
Transparent, I am. (2021)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 12М

Директор : Yuri Muraoka

Краткое содержание

In the year 2020, when the world was forced to ‘change’, I wanted to confirm what changed and what did not change in me. The white mask I wore became the screen projecting my past. My family is sometimes hurt, but support me as I suffer from schizophrenia. We live today while looking for the answer to ‘Who are we?’


Yuri Muraoka
Yuri Muraoka
Nonoho Suzuki
Nonoho Suzuki
Hana Suzuki
Hana Suzuki


Yuri Muraoka
Yuri Muraoka


И твою маму тоже
Двое друзей, не обремененных моральными принципами и мучимые подростковыми гормонами, ищут под жарким солнцем Мексики приключений. Ищут - и находят. Познакомившись на празднике с испанской красоткой Луизой, чье сердце безнадежно разбито, они приглашают ее отправиться в поездку на мифический пляж с романтическим названием «Небесные уста» - в мир фантазий и грез, где исполняются мечты. Луиза, решив развеяться и заодно излечить свое разбитое сердце, принимает приглашение мальчиков. Они еще не знают самого главного…
Статус Брэда
У Брэда есть достойная работа и любящая семья, однако мужчине не дают покоя достижения его бывших одноклассников. Во время поездки с сыном по различным колледжам он встречает своих школьных знакомых и мучается чувством, будто он — неудачник, наделавший в жизни массу ошибок.
La salamandra
In a violent city where a man succumbs to the loneliness and delirium of his unfulfilled desires. He wishes to belong somewhere. And the only way to achieve this goal is projecting in his own mind another version of himself, a "second man", someone -who will be accepted.
On the Beach at Night Alone
Younghee, an actress reeling in the aftermath of an affair with a married film director, escapes to Hamburg. But when she returns to Korea and meets with friends for drinks, startling confessions emerge.
The Aristo-Cat
Meadows the butler quits after being tormented by the spoiled family cat, who finds he is unable to survive on his own, especially after meeting the mice Hubie and Bertie.
Train of the Dead
A thief gang flees from the police and catches a night train with To, an unlucky guy who is now their hostage. There are many wealthy passengers in the train, so the thieves take advantage to rob the passengers. Oddly, when the thieves rush into the bogie, all they could see is just empty seats. Then, To is accused to be the one who told the passengers to escape from the train before they could begin to rob. Now, To has to run away before the thieves kill him. Luckily, there's a pretty girl named Rahtree comes to save him in time, and tells him the horrible story of the train. There's something mysterious about the train and the passengers that To has to confront.
Hard Water
Чуйка на еду
Отец Ёсито умер, и его растила лишь мать Ясуэ. Она стала руководить рестораном якинику (мясо на гриле) что принадлежал отцу. Ресторан пользовался спросом, в нём всегда были посетители. Но потом известный кулинарный критик Фуруяма Тацуя опубликовал негативную рецензию на ресторан, что была пропитана ложью. Это радикально уменьшило поток посетителей. Ясуэ пыталась восстановить популярность ресторана, но это у неё начало отнимать слишком много времени, из-за чего от недостатка внимания начал страдать Ёсито, поэтому ресторан пришлось закрыть.Сейчас Ёсито уже вырос, он живёт один и работает копирайтером. Недавно его наняли работать на кулинарный сайт, где он будет подчиняться главному редактору Такенаке Шизуке. Его первое задание связано с якинику. Параллельно с этим у Ясуэ ухудшилось состояние здоровья.
Being Within
Indulging in frivolous passions and contemplating the essence of being, a young woman reflects her feelings that seem to be doomed and rejuvenating at the same time.
With Sea Views
After consolidating itself as a tourist destination in the mid-1960s, this small coastal village has become the dormitory town for the workers of a Nuclear Power Plant. With the liberal promise of prosperity and socioeconomic wellfare, many workers left their homes to move to the small city and started working at the new Nuclear Power Plant. The collective unrest and the silence, cut off by the great gusts of wind, articulate the landscape of the village that is now under the aid of the Nuclear Power Plant.
Молъни — к океану, к берегу
Снятый представителем коренного народа США хо-чанк поэтический экспериментальный документальный фильм, в центре которого — миф о происхождении смерти у индейцев чинук. Джордан и Свитвотер скоро станут родителями. Беседуя с ними (преимущественно на языке чинук-вава) и путешествуя по лесам Тихоокеанского Северо-Запада, Скай Хопинка погружается не только в их повседневную жизнь в американском обществе, но и в мир духов — зачарованный загадкой смерти и перерождения.
An experimental documentary/poetry hybrid where the subject (Michael Ehms) reflects on his current life, his insecurities, and himself.
An Indonesian student in London attempts to deal with the absurdity of confinement and immobility due to then-ongoing coronavirus lockdown by talking to his parents – who also face similar movement restrictions in Jakarta – over the phone.
An experimental attempt that examines the four corners of the inner zoned quarantine world to question a person.
The Saskatchewan Trilogy Part I
Using home movies, vintage memorabilia, and the straight facts about Saskatchewan, the filmmaker creates an eccentric portrait of the first year of his life, and the province that shaped his identity.
Left for dead on an abandoned earth, a struggling man must accept his situation and reconcile with his unsettling past.
Those Who Wander
What are they? What do they seek? When all the lights go out, they will wander. And you will never see them.
The Enigma of HeDonism
The Enigma of Hedonism are profile documentaries that tell the life of Heri Dono. His attitude and view as an artist that transcends canvas and time has had an important impact on artists and artists in other fields in their work. Not only that, his exploration of the various and types of working mediums and the experience of participating in various prestigious exhibitions in the world has made him dubbed as the greatest artist of Indonesia today.
Nos utopies communautaires
After May 1968, they experimented with communities, squats or free love, with the hope of real change. Today, at retirement age, they live in new places and promote ways of living better and growing old together. What if they were right, these former protesters whose utopias have been muted by triumphant individualism?
Bizarría, a short film about the reality in which we live in a utopian way, as a feeling and desire for the improvement and perfection of life, knowing that even with the ups and downs it has, it is wonderful and pleasant, and that if it were not for these moments we would never realize how good it feels to be alive and all that experiences leave us.