится по ошибке залогом успеха. Большинство молодых людей уезжают в город, последовав его примеру, но вскоре они поймут свою ошибку...
This documentary takes us on a ride through Marginal Tietê, an important avenue in São Paulo, Brazil, then recently opened to the public. The places it crosses and the people living nearby force the viewer to think about the core of this big city.
O Tigre e a Gazela
The faces, the gestures and speech of beggars, madmen and revelers passing through the streets of São Paulo. The sounds and images are illustrated with Frantz Fanon extracts.
Rue de Blamage
The Baselstrasse is a street in Lucerne. People call it "Rue de Blamage" – it's a noisy street tucked into a narrow space between a hill and a train track. The people who live here don't usually mingle with the rich and famous, but even the roughest haunt can be a home to those who live and work there – and Baselstrasse's two kilometers of asphalt are no different.
Memory of the Wind
Naomi Kawase observes people in the city of Shibuya with curiosity and openness, drawing parallels between life and filmmaking and discovering her abilities as a filmmaker.
An der Unstrut
A documentary portrait of the city of Memleben in Saxony-Anhalt, counterpointing ancient medieval history and contemporary industrial reality.
I Believed in You
an aspiring writer and her boyfriend, a professional agitator head off to the Big Apple in search of good fortune. Unfortunately, the agitator soon finds himself in trouble with the cops. Meanwhile the writer attempts to become a Greenwich Village Bohemian type. She and her new friends are all starving for their art until a kindly gent offers them financial assistant. They refuse on principle. Tragedy pays a call when the writer learns that her boyfriend has been untrue.
Bridge St
In this short animation, each constructed scene is based on suggestions from passersby. Wube would approach individuals that he had never met before and ask them to direct him towards their favorite place in the neighborhood. After going there and sketching the environment he then asked another passerby to lead me to their favorite place and so on.
Words of Wisdom / On Going
Prior to making this animation Wube walked around the block of 165 street, visiting the surrounding stores and meeting passersby. He asked the people he met to offer him their Words of Wisdom or a small material object. Based on their words of wisdom and imagery from their business cards, he began working on a painting, photographing it's progression, which resulted in time-based painting or animation. The animation continued to develop communally throughout the exhibition period, engaging visitors who contributed to the piece by drawing, painting, collaging, and deciding on compositions or colors.
Praha vznešená a všední
Města, byty, lidé, bydlení
Чудаки 2
Компания отморозков возвращается на большой экран, чтобы поднять ставки выше, чем когда-либо. Они совершают перед камерой настолько изощренное членовредительство, такие сумасшедшие трюки, которые точно не стоит никому повторять…
Inside Deep Throat
In 1972, a seemingly typical shoestring budget pornographic film was made in a Florida hotel, "Deep Throat," starring Linda Lovelace. This film would surpass the wildest expectation of everyone involved to become one of the most successful independent films of all time. It caught the public imagination which met the spirit of the times, even as the self appointed guardians of public morality struggled to suppress it, and created, for a brief moment, a possible future where sexuality in film had a bold artistic potential. This film covers the story of the making of this controversial film, its stunning success, its hysterical opposition along with its dark side of mob influence and allegations of the on set mistreatment of the film's star.
Придурки 2.5
Компания великовозрастных отморозков возвращается, чтобы поднять ставки выше, чем когда-либо. Они совершают перед камерой настолько изощренное членовредительство, такие сумасшедшие трюки, которые точно никому не стоит пытаться повторять. Вы готовы спрыгнуть с моста, будучи привязанным за причинное место к другому человеку?