
Auton (1997)

In deep space, death is waiting to return...

Жанр : боевик, фантастика, ужасы

Время выполнения : 57М

Директор : Nicholas Briggs

Краткое содержание

In a top-secret UNIT warehouse Dr Sally Arnold is studying a Nestene energy unit with little success. Until she subjects it to cosmic signals that activate it and it awakens several dormant Autons stored in the facility.


Michael Wade
Michael Wade
Bryonie Pritchard
Bryonie Pritchard
Dr. Sally Arnold
George Telfer
George Telfer
Reece Shearsmith
Reece Shearsmith
Dr. Daniel Matthews


Nicholas Briggs
Nicholas Briggs
Nicholas Briggs
Nicholas Briggs
Bill Baggs
Bill Baggs
Alistair Lock
Alistair Lock


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Природа зверя
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