
To Whoever Wants to Listen (2021)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 1Ч 30М

Директор : Jérôme Florenville

Краткое содержание

This film features the actors of the improbable milieu of Noise and noisy or extreme music. These artists have made the choice of transgression in a die-hard approach in forms for the least diverse. From the voice, from usual diverted objects or from instruments of their manufacture, they develop their own language and jostle the listener unceremoniously, plunging him into sound universes with unknown topographies. Gathered behind closed doors for the purposes of the film, these nine turbulent French, European and South American artists confront and question their practices. The opportunity for each of us to share an unprecedented performance.



Jérôme Florenville
Jérôme Florenville


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Зомби: Живая история
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Дюна Ходоровского
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