
Battleground (2021)

"To love someone is to know what hurts them." -Kwesi Thomas

Жанр :

Время выполнения : 18М

Директор : Mark Bone, Kwesi Thomas

Краткое содержание

"BATTLEGROUND" is a short documentary film conceived by Kwesi Thomas and Mark Bone which came to life through conversations immediately following the death of George Floyd. It addresses the life long struggle and confusion that many black people face in silence when growing up. It is an intimate look into the subtle, often overlooked moments of racism and the ensuing vulnerabilities that linger for life and which can shape identity. This film will be Kwesi Thomas' directorial debut.


Kwesi Thomas
Kwesi Thomas
Julien Hyacinthe
Julien Hyacinthe
Natasha Coupland
Natasha Coupland
Kevin Coupland
Kevin Coupland
Julia Coupland
Julia Coupland
Olivia Coupland
Olivia Coupland
Bree Algra
Bree Algra
George Elliott Clarke
George Elliott Clarke


Kimberly Dabrowski
Kimberly Dabrowski
Producer's Assistant
Mark Bone
Mark Bone
Tim Mann
Tim Mann
Original Music Composer
Eric Taylor
Eric Taylor
Location Sound Recordist
Dane Kelly
Dane Kelly
Location Sound Recordist
Sam Gilling
Sam Gilling
Dane Kelly
Dane Kelly
Sound Mixer
Kimberly Dabrowski
Kimberly Dabrowski
Production Coordinator
Galen Ward
Galen Ward
Title Designer
Greg Rosati
Greg Rosati
Story Consultant
Adam Madrzyk
Adam Madrzyk
Director of Photography
Mark Bone
Mark Bone
Kwesi Thomas
Kwesi Thomas


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