
ODA (2020)

Жанр : документальный, драма

Время выполнения : 58М

Директор : Ernests Cerbulis, Edvards Lansmanis

Краткое содержание

Ever since the ice age, skis have been an irreplaceable tool for humans, but due to global tendencies skiing has changed a lot taking us to – urban skiing. The main character reflects the events that skiers have to face in their quest for adventure, overcoming the boundaries and stereotypes set in society. The film is a peculiar mixture of genres, which allows the boundaries of reality and fiction to merge. Storyline is dominated in two sides – a space where the main character lives and the other 50 locations over Latvia and Estonia. Movie surprises the viewer with breath-taking urban skiing action. The filming is done under challenging circumstances - pedestrians, police...., and the operators mostly have only one chance to capture the frame.


Pauls Iklāvs
Pauls Iklāvs


Ernests Cerbulis
Ernests Cerbulis
Edvards Lansmanis
Edvards Lansmanis


Lindsey Vonn: The Final Season
Universally recognized as the greatest female skier ever, Lindsey Vonn went on a remarkable journey that was defined by unexpected twists and turns and dramatic peaks and valleys in its final chapter. LINDSEY VONN: THE FINAL SEASON intimately recounts the iconic skier’s last competitive campaign while looking back on her transcendent career, from child prodigy to decorated Olympian to global superstar.
Purple Mountains
Professional snowboarder and mountaineer Jeremy Jones has an intimate relationship with the outdoors. It’s his escape, his identity, and his legacy. But over the course of his 45 years in the mountains, he’s seen many things change: more extreme weather, fewer snow days, and economic strain on mountain towns. Motivated by an urge to protect the places he loves, Jeremy sets out on a physical and philosophical journey to find common ground with fellow outdoor people across diverse political backgrounds. He learns their hopes and fears while walking a mile in their shoes on the mountain and in the snow. With intimacy and emotion set against breathtaking backdrops, Purple Mountains navigates America’s divide with a refreshing perspective: even though we may disagree about climate policy, our shared values can unite us
Группа экстремалов снимает рекламу у подножья Альп, близ югославской границы. Случайно в поле зрения героев попадает секретный лагерь военного преступника Слободана Павла, и теперь им придется мобилизовать все свои навыки, чтобы выжить…
Загорелые на лыжах
Старые приятели, большие любители шикарно отдохнуть, встречаются на горнолыжном курорте. Казалось бы — сбылась мечта! Так нет: у одного личная жизнь не складывается, другого все вокруг раздражает, третий с женой поругался. Ну какой тут может быть отдых?
The Collective
Adventuring to undiscovered peaks together, plotting midnight-raids on inner-city handrails, lapping your home run until that last ray of sunshine disappears behind a distant ridge - Skiing is Collective. Some call it a tribe mentality, others call it a shared sense of purpose. This film is our definition, written by a diverse team, each with their own ideas, their own forms of expression. "The Collective" is more than a sum of its parts. No matter who you are or where you come from - it feels good to be part of something special.
Warren Miller's Timeless
Kick off the season with Warren Miller’s Timeless, presented by Volkswagen, as we celebrate 70 years of ski cinematography and travel with top athletes across the globe to renowned mountain locations. Featuring ski legends like Glen Plake, alongside newcomers Caite Zeliff, Jaelin Kauf, and Baker Boyd. Road-trip with rippers from Arlberg to the Matterhorn, be immersed in the hometown hill of Eldora and discover a different side of Jackson Hole, plus much more.
Уж лучше умереть
От героя картины по имени Лэйн — ушла девушка. Ушла хладнокровно, без сантиментов, заявив на прощание, что ей по вкусу кто-нибудь посимпатичней, побогаче и попопулярней. Сказала…и ушла с капитаном школьной команды лыжников, разбив сердце бедолаге Лэйну, существование которого сразу перестало иметь всякий смысл!
Getting There
Taylor and Kylie Hunter are sweet sixteen and licensed to drive. Grab a seat in their classic Mustang convertible as they set out on their very first road trip, to the Winter Games in Utah. Cute outfits, even cuter guys. And all kinds of friends along the way. But watch for Olympic-size detours. Will they ever make it to the velvet-smooth ski slopes and posh Stein Ericksen Lodge at Deer Valley and the big-air snowboarding at Park City? Will they be on time for the Winter Games? See for yourself why half the fun is getting there.
Snowball Express
When John Baxter inherits a ski resort in the Rocky Mountains, he quits his job in New York and moves the family west to run it. Only to find that the place is a wreck. But together they decide to try to fix it up and run it. But Martin Ridgeway, who wants the property, does everything he can to ensure it will fail.
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Другая сторона горы
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Invasion of the Animal People
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Same Difference
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They say the lack of sunlight affects our mood - that the natural balance of the human mind state quickly shifts with the presence of the giant solar fireball in the sky. But this isn’t about winter blues or summer depression. Sunny is a mental disposition, and not just one reserved for beaches and fun parks. Level 1 injected a positive mood into the ski season - giving a dose of light therapy to dark northern landscapes of Scandinavia, Alaska, Japan, and British Columbia. So sit back and relax, put your shades on, and soak up the rays - the future looks bright.
Wandering in the White
When two former top orienteers end up in a snowstorm in Lapland wilderness, they face an impossible orienteering task: how to reach your destination when you can't tell earth from sky?
The Great Leap
A young Italian girl living in the Dolomites falls in love with a member of a tourist party skiing on the nearby mountains.
Manaslu - Berg der Seelen
The great successes and tragedies in the life and work of Hans Kammerlander, the renowned mountaineer.
Снежное сокровище
Нейтральная и миролюбивая Норвегия была оккупирована нацистской Германией в 1940 году. Группа норвежских детей занимается тем, что любит больше всего — катается на лыжах. Но на самом деле они не просто катаются, а спасают норвежское золото от нацистских захватчиков. Нацисты обыскивают всех взрослых и не подозревают играющих детей. Ребята перевозят золото через горы на рыбацкую лодку по одному слитку за раз и вскоре начинают состязаться со временем: наступает весна и снег быстро тает. Теперь они вынуждены кататься каждый день от рассвета до заката…
Skimeister von Morgen
Looking For Sunshine
A year in Lara Gut’s universe, from the victory of the Alpine Ski World Cup Overall title in 2016 to the comeback after an injury at the peak of her career. A documentary about a young woman and a champion trying to find her way amidst self-fulfillment and public expectations.